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Ex-NASA Astronaut Faces Murder Charges

2 young girls killed in car wreck involving James Halsell Jr.

(Newser) - A retired NASA astronaut who flew on five space shuttle missions has been charged with murder after an early-morning car crash in Alabama took the lives of two young half-sisters, per . A 2015 Chrysler allegedly being driven by James Halsell Jr., 59, smashed into a Ford Fiesta at...

Grandpa to Break Scott Kelly's Space Record

Jeff Williams will have spent 534 days in space by September

(Newser) - It's a good thing Scott Kelly nabbed two records during his year in space because one will soon be broken. NASA astronaut Jeff Williams—who is rocketing into space on Friday with Russian cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Oleg Skripochka—will become America's most experienced space traveler during a...

Watch Scott Kelly Return to Earth

'The air feels great out here,' he says after triumphant landing

(Newser) - Astronaut Scott Kelly returned to Earth on Wednesday after an unprecedented year in space for NASA, landing in frozen Kazakhstan with a Russian cosmonaut who shared his whole space-station journey. Their Soyuz capsule parachuted onto the central Asian steppes and ended a science-rich mission at the International Space Station that...

What Astronaut Scott Kelly Will Do as Soon as He Lands

His record-breaking trip was amazing

(Newser) - Scott Kelly has been hurtling through the cosmos on the International Space Station for nearly a year (340 days to be exact—a record), but on Tuesday, the NASA astronaut and his partner, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko, will finally head home. ScienceAlert has the emotional video of Kelly handing the...

NASA Releases 'Weird Music' From Dark Side of the Moon

Audio from Apollo 10 reveals astronauts' conversation about mystery sounds

(Newser) - Sorry, Pink Floyd, you no longer hold the sole claim to sounds from the dark side. In an upcoming episode of the Science Channel's NASA's Unexplained Files , audio from Apollo 10—which flew to the far side of the moon in 1969, two months before Apollo 11's...

More Americans Than Ever Just Applied to Be Astronauts

But less than 1% will actually get the chance

(Newser) - More Americans than ever before believe they have the right stuff to become astronauts, ABC News reports. According to NASA , it received more than 18,300 applications for the astronaut class of 2017 over the past two months. That's almost three times more than for the last class in...

Astronaut: Parts of the Earth 'Look Pretty Sick'

Scott Kelly is nearing end of historic mission

(Newser) - Scott Kelly has had longer to look at the Earth from space than any other American astronaut and some of what he sees worries him. In a CNN interview, the astronaut, who is 322 days into a 342-day mission, says parts of the planet seem unwell. "There are definitely...

Even Astronauts Dial Wrong Numbers

'Hello, is this planet Earth?'

(Newser) - Everyone has picked up the phone to find a flustered mis-dialer on the line, but it's not every day that that wrong number was punched in from space. British astronaut Tim Peake took to Twitter on Thursday to apologize for what could pass for the most prominent telephone misfire...

Scott Kelly Sets US Record for Most Days in Space

Friday was his 383rd day outside of Earth's atmosphere

(Newser) - In what should probably be long enough to apply for permanent residence status, astronaut Scott Kelly set a US record for most days spent in space Friday, his 383rd day of living outside the Earth's atmosphere, USA Today reports. By the time he returns from his current mission, he'...

How Much Urine This Astronaut Will Drink in a Year

It's only 730 liters. Oh, and there's some sweat in there, too

(Newser) - A trip to space means watching spectacular sunsets and your poop burn up in the atmosphere like shooting stars, according to NASA, which breaks down what Scott Kelly is up to halfway through his year-long stay in space . "Your feces will not be shooting stars," an infographic notes—...

6 Humans Step Into One-Year Isolation Dome

It's part of NASA's preparation to send humans to Mars

(Newser) - As NASA prepares to send a crew to Mars sometime in the 2030s, they've just shut six people inside an isolation dome in Hawaii for a year—the longest such experiment in the US, reports AFP . It's part of a larger look at travel logistics in a program...

Our ISS Astronauts Drink Recycled Russian Pee

US astronauts happy to take it off their hands

(Newser) - Every drop of water counts aboard the International Space Station, and drinking recycled urine is a fact of life—if you're an American astronaut. The Russian astronauts don't recycle their pee for their own consumption, though like other astronauts, they recycle condensate from all the breath and sweat...

Company Gets Patent for 12-Mile-High Space Elevator

Canadian company Thoth gets a patent for a 12-mile-high tower into space

(Newser) - A Canadian company best known for building tiny objects suitable for outer space has just earned a US patent on something distinctly grander: a 12-mile-high inflatable space elevator held up not by cables but by pressurized segments, reports . That's more than 20 times taller than the world’...

ISS Astronauts Flee Flying Russian Space Debris

It was too late to do 'evasive maneuver' by the time they got word from NASA

(Newser) - American astronaut Scott Kelly and two Russian cosmonauts shacked up at the International Space Station had to scurry out of the way of flying space debris after a chunk of a Russian weather satellite sped by earlier today, AFP reports. The men hurried into the Soyuz spacecraft, which ferries them...

Astronaut Can See Daughter's Love— From Space

Thanks to a little help from Hyundai

(Newser) - A 13-year-old girl has managed to send a message to her dad ... one that he could see from space. Sure, it's a publicity stunt executed by Hyundai, but it's heartwarming nonetheless. The automaker put 11 Genesis sedans and stunt drivers to work in Nevada's Delamar Dry Lake,...

Nimoy Gets Final Salute From Space

Astronaut Terry Virts tweets photo of Vulcan salute

(Newser) - Much of planet Earth reverberated with the news of Leonard Nimoy's death on Friday , but perhaps the most touching tribute came from above, via the Twitter account of Terry Virts. The astronaut, currently hanging out in the final frontier aboard the International Space Station, tweeted a photo of his...

After 442M Miles, NASA Craft Enters Mars' Orbit

Maven will study red planet's atmosphere to prep for possible astronauts

(Newser) - After 442 million miles and a year on the space road, Maven has finally reached its destination. The NASA spacecraft successfully completed a harrowing 30-minute "orbital insertion" into Mars' orbit last night, the AP reports. "I don't have any fingernails any more, but we've made it,...

NASA Plans to Test World's Biggest Rocket in 2018

Someday, it might take humans to Mars

(Newser) - NASA is moving ahead with plans to build a massive rocket designed to explore deep space and culminate in human trips to Mars, the agency announced yesterday. The Space Launch System has passed from design phase to construction, reports the Houston Chronicle , and an unmanned test mission (not to Mars,...

NASA diapers forced men to make big revelation
NASA Diapers Forced Men
to Make Big Revelation
in case you missed it

NASA Diapers Forced Men to Make Big Revelation

Or, ahem, small

(Newser) - It was a mission-critical element: the size of NASA astronauts' manhood. Seriously. The Houston Chronicle resurrects the fascinating historical tidbit by way of the Science Channel's Moon Machines documentary series, in which engineer Donald Rethke explained the very precise nature of early space diapers. The Maximum Absorbency Garment system...

It&#39;s Finally Christmas at ISS
 It's Finally Christmas at ISS 

It's Finally Christmas at ISS

After a month of delays, Cygnus docks with space station

(Newser) - Christmas has finally arrived for the six space station astronauts. A privately launched supply ship arrived at the International Space Station this morning, three days after blasting off from Virginia. The space station crew used a hefty robot arm to capture the Cygnus capsule as the two craft zoomed side...

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