9/11 attacks

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Biden Declassifies 9/11 Documents on Saudi Nationals

Victims' families applauded the move

(Newser) - The FBI late Saturday released a newly declassified document related to logistical support given to two of the Saudi hijackers in the run-up to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The document details contacts the hijackers had with Saudi associates in the US but does not provide proof that...

Trapped in Rubble, Woman Finally Heard 'I Got You'

Genelle Guzman McMillan was the last person rescued from the World Trade Center

(Newser) - Twenty-seven hours after Tower 1 at the World Trade Center collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001, Genelle Guzman McMillan was about to give up. She was in pain, unable to move in the rubble and, with dust in her mouth and nose, unable to call out for help. "I knew...

They Were on a Plane That Diverted on 9/11. Love Followed

CNN tells the story of Nick Marson and Diane Kirschke's unlikely meeting

(Newser) - Nick Marson and Diane Kirschke have known each other for 20 years—pretty much to the day. The two were on a Continental flight from London to Houston on 9/11 and ended up diverting to the tiny town of Gander in Newfoundland, Canada. After 24 hours stuck on their plane...

20 Years Later: &#39;The World Was Loud With Carnage ... And Then, Quiet&#39;
A Nation Grieves,
20 Years On

A Nation Grieves, 20 Years On

Ex-presidents, Queen Elizabeth, Bruce Springsteen offer tributes on 20th anniversary of Sept. 11

(Newser) - The 9/11 anniversary commemoration at ground zero began Saturday with a tolling bell and a moment of silence, exactly 20 years after the start of the deadliest terror attack on US soil. The anniversary comes under the pall of a pandemic and in the shadow of the US withdrawal from...

He Spent Weeks on the Pile After 9/11. What Did It Do to His Brain?

The 'Washington Post' looks at cognitive decline among first responders

(Newser) - In 2015, at age 52, Ron Kirchner was diagnosed with dementia. His wife was told an MRI scan of Kirchner's brain could be mistaken for that of an 85-year-old. What makes that reality all the more tragic is this: Kirchner was a firefighter who spent almost 600 hours—the...

20 Years After 9/11, a Still-Unfinished WTC

Construction continues on 2 skyscrapers, church, performing arts center at World Trade Center site

(Newser) - Two decades after its destruction in the Sept. 11 attacks, the work to rebuild the World Trade Center complex remains incomplete. Two planned skyscrapers, a performing arts center, and a church are still unfinished at the site, which plays host Saturday to the annual ceremony honoring nearly 3,000 people...

Steve Buscemi Opens Up About Post-9/11 PTSD

After attacks, he volunteered with his former fire company at Ground Zero

(Newser) - The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is bringing back traumatic memories for countless Americans—including Steve Buscemi, who was a New York City firefighter before he was an actor. He served with the Engine 55 company in Manhattan from 1980 to 1984, and returned to volunteer with the company...

9/11 Mastermind's Pre-Trial Hearings Are Now in 9th Year

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was joined by 4 other defendants for first hearing in 18 months

(Newser) - Pre-trial hearings in the case against alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other defendants allegedly involved in the 2001 attacks resumed Tuesday for the first time in a year and a half. They were suspended last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The hearings are now in their...

Biden Releases 9/11 Files After Dispute With Families

Victims' relatives are looking for a connection between the attack and the Saudi government

(Newser) - President Biden signed an executive order Friday directing the declassification of certain documents related to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a supportive gesture to victims' families who have long sought the records in hopes of implicating the Saudi government. The order, coming just before the 20th anniversary of the...

Spike Lee Edits HBO Episode After Criticism

Filmmaker cuts discussion of Twin Towers' collapse from 'NYC Epicenters 9/11-2021½'

(Newser) - Spike Lee has re-edited the final episode of a four-part HBO series on the Sept. 11 terror attacks after criticism that it gave a platform to conspiracy theorists. NYC Epicenters 9/11-2021½, the first episode of which aired Sunday, explores how New York City has weathered events like the coronavirus pandemic...

