puffer fish

5 Stories

Elderly Couple Fried Up Some Fish for Lunch. Both Died
Elderly Couple Fried Up Some
Fish for Lunch. Both Died
in case you missed it

Elderly Couple Fried Up Some Fish for Lunch. Both Died

Daughter is now demanding stricter laws in Malaysia around toxic puffer fish

(Newser) - A woman has sent up a red flag and is now lobbying for stronger laws in Malaysia around the sale of a toxic fish after her elderly parents ate some of it for lunch and died. Authorities in the state of Johor say that Lim Siew Guan and her husband,...

Cops: Wife's Third Attempt to Kill Husband Worked

One failed try involved pufferfish toxin, say authorities in South Korea

(Newser) - An alleged murder case in South Korea is making headlines for its unusual circumstances, including the use of pufferfish toxin. Police near Seoul arrested 31-year-old Lee Eun-hae and alleged accomplice Cho Hyun-soo, 31, and accused them of murdering Lee's husband for insurance money, reports the Korea Herald . Police say...

Greenpeace: Mediterranean a 'Sea of Hell'

(Newser) - The Mediterranean Sea is in crisis because of global warming, according to Greenpeace. The group says its latest research documents the catastrophic effect climate change is having on the environmentally crucial body of water, which it dubs a “sea of hell.” Rising temperatures have sent foreign species like...

Fish Toxin Buyer Linked to Murder Plot

Man after puffer fish poison was seeking hit man

(Newser) - An Illinois man busted trying to buy enough puffer fish toxin to kill dozens of people had been seeking to hire a hit man on the internet to kill a mystery woman, reports the Chicago Tribune. The financial planner sent emails to people offering $8,000 for the murder, authorities...

Illinois Man Busted With Puffer Fish Toxin

Tried to buy troubling amount from lab

(Newser) - An Illinois man has been arrested for possession of a deadly neurotoxin found in puffer fish, reports CNN. Authorities were alerted after the man, claiming to be a doctor, attempted to purchase a significant amount of tetrodotoxin from a New Jersey lab. The poison—1,200 times more deadly than...

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