
Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev 

Bolivia Expels US Ambassador
 Bolivia Expels US Ambassador 

Bolivia Expels US Ambassador

Blames America for unrest

(Newser) - Bolivian President Evo Morales ordered the US ambassador to his country to leave immediately, blaming America for unrest gripping his nation, Reuters reports. “The ambassador of the United States is conspiring against democracy and wants Bolivia to break apart,” he declared. Protesters have occupied buildings, shut down gas...

Warrants May Shed Light on South American Dirty War

Governments colluded to murder adversaries

(Newser) - An Italian judge has issued arrest warrants for nearly 150 people in Latin America accused of helping their governments hunt down and kill leftist opponents in the 1970s. The warrants could shed new light on the so-called Operation Condor, an extraordinary scheme in which South American governments cooperated with each...

Cuba Celebrates Che
Cuba Celebrates Che

Cuba Celebrates Che

Casto, too weak to attend, calls comrade 'a flower yanked prematurely from its stem'

(Newser) - About 10,000 Cubans gathered today to honor Che Guevara, the man who helped Fidel Castro take power in the 1959 communist revolution. Calling Che "a flower yanked prematurely from its stem," Castro, too weak to attend, praised the icon in a message read to the crowd. The...

Che Killer Gets Free Gift From Cuba

Medical care extended to Bolivian who gunned down the hero

(Newser) - One week before the 40th anniversary of Che Guevera’s death, Cuban Communists are trumpeting the news that their own doctors recently saved the eyesight of the Bolivian who pulled the trigger. A Cuban program offering free surgery in Latin America removed cataracts from the eyes of Mario Teran, the...

Latin Neighbors Mistrust Chavez
Latin Neighbors Mistrust Chavez

Latin Neighbors Mistrust Chavez

'Chavismo' unloved in region, which is making democratic strides

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez's regional popularity is largely hot air, a Pew survey shows, concluding that the Venezuelan president is “widely mistrusted.” In large numbers, Latin Americans also agree that “most people are better off in a free market economy”—including 72% of Chavez’s countrymen, Weekly Standard’...

Top Thrills for Your Holiday Buck
Top Thrills for Your Holiday Buck

Top Thrills for Your Holiday Buck

Challenge yourself and whatever unfortunates you bring along in these nail-biting vacation adventures

(Newser) - Timid vacationers whose idea of a good time is a book and a beach chair need not peruse this list of adventures, compiled by Forbes.
  1. Dive with sharks in the Bahamas (
  2. Fly a fighter jet in California (
  3. High-altitude skydiving in Memphis ( )

Snubbing the West, Bolivia Waxes Red

Country turns to Chávez, socialism, in lieu of IMF cash

(Newser) - Bolivia’s populist president is traveling his country handing out aid—straight from his anti-American neighbor Hugo Chávez. The Washington Post reports that Evo Morales has been taking more than a cue from Chávez, using the Venezuelan leader's cash to fund social welfare programs and build clinics and...

Alaskan Tribes Score No-Bid Bonanza
Alaskan Tribes Score No-Bid Bonanza

Alaskan Tribes Score No-Bid Bonanza

Sen. Ted Stevens under scrutiny for shady contracts

(Newser) - Alaskan tribes are so successful in securing no-bid government contracts, they're spurring a federal investigation into conduct by Alaskan senator Ted Stevens, reports Salon. In 1986, Stevens pushed through a law that gave Alaskan companies "small business" preferences—even if they belong to a multi-billion dollar parent corporation and...

Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev