Obama administration

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Stewart Slams White House Over Solyndra

Solar panel flop means happy days for Fox, funnyman says

(Newser) - The Solandra saga has provided an early Christmas present for Obama foes hoping for a scandal, says Jon Stewart. The Daily Show host—showing clips of Obama hailing green energy investment and touring the now-shuttered solar panel plant which received $535 million in stimulus cash—says that while the scandal...

Obama Rushed Solyndra Loan
 Obama Rushed Solyndra Loan 

Obama Rushed Solyndra Loan

Congressional investigation says OMB had misgivings

(Newser) - The White House pressed the Office of Budget and Management to speed up its approval of a $535 million loan to now-bankrupt solar panel maker Solyndra, so that Joe Biden could announce it at a September 2009 groundbreaking for the company’s new factory, according to emails that Republican congressional...

Barbara Boxer: Green Groups Should Sue Obama

California Democrat stands against ozone decision

(Newser) - Count Barbara Boxer among those steamed about President Obama’s decision to ditch the EPA’s proposal for stricter smog standards . The California senator talked to reporters yesterday, and while Politico notes that she was more measured than many environmentalists , she did call for a lawsuit against the president. “...

President Obama Dumps New Smog Rules in Surprise Win for Businesses
 Obama Dumps 
 New Smog Rules 

Obama Dumps New Smog Rules

He says standard will change anyway in 2013

(Newser) - Barack Obama handed the business community a surprise win today by asking the Environmental Protection Agency to scrap new smog standards that would force state and local government to improve air quality or risk losing federal funds, the Washington Post reports. "Work is already underway to update … the...

White House: Jobs Won't Be Back Until 2017

Estimate acknowledges weakness in economy

(Newser) - If you’re waiting for the economy to get back to normal, the White House has a message for you: Don’t hold your breath. The White House budget office released its midyear economic forecast yesterday, and it wasn’t pretty, predicting that unemployment will remain at 9% next year,...

Get Ready for Earful From Obama Aides

President needs trash-talking surrogates ahead of election 2012: Michael Scherer

(Newser) - Amid press conferences and big speeches, President Obama spent his first two years in office as “his own messenger.” But expect that to change in the run-up to the next election, writes Michael Scherer in Time . In those first two years, Obama lacked a solid team of spokespeople;...

US Gives Break to Illegals Facing Deportation

It will go after only those with criminal records in the US

(Newser) - President Obama is ordering the feds to take it easy on illegal immigrants who don't break laws once they're in the country and focus instead on deporting those with criminal records, the Wall Street Journal reports. Officials will review each of the 300,000 deportation cases now in...

US to Demand Assad Go: Sources

Obama administration will call for Syrian president to step down

(Newser) - After months spent turning up the heat on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Obama administration is finally ready to demand his departure. Officials tell the AP that the White House's new, tougher line will come tomorrow or by the end of the week, as a direct response to Assad'...

Obama to Empty Congress: End FAA Shutdown

But there's no one in town to do it

(Newser) - The White House called on Congress to end a standoff over the FAA that has put 74,000 people out of work—but there were absolutely no signs it would do so, in part because everyone’s left town. Press Secretary Jay Carney said Obama was “looking at different...

No More Co-Pay for Birth Control: Obama

New preventive health rules require insurers to cover cost

(Newser) - Women can say goodbye to co-pays on birth control: Health insurance companies will soon have to cover the cost themselves, the Obama administration says. It’s part of expanded preventive care for women , including coverage of breast pumps, “well woman” physicals, and STD counseling, the AP reports. Insurance firms...

New US Fuel Standards: 54.5 MPG by 2025

Obama hails new goal with automakers

(Newser) - Announcing new fuel-efficiency standards, President Obama hailed his administration’s deal with automakers as “the single most important step we’ve ever taken as a nation to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.” With mileage standards almost doubling, Americans will save some $8,000 per vehicle on fuel,...

Boehner to House: Pass Deal by Wednesday

Even though 'there is no deal' yet

(Newser) - The House must move to raise the debt ceiling by Wednesday, John Boehner told a closed House GOP meeting. First, of course, a deal must be struck, and as yet, “there is no deal. There is no agreement in private,” Boehner told the press, and leaders aren’t...

Elizabeth Warren Won't Be Consumer Chief

Obama to pick someone else next week: Bloomberg

(Newser) - Longtime Wall Street critic Elizabeth Warren will not head the new consumer watchdog group she has helped create , reports Bloomberg . President Obama next week will appoint someone else to be the first director of the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau, which officially opens for business on Thursday. (The Wall Street Journal...

Clinton: Ready to Get Off the 'Merry-Go- Round'

She hints again about retiring after Obama's first term

(Newser) - After decades of living in the public eye, Hillary Clinton tells the BBC she is ready to get off the "merry-go-round" at the end of President Obama's first term and enjoy her private life, reports Politico (which has a link to the full transcript .) “I think...

Obama Orders Gun Dealers to Report Multiple Rifle Sales

Order covers border states

(Newser) - The Obama administration is ordering gun dealers in southwestern border states to report the sale of multiple semiautomatic weapons to federal authorities, in a bid to stem the flow of weapons to Mexican drug gangs. The new regulation will require the roughly 8,500 dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico,...

US to Yemen's Saleh: Get Out

White House calls for 'immediate transition'

(Newser) - The White House is not-so-subtly telling Yemen's embattled president to hit the road, with top counterterror adviser John Brennan telling Ali Abdullah Saleh yesterday to “fulfill expeditiously” his pledge to step down. Brennan “called upon” Saleh “to sign the GCC-brokered agreement for peaceful and Constitutional political...

Government Eases Foreclosure Rules for Unemployed

Homeowners with FHA loans can wait 12 months to pay mortgage if unemployed

(Newser) - The Obama administration is making it easier for out-of-work homeowners to stay in their homes, as it tries to revamp its troubled foreclosure-prevention program. Starting Aug. 1, the Federal Housing Administration will extend the period for unemployed homeowners to miss mortgage payments to a full year from three or four...

Obama Pushing to Double Fuel Efficiency Standards

Move would catch US up to Europe, China and Japan

(Newser) - The Obama administration is trying to convince automakers to accept a significant hike in fuel efficiency standards that would put US vehicles on par with those sold in Europe, Japan and China. The administration would like to raise the standard to 56.2 miles per gallon, or roughly double the...

Geithner Considering Leaving Post at Treasury

He may go after deal on debt ceiling, say reports

(Newser) - No more Tim Geithner at Treasury? Bloomberg and the Washington Post say he might resign once a deal on the debt ceiling is in place. Both reports are carefully couched with phrases such as "has signaled" and "is considering" and are based on anonymous sources. The Post adds...

What We&#39;ve Learned From Robert Gates
 What We've 
 Learned From 
 Robert Gates 

What We've Learned From Robert Gates

A look back at the retiring defense secretary's career

(Newser) - With Robert Gates, who has served eight presidents over four decades, about to retire, the Washington Post looks back at how Gates operated in the Pentagon. He’s been “careful, conservative, and consensus-oriented,” writes Greg Jaffe, and he’s “earned a reputation as the most ruthlessly efficient...

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