Joe Lieberman

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Lieberman Threatens Filibuster Over Public Option

Independent's warning is bad news for Harry Reid

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman doesn't want a public option, and he warned today that he would join a Republican filibuster to try to prevent one from becoming law. The statement by the Democrat-turned-independent is bad news for Harry Reid's prospects of getting 60 votes in the Senate. Lieberman said he told Reid...

Reid Narrows In on 60 Votes for Public Option

Landrieu and Lieberman agree not to block opt-out plan

(Newser) - Harry Reid closed in on the 60 votes he needs to pass a health reform bill with a public option yesterday, aided by 2 Democratic moderates who pledged not to filibuster the vote. Both Mary Landrieu and Joe Lieberman said they wouldn't block the bill, which offers a public insurance...

Vaccine Scarier Than Swine Flu: Poll
 Vaccine Scarier 
 Than Swine Flu: Poll 

Vaccine Scarier Than Swine Flu: Poll

Concern high and building, but 60+% don't plan to get a shot

(Newser) - Americans are spooked by the growing threat of swine flu but even warier of the vaccine. Half of respondents in a recent Washington Post poll are a “great deal” or “somewhat” worried they or a family member will catch H1N1, up from 39% in August. But more than...

Obama Looks to Lieberman to Lead 'Don't Ask' Repeal

Conn. independent has opposed policy on gays in military since '93

(Newser) - After President Obama's pledge this weekend to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the White House turned immediately to key senators on the Armed Services Committee—in particular Joe Lieberman. A House bill to repeal the policy has 177 sponsors, but the White House is eager for Senate legislation with bipartisan...

Iraq Hawks Are Just as Wrong on Afghanistan

Why is anyone still listening to McCain, Lieberman, and Graham?

(Newser) - The Three Amigos who pushed the invasion of Iraq are at it again, now claiming that we must escalate the war in Afghanistan if we want to avoid another 9/11—the same claim they used before to urge us to take on Iraq in 2003, Frank Rich writes. Rich finds...

No, Joe, We Can't Put Off Health Care
No, Joe, We Can't Put Off Health Care

No, Joe, We Can't Put Off Health Care

Procrastinating will only inflate costs in the long run

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman recently opined that, given our deficit woes, we should wait to reform health care, saying “There’s no reason we have to do it all now." Well, he’s dead wrong, writes David Lazarus of the LA Times. Without reform, costs will keep going up, and...

Baldwin on Opposing Lieberman: Never Mind

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin has no plans to challenge Joe Lieberman for his Senate seat in 2012, USA Today reports. The actor’s spokesman says he wants the Connecticut independent to retain his position because of the paucity of moderate Republicans in the Senate. In a recent Playboy interview, Baldwin floated many...

Lieberman to Baldwin: 'Make My Day'

Conn. sen. defiant after actor threatens run

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin has "no use" for Joe Lieberman and is kicking around a move to Connecticut to run for his Senate seat in 2012—to which Lieberman tells CNN, "Make my day." The independent says he respects Baldwin as an actor and comedian, and "if he...

Lieberman, Dems Heal Old Wounds

Independent sen. 'critical' to party despite departures

(Newser) - The rift between Joe Lieberman and his former party, which stretched wide after the senator supported John McCain for president, is closing, the Hill reports. The Connecticut independent, who caucuses with the Democrats, has been "critical" to the party, the majority whip says—Lieberman has praised the president on...

Courts Unlikely to Block Release of Torture Pics

White House has slim hopes for appeal, may look to Congress

(Newser) - Barack Obama has said he wants to prevent the publication of photos depicting abuse of  detainees, but legal experts say the White House has an uphill battle in reversing the court decision to release them. The administration thinks that the Bush-era lawyers did not make a sufficiently strong case in...

