Obama administration

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Robert Gibbs Should Consider Resigning
 Robert Gibbs Should 
 Consider Resigning 

Robert Gibbs Should Consider Resigning

Press chief's 'increasing candor' getting him in hot water

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs keeps getting himself into pickles because of his "increasing candor" (see here and here ) and Scott Wilson thinks it's time for the press secretary to fade into a less public role. Both of his recent comments that drew fire—conceding Democrats may lose the House and...

Gibbs: 'Professional Left' Should Be Drug-Tested

He bristles at criticism from progressives

(Newser) - After catching flak for suggesting that Democrats might lose the House , Robert Gibbs isn't exactly shying away from controversial statements. In an interview with the Hill , the White House press chief called out the "professional left" for its withering criticism of President Obama. “I hear these people saying...

US Asks Allies to Hunt Assange

Wikileaks founder may have worn out his welcome

(Newser) - The US has asked Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allies to consider arresting Julian Assange for leaking Afghan war documents. Washington believes Assange’s WikiLeaks, and organizations like it, pose a national security risk, and suspects Assange has worn out his welcome in many countries, officials tell the Daily Beast...

Future Gulf Profits to Back Cleanup Fund
 Future Gulf Drilling to Fund 
 Gulf Cleanup 
US, BP Deal

Future Gulf Drilling to Fund Gulf Cleanup

So much for lawmakers who want the company out of the Gulf for good

(Newser) - BP has almost reached a deal with the Obama administration to use its Gulf of Mexico profits to guarantee its $20 billion cleanup fund, the Wall Street Journal reports. BP has already paid $3 billion into the fund, which is designed to compensate coastal residents and businesses hurt by the...

Obama Adviser Romer Quits Amid Feud With Summers

She's frustrated over lack of access to Obama, says report

(Newser) - The National Journal sniffs out some infighting among the Obama economic team and reports that adviser Christina Romer will resign. Her official title is chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, and she's supposedly miffed that she doesn't have as much access to the president as main financial adviser Larry...

Feds: Oil Spill Not Such a Disaster After All!

Only 26% of BP leak is still lurking in the Gulf

(Newser) - The government has decided that the Deepwater Horizon spill wasn’t such a big deal after all. According to a new report coming out today, three-quarters of the oil has already evaporated, dispersed, been captured or otherwise disappeared, according to the New York Times , and most of the remaining 26%...

Health Reform Saves Medicare $8B by 2011: White House

Overhaul could save $575B over the next decade

(Newser) - The new health overhaul law is starting to produce savings for Medicare and will eventually add more than a decade of solvency to the program's trust fund, the Obama administration said in an upbeat report released today. Medicare will save about $8 billion by the end of next year, and...

Judge's Ruling Killed State Immigration Reform
Judge's Ruling Killed State Immigration Reform

Judge's Ruling Killed State Immigration Reform

Signals efforts will have to come at federal level

(Newser) - Judge Susan Bolton’s decision to fence off much of Arizona’s immigration law could also put a stop to hundreds of similar attempts to combat illegal immigration in other states. Though Bolton hasn’t finished hearing the case yet, stopping the law sent a pretty clear message that she...

Obama Moves to Boost FBI Access to Internet Records

Critics say move is fed power grab

(Newser) - The Obama administration is trying to make it easier for the FBI to obtain records of people's Internet usage without a court order. Adding "electronic communication transactional records" to the list of items the FBI can demand without court approval would allow the bureau to access the email addresses...

Feds Push Fingerprint 'Dragnet' for Illegal Immigrants

Obama administration moves to expand program

(Newser) - The federal government is quietly expanding a program that could have a bigger impact on immigrants' rights than the controversial Arizona law that goes into effect this week. Under the program, the fingerprints of everyone who is booked into jail for any crime—whether or not they are convicted—are...

White House Scrambles to Downplay Afghan Leak

Administration stresses files date to Bush era

(Newser) - White House officials on damage control after the massive leak of Afghan war records on Wikileaks are stressing that most of the records date from the Bush administration, and all of them predate President Obama's December 2009 shift in strategy. The leaked records back up Obama's decision to boost troop...

Obama Deporting More Illegals Than Bush

And he's punishing more businesses that hire them

(Newser) - Enemies may paint Barack Obama as soft on immigration, but his administration is actually deporting illegal immigrants in record numbers, according to the Washington Post . Immigration and Customs Enforcement estimates that it will deport 400,000 people this fiscal year, 10% more than George W. Bush sent packing in 2008...

Eight Died Defending Obsolete Outpost

 Eight Died Defending 
 Obsolete Outpost 
More from Wikileaks

Eight Died Defending Obsolete Outpost

The sad story of Combat Outpost Keating

(Newser) - In the beginning, soldiers at Combat Outpost Keating were upbeat. They’d distributed lots of clothing, first aid, and school supplies to the local villagers. “Our friendship grows every day,” reads one dispatch found in the Wikileaks document trove. But as time goes on, documents pieced together by...

DC Schools to Fire Hundreds of Teachers

Poor performance, No Child Left Behind lead to 241 dismissals

(Newser) - The Washington, DC, schools are giving hundreds of teachers the ax because of their low scores in the district’s tough new evaluation system. Chancellor Michelle Rhee says 241 teachers are being fired for poor performance, the Washington Post reports. Another 737 were rated “minimally effective,” meaning they...

Sherrod Gets Call From Obama
 Sherrod Gets Call From Obama 

Sherrod Gets Call From Obama

Says she's considering suing Breitbart

(Newser) - Barack Obama put in a personal call to Shirley Sherrod today, trying to smooth over any hurt feelings from her abrupt dismissal. Just after noon, Sherrod got a text message saying that the president had been trying to reach her since last night, according to a CNN reporter who was...

Support Crumbling for Afghan War

Congressional Dems near open revolt as initiative fails to show progress

(Newser) - The July 2011 deadline Barack Obama set to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan was supposed to put pressure on Hamid Karzai’s government to step up its efforts to take over security duties. But it's wound up putting at least as much pressure on Obama, according to a harsh front-page...

Obama Must Unleash Hillary
 Obama Must 

Obama Must Unleash Hillary

Campaign feud gets in the way of foreign policy

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton visited Armenia last week, trying to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh disagreement and resolve the country's dispute with Turkey over the massacres of 1915. “You’ve got to salute Hillary,” writes Roger Cohen of the New York Times . “It’s a heck of a job being secretary...

Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban
 Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban 

Poll: 73% Oppose Drilling Ban

Most consider Deepwater Horizon spill a fluke

(Newser) - Americans are furious with BP for sparking the largest environmental disaster in US history, but they largely consider it a “freak accident,” and oppose the Obama administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium, according to a new poll from Bloomberg . “A ban will destroy the economy in that area...

Companies Raking in Cash &mdash;Hoarding, Not Hiring
Companies Raking in Cash —Hoarding, Not Hiring
sorry, unemployed

Companies Raking in Cash —Hoarding, Not Hiring

Chamber of Commerce blames Obama administration

(Newser) - US corporations have been reporting impressive earnings, and piling up loads of cash—but they’re not actually spending that cash to hire anyone. Nonfinancial companies have about $1.8 trillion in cash on hand, which is roughly 25% more than at the start of the recession, the Washington Post...

Media Moguls: Obama's Scaring Big Business

Sun Valley conference a pessimistic affair

(Newser) - The Sun Valley summit of media titans last week was a dour affair, with the CEOs lamenting the poor state of the economy—and how little faith they have in the Obama administration to fix it. In on- and off-the-record conversations with the moguls, Peter Lauria of the Daily Beast...

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