funny situations

3 Stories

Cookbooks May Be Lost at Sea
Cookbooks May
Be Lost at Sea

Cookbooks May Be Lost at Sea

Authors take news in stride on Instagram

(Newser) - Two new cookbooks may be literally lost at sea, and now fans will have to wait a few more months to dig into them, People reports. Containers collapsed on a cargo ship headed to New York, presumably sending new copies of Melissa Clark's Dinner in One: Exceptional & Easy ...

French Gnab Gnome Bandit
 French Gnab Gnome Bandit 

French Gnab Gnome Bandit

53-year-old man accused of stealing 170 garden ornaments

(Newser) - Decorative gnomes might be the bane of garden purists the world over, but for one Frenchman, they're apparently worth risking a stint in the slammer. Police in Brittany have arrested a 53-year-old man accused of stealing 170 garden gnomes and other ornaments, Der Spiegel reports—to the surprise of the...

Brooklyn Bar Proves Inescapable

Overserved patron, locked in, surfs web and phones owner's mother

(Newser) - Most 20-something New Yorkers are accustomed to getting shut out of bars, but how about getting shut in? A young paralegal who now knows far more than he wanted to about Williamsburg's Trophy Bar shares his tale of overnight captivity with the New York Times, recalling that when he realized...

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