Madame Tussauds

9 Stories

Madame Tussauds Removes Harry, Meghan From Royal Display

London wax museum puts figures in a different area

(Newser) - There's now a conspicuously empty space in the royal family display at London's iconic wax museum, Madame Tussauds. The museum removed the wax figures of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, from its "Royal Family" set, where they used to stand across from Prince William and...

It's a 'Wax Divorce' for Brangelina
It's a 'Wax Divorce'
for Brangelina

It's a 'Wax Divorce' for Brangelina

Madame Tussauds splits their figures

(Newser) - Still hoping the Brangelina divorce is a cruel joke? Madame Tussauds has some news that might be hard to take . The wax museum officially split the ex-couple's wax figures on Wednesday, reports E! Once placed side by side, they "are now featured at a respectful distance from each...

Madame Tussauds Milestone: First Transgender Wax Figure

Laverne Cox gets the honor

(Newser) - Madame Tussauds will have its first transgender wax figure in place by the end of the month, with Orange Is the New Black actress Laverne Cox getting the honor. The 31-year-old pronounced herself "deeply honored," reports Entertainment Weekly . "When I think about being who I am, a...

Madame Tussauds Unveils Wax Anne Frank

She's depicted smiling, and writing in her diary

(Newser) - Normally, the artists at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum like to meet the people they're making sculptures of, but that wasn't possible with their latest creation. The museum unveiled a likeness of Anne Frank today, Der Spiegel reports, and it relies heavily on her famous diary for its details...

Ozzy Osbourne Poses as Mannequin, Scares Fans

Rocker has some fun at Madame Tussauds

(Newser) - OK, this is just a gambit by Ozzy Osbourne to plug his new album, but we'll bite. He posed as a mannequin at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in New York, then scared the bejeezus out of fans who came close to inspect, notes BigPondNews . As for the album, Scream is...

Malia, Sasha Melt Over Parents' Wax Doubles

(Newser) - The first daughters melted in giggles at the sight of wax doubles of their parents in Washington's Madame Tussauds museum yesterday, the AP reports. Malia and Sasha had their photos taken with the doppelgangers before moving on to see figures of Beyoncé, Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Lopez. Museum officials say...

Michelle's Popularity Waxes at Tussauds

Fans line street to catch a glimpse of waxen First Lady

(Newser) - Madame Tussaud's other "guests" apparently can't a hold a candle to Michelle Obama. A line of eager fans stretched down the street to see a brand-new wax version of the popular first lady in the Tussaud museum in Washington yesterday. Wearing a frozen smile and a black sweater over...

Wax Hitler Loses Its Head
 Wax Hitler Loses Its Head 

Wax Hitler Loses Its Head

Berlin man decapitates figure in protest

(Newser) - A wax model of Adolf Hitler at a new Madame Tussauds in Germany was decapitated by a Berlin man soon after the museum opened today, AFP reports. The man, who was arrested, “wanted to protest against Hitler's figure being on show,” police said. The model had sparked controversy,...

Kiss Cuddles With Condoleezza
 Kiss Cuddles With Condoleezza 

Kiss Cuddles With Condoleezza

Secretary of state crossed paths with the band in Sweden

(Newser) - In a crossing of paths fit for Madame Tussauds, ‘70s icons Kiss were staying at the same Stockholm hotel as Condoleezza Rice yesterday. Not content to be strangers passing in the Swedish night, the rockers asked if the secretary of state could stop by after dining with the country’...

9 Stories
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