Obama administration

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Eastwood: I'm Not Politically Affiliated With Obama

Chrysler ad a political football

(Newser) - God bless America ... and the Chrysler bailout ... seemed to be the message that left football fans misty-eyed after Clint Eastwood's Super Bowl Chrysler ad. It's "halftime" in America, and we're all pulling together for a brighter economic future, says the gravelly-voiced star. But Eastwood was opposed...

Calif., NY May Sign On to Robo-Signing Settlement

Obama administration nearing deal for mortgage relief

(Newser) - California and New York are close to signing on to the Obama administration's multibillion dollar mortgage robo-signing settlement, significantly expanding the deal, the New York Times reports. If California signs on, the settlement total will jump from $19 billion to $25 billion. In exchange, the states want measures to...

US Drones Return to Hit Rescuers, Funerals

Strikes occurring every 4 days under Obama: report

(Newser) - A few days back, President Obama said that US drone attacks in Pakistan had "not caused a huge number of civilian casualties." But a Bureau of Investigative Journalism report finds that somewhere between 282 and 535 civilians, including 60 children, have been "credibly reported" killed in the...

US Fears Israel Will Hit Iran Without Warning

Ehud Barak warns, 'Later will be too late'

(Newser) - The Obama administration is worried that Israel is on the verge of launching a military strike against Iran—and that Israel plans to give the US little to no warning or say in the matter, sources tell the Washington Post . Ehud Barak certainly reinforced that idea yesterday. "Whoever says...

Geithner: Obama Won't Ask Me to Stay

Treasury secretary says he's done after election

(Newser) - Tim Geithner is pretty sure he's going to be joining the ranks of the jobless after the election: The Treasury secretary—the longest serving member of President Obama's economic team—tells Bloomberg that Obama is "not going to ask me to stay on, I’m pretty confident....

US Seeking Refuge for Saleh—Just Not Here

Letting him in would help Yemen, but hurt America's image in the Middle East

(Newser) - The White House wants Ali Abdullah Saleh out of Yemen, and officials are trying to find him a new home—but they'd rather it not be the US. The Yemen president met with an American ambassador this week to review his options in a matter that's put the...

Obama Takes Flak Over Keystone Rejection
 Obama Takes 
 Flak Over 
Opinion Roundup

Obama Takes Flak Over Keystone Rejection

Editorials largely take the president to task

(Newser) - Barack Obama's decision to reject TransCanada's Keystone XL oil pipeline has set a lot of tongues wagging, with some of the biggest papers in the country devoting today's editorials to it. Here's what they're saying:
  • "We almost hope this was a political call,"

Obama Losing Super PAC War
 Obama Losing Super PAC War 

Obama Losing Super PAC War

...because he's not terribly interested in fighting it

(Newser) - Democrats saw the way Mitt Romney's super PAC destroyed Newt Gingrich in Iowa, and it terrified them, because President Obama's super PAC—or as Politico terms it, "not-so-super PAC"—doesn't have the muscle for anything like that. "It's like when China got the...

Rick Perry Defends 'Kids' Who Urinated on Taliban

GOP candidate slams White House 'rhetoric'

(Newser) - Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry today accused the Obama administration of "over-the-top rhetoric" and "disdain for the military" in its condemnation of a video that purportedly shows four Marines urinating on corpses in Afghanistan. "Obviously, 18-, 19-year-old kids make stupid mistakes all too often. And that's...

Obama Wants Power to Merge 6 Trade Agencies

Move aims to cut down on government bureaucracy

(Newser) - President Obama will today announce a plan to mash together six federal agencies—including the Commerce Department—in an effort to simplify the government's sprawling regulatory bureaucracy. Obama can't actually make the move without Congressional approval, however, so he intends to ask Congress for a special reorganizational power—...

Obama's Chief of Staff Bill Daley Resigns

Jack Lew will replace him

(Newser) - William Daley is ending his tumultuous tenure with the Obama administration, stepping down as chief of staff to make way for current budget director Jack Lew, White House sources tell the LA Times . Daley handed in his letter of resignation last week, and President Obama will announce the move this...

Did White House Hide Lavish Costume Bash?

Nope, says spokesman: event reports, pics are online

(Newser) - At the nadir of the economic crisis, the Obama White House held a lavish Alice in Wonderland-themed Halloween costume party, organized by Johnny Depp and Tim Burton and full of Star Wars character. But with unemployment at 10%, the Tea Party at its apex, and the economic downturn still rocking...

Pentagon to Examine Alleged Leaks on bin Laden Movie

Peter King thinks White House gave too much access to Hollywood

(Newser) - The Defense Department is investigating claims that the White House gave classified information about the Osama bin Laden raid ... to Hollywood. GOP Rep. Peter King sought the investigation following allegations that the administration provided Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow with privileged information for her upcoming film on the raid, reports...

Obama Cutting Thousands of Ground Troops

Military no longer expected to be able to fight two wars at once

(Newser) - The US military is going to end up with a lot fewer boots on the ground as a results of cuts included in the debt ceiling deal. As part of the Obama administration's military overhaul , to be unveiled today, air and sea forces will be boosted, but Army and...

Pentagon Readies Blueprint of Slim New Self

And with it, the Obama administration's defense priorities

(Newser) - The White House is poised to unveil its proposal to slim down the military to bring it in line with cuts agreed to in the recent debt ceiling deal, and in so doing give America a sense of Leon Panetta’s vision for the military’s future, the New York ...

Under Obama, a Force of Killer Drones Evolved

Semi-secret assassination program has expanded greatly in his term

(Newser) - In the five years before President Obama took office, America’s drones launched 44 strikes, all confined to Pakistan, killing about 400 people. But during his Oval Office tenure there have been almost 240 strikes, killing at least four times as many people, and the US has built dozens of...

Obama, CIA Refuse to Justify Drone War

Secrecy reigns over deadly program

(Newser) - The CIA has ramped up its drone strikes under President Obama, killing somewhere between 1,350 and 2,250 people in Pakistan alone over the past three years. Yet the US has identified virtually none of those victims, nor provided any legal rationale for their killings, the Washington Post observes,...

White House: We've Recovered $5.6B in Fraud

Cabinet secretaries to meet on wasteful spending

(Newser) - The Justice Department has managed to recover some $5.6 billion lost to fraud over the 2011 fiscal year, officials will announce today. Civil fraud accounted for some $3.4 billion, with the rest attributable to criminal fraud, insiders tell the Washington Post . Much of the money was recovered by...

On Way Out, Medicare Boss Bashes 'Extreme' Waste

Donald Berwick says 20-30% of health care spending helps no one

(Newser) - Between 20% and 30% of all US health care spending is pure “waste,” according to departing Medicare and Medicaid chief Donald Berwick. “Much is done that does not help patients at all, and many physicians know it,” Berwick said in an interview with the New York ...

Obama Won't Apologize for Pakistan Strike

Balks against State Dept., says US has apologized enough

(Newser) - President Obama has decided against issuing a formal apology to Pakistan over a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, even as the State Department insists he must do so to salvage relations with Pakistan, officials tell the New York Times . The administration is instead backing the Defense Department, which...

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