Go All In on Afghan War, McCain, Lieberman Say
Go All In on Afghan War, McCain, Lieberman Say

Go All In on Afghan War, McCain, Lieberman Say

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s strategy for Afghanistan must roundly reject the so-called “minimalist” approach being whispered about in DC, write John McCain and Joe Lieberman in today’s Washington Post. The minimalists want the US to focus on limited, “realistic” counterterrorism goals. But McCain and Lieberman remind Obama that...

Moderate Dems Balk Over Obama Deficit
Moderate Dems
Balk Over
Obama Deficit

Moderate Dems Balk Over Obama Deficit

Right wing of the president's party will fight to shave budget

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be president, but it’s Congress that passes the budget, and moderate Democrats are the ones holding the keys to the federal treasury, reports Time. Obama’s 2010 budget calls for $3.6 trillion in federal spending. And though deficit-hawks appreciate the president’s honest numbers (in...

Lieberman: I Always Liked Obama

Once a McCain ally, Lieberman now praises the president

(Newser) - He endorsed John McCain in the election and called Barack Obama "a talker," but now Joe Lieberman is singing "Hail to the Chief." The Democratic-turned-independent senator has been showering the president with praise, saying Obama has "shown real leadership" and "is off to a...

Lieberman: 5 Surges for Afghanistan
Lieberman: 5 Surges
for Afghanistan

Lieberman: 5 Surges for Afghanistan

Senator outlines plan to empower moderate Muslims, win war

(Newser) - It’s going to be a difficult slog, bound to get worse before it gets better, but we must win the war in Afghanistan, writes Joe Lieberman in the Wall Street Journal. If we follow his prescriptions, he writes, we can empower moderates and make Afghanistan an al-Qaeda “graveyard”...

Obama Roasts DC's Starstruck Elite at Dinner

Celebuprez surprised to see Palin 'palling around with this crew'

(Newser) - Washington's elite came out for one of its swankiest events last night, but even political royalty got slightly starstruck by new crown prince Barack Obama, reports Politico. The new prez regaled some 200 DC bigwigs at the Alfalfa Club with a speech that roasted friends and rivals, including Sarah Palin,...

'Public Sick of Partisanship': Lieberman
'Public Sick of Partisanship':
talk show roundup

'Public Sick of Partisanship': Lieberman

Joe says Obama never called back; politicos talk bailouts on TV

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman told Meet the Press today that he regrets "some things I said in the heat of the campaign that I wish I'd said more clearly," and hopes Barack Obama will put, er, "country first" by leading in a bipartisan fashion. Lieberman said he called...

Now Joe Owes Barack One
 Now Joe Owes Barack One 

Now Joe Owes Barack One

(Newser) - Democrats everywhere, even in the Senate, are still furious with Joe Lieberman for campaigning against Barack Obama. So pushing to allow him to stay in the Democratic caucus, and continue as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, was a savvy political move on Obama's part, Time reports: Lieberman will owe...

Lieberman Keeps Chairmanship
 Lieberman Keeps 

Lieberman Keeps Chairmanship

Will lose some meaningless subcommittee job instead

(Newser) - Senate Democrats voted 42-13 today to let Joe Lieberman keep his perch atop the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, hoping to prevent the Connecticut Independent from becoming a full-fledged Republican, the Hill reports, The former Dem, who actively supported John McCain's presidential bid, will instead lose his chairmanship of...

Dems Likely to Let 'Wayward' Lieberman Keep Senate Chair

Only token punishment for McCain support

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are likely to allow Joe Lieberman to retain chairmanship of the powerful Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee despite his vocal support for John McCain and repeated attacks on Barack Obama during the election, Politico reports. The Connecticut independent has threatened to leave the Democratic caucus and join...

Congress Girds for Post-Election Rumbles

Will address new leaders, Detroit bailout, Stevens, Lieberman

(Newser) - A new Congress takes office Jan. 6 and a new Oval Office occupant two scant weeks later, but the old Congress has plenty on its plate when it reconvenes next week, reports Reuters. The session will focus mainly on the economy, especially the auto industry, but legislators also must appoint...

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