Father's Day

Stories 21 - 24 | << Prev 

In Tiger's Pain, a More Human Face
 In Tiger's Pain,
 a More

In Tiger's Pain, a More Human Face

Woods' limp, and the mere admission that he can, draws golfer closer to our hearts

(Newser) - Tiger Woods' putt to force today's US Open playoff was epic, surely, but his 18th-hole heroics weren’t the amazing part about yesterday's performance, Thomas Boswell writes in the Washington Post. Where Jack Nicklaus once transformed before our eyes, Woods is limping, grimacing, and grinding his way into a place...

A Call for Dads to Step Up
 A Call for Dads to Step Up  

A Call for Dads to Step Up

Fatherless upbringing can help doom kids

(Newser) - As Father’s Day approaches, it’s important to recognize that alarming numbers of America’s youth don’t know their fathers, leaving them feeling like “throwaway people,” writes Juan Williams in the Wall Street Journal. The lack of a dad “to push them, discipline them,”...

Hollywood's Ickiest Dads
 Ickiest Dads 

Hollywood's Ickiest Dads

Fathers who get a little too close to their offspring

(Newser) - Father's Day is a time to thank Dad for all he's done—but what if all Dad's done is creep out the general public? Radar lists celebrity fathers who take paternal love to barely legal levels.
  1. Joe Simpson: Father to songbirds Jessica and Ashlee, Simpson famously said of his eldest,

Skip the Ties and Tools: Dads Want Gadgets

High-tech is the way to make dad feel like a million on his special day

(Newser) - Lose the power tools and the landscaping implements this Father's Day, ABC News suggests. The kind of cutting edge Dad really wants can't be found at the hardware store. Among them:
  • For dads who want media at their fingertips, the enV2 by LG hosts music and video via V CAST

Stories 21 - 24 | << Prev