Democratic senators

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Reid's 6 Biggest Headaches
 Reid's 6 Biggest Headaches 

Reid's 6 Biggest Headaches

Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman are two of them

(Newser) - To get the 60 votes he needs just to bring his health care bill to the floor of the Senate, Harry Reid is going to have to rein in some of his caucus' members. Politico surveys the majority leader's biggest challenges.
  • Joe Lieberman, Conn. The independent said yesterday he'll join

Reid: I Won't Be Obama Rubber Stamp

Senate majority leader vows Congress won't just be Obama's rubber stamp

(Newser) - The 111th Congress is going to be a lot more than just a rubber stamp for Barack Obama's policies, Harry Reid tells the Hill. The Senate majority leader says Democrats must take care to avoid over-reaching. "If Obama steps over the bounds, I will tell him," the Democrat...

Burris: Don't Hold Blago Against Me

He says guv has power to appoint, objections might just be racist

(Newser) - This should be about me, not Rod Blagojevich, Ronald Burris has been saying in TV interviews since Blago named him to fill Barack Obama’s open Senate seat yesterday. Last night, he told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, “I have nothing to do with the problems of the governor.”...

Kennedy Taps Clinton for Panel on Health Care

Despite lack of seniority, NY senator has long wanted job

(Newser) - It seems when it rains job offers for Hillary Clinton, it pours: Ted Kennedy has asked the New York senator to help lead a health care team, the Los Angeles Times reports. Clinton would lead a working group dealing with insurance coverage. Although health care is an issue near to...

Lieberman a Sore Subject With Dems

Stumping for McCain moves onetime veep nominee further from former party

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman, long at odds with his party over his outspoken support for the war in Iraq, has become so estranged from his Democratic colleagues since he began campaigning for John McCain that the New York Times wonders if the strained relationship is heading for a divorce. While, for example,...

Obama's Iraq Stance Sparks Sunday Battle

McCain backers say he's retreating from pullout plan

(Newser) - Senatorial supporters of Barack Obama and John McCain dueled on talk shows today over Obama's latest remarks on Iraq, Politico reports. Sen. Joe Lieberman called Obama a flip-flopper on This Week for his plan to "refine" Iraq pullout plans. On Face the Nation, Sen. John Kerry accused McCain backers...

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