Bobby McIlvaine Died on 9/11. This Is the Shape Grief Took

Jennifer Senior on how his parents, brother, intended fiancee have coped

(Newser) - "'The only thing I do is 9/11 stuff,' Bob Sr. says. 'My whole basis of everything revolves around the day.'" That's understandable. Bob McIlvaine Sr. lost his 26-year-old son that day, and in a lengthy piece for the Atlantic , Jennifer Senior presents a...

US to Review Secret 9/11 Files for Possible Release
Secret 9/11 Files
May Be Coming Out

Secret 9/11 Files May Be Coming Out

Victims' families, looking for links to the Saudi government, are piling on pressure

(Newser) - Under pressure, the Biden administration plans to review classified information on the 9/11 attacks to determine what information might now, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the attacks, be safely released to the public. This comes days after more than 1,600 people affected by the attacks—survivors,...

9/11 Families Set Condition for Biden to Attend Memorials

Relatives, first responders, and survivors want documents released that might implicate Saudi leaders

(Newser) - President Biden has been informed that he won't be welcome at events marking the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks unless he declassifies documents that could tie Saudi Arabian leaders to the terrorism. More than 1,800 relatives of victims, first responders, and attack survivors have signed onto...

Lawmakers Want to Stop Sale of Historic 9/11 Ship

Coast Guard cutter helped coordinate rescues

(Newser) - A bipartisan group of lawmakers is pushing to stop the sale of a ship that played a key role in what is believed to be history's largest maritime rescue—the evacuation of an estimated 500,000 stranded civilians from lower Manhattan in the hours after the 9/11 attacks. The...

Feds: Man Trained as Pilot, Planned 9/11-Style Attack

Kenyan man researched hijacking methods

(Newser) - A Kenyan man has been indicted in a case that "eerily draws parallels" to the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Justice says. Cholo Abdi Abdullah "obtained pilot training in the Philippines in preparation for seeking to hijack a commercial aircraft and crash it into a building in the...

9/11 Trial Pushed to August. But Even That's Unlikely

Pandemic has brought proceedings to a standstill

(Newser) - The trial of five alleged 9/11 plotters is unlikely to begin anytime before the 20th anniversary of the terrorist atrocity. Col. Stephen Keane, the judge who began overseeing the case against the five men earlier this month, has canceled all hearings for the rest of the year, citing pandemic travel...

Watch This Moving 9/11 Tribute That Aired Just Once
This 9/11 Ad Aired Only Once

This 9/11 Ad Aired Only Once

Moving Budweiser commercial was broadcast during the 2002 Super Bowl and never since

(Newser) - Some brands should completely stay away from trying to commemorate 9/11, but others have figured out how to appropriately, and movingly, mark that indelible moment. In Budweiser's case, it came up with what's been called "the best 9/11 commercial ever," and it's only officially aired...

Here's Why There Are No Biden Ads on TV Today

Presidential contender pulls them on 9/11 anniversary

(Newser) - It's the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, and Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden is marking the occasion by pulling all his television ads for the day. Politico says presidential contenders have long gone dark on the 9/11 anniversary, hitting a bit of a pause on their...

NYC Gives Itself Back Its 9/11 Tribute

City turns lights back on annual 'Tribute in Light,' which it had canceled amid COVID fears

(Newser) - New York City has reversed course and is turning the lights back on for its annual September 11 tribute, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday afternoon. "Honoring our 9/11 heroes is a cherished tradition. The twin towers of light signify hope, resiliency, promise and are a visual representation of #NewYorkTough,...

This Year, 9/11 Names Won't Be Read

A recording will be played instead, to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus

(Newser) - The pandemic has affected the commemoration of another painful loss of life. The families of 9/11 victims meet each year at the September 11 Memorial & Museum on the anniversary of their deaths. Someone from each family reads the name of their loved one and a tribute, a ceremony that...

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