Eric Holder

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Obama: Law Against Gay Marriage Unconstitutional

In big shift, feds will no longer defend DOMA in court

(Newser) - Big win for gay rights advocates: The Obama administration has concluded that the Defense of Marriage Act—the law that bars federal recognition of same-sex marriage—is unconstitutional and won't defend it in court anymore, reports NPR . The president gave the Justice Department its new marching orders today, and Eric...

CIA: Bin Laden's Off to Gitmo if We Get Him

White House: But we're still closing Gitmo

(Newser) - The federal government not only doesn't know where Osama bin Laden is, it also doesn't seem to know where it would put him if he's ever captured. CIA director Leon Panetta told senators yesterday that the terror kingpin would be held in Afghanistan and moved "probably to Guantanamo" if...

More Than 120 Arrested in Biggest NY Mob Bust Ever

FBI takes in members of Colombo, Gambino, 5 other families

(Newser) - It's not a good day to be a mobster: The FBI has arrested nearly 130 in what it's calling the biggest mob bust in New York history. The raids, which began yesterday and continued into the early morning, reeled in "basically the whole administration of the Colombo family,"...

GOP Rep Calls Obama Admin 'One of Most Corrupt'

Rep. Darrell Issa also takes on Eric Holder

(Newser) - Rep. Darrell Issa is coming in like a lion—and intends to go out like one, too. The incoming chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee didn't mince words today on CNN's State of the Union, calling Obama's administration "one of the most corrupt administrations" (stepping back...

Holder, Sebelius: Health Care Mandate Must Stand
Holder, Sebelius: Health Care Mandate Must Stand

Holder, Sebelius: Health Care Mandate Must Stand

Forcing people to buy insurance will keep costs down, they argue

(Newser) - The health care reform law’s mandate forcing individuals to buy insurance is necessary and constitutional, Eric Holder and Kathleen Sebelius argue today in an op-ed piece for the Washington Post , defending a provision struck down in federal court yesterday. Opponents of the law “have sought to invent new...

Hundreds Nabbed in Scam Artist Crackdown

Justice Department brags about wave of arrests

(Newser) - Federal authorities have charged more than 500 people with various forms of fraud during a 3.5-month probe, in what Eric Holder today termed the largest crackdown on scam artists in US history. Of those, 343 were criminally charged, with the defendants accused of everything from running Ponzi schemes to...

WikiLeaks Criminal Probe Under Way

White House orders classified-document security review

(Newser) - A criminal investigation is under way into WikiLeaks' release of hundreds of thousands of classified documents, Reuters reports. “To the extent that we can find anybody who was involved in the breaking of American law,” said Attorney General Eric Holder, “they will be held responsible, they will...

ACLU Clamoring for Criminal Probe of Bush

Slam ex-prez over authorizing waterboarding

(Newser) - The ACLU and some US officials are calling for a criminal investigation of George W. Bush after he acknowledged directly authorizing the use of waterboarding ("damn right") in Decision Points and throughout his book tour, the Huffington Post reports. “The admission cannot be ignored,” wrote the...

Holder: Feds Won't Ease Up on Pot Arrests

It's still against federal law, no matter what California decides

(Newser) - Eric Holder would like to remind Californians that marijuana will still be illegal under federal law no matter the outcome of next month's ballot initiative. And the attorney general promised to "vigorously enforce" that federal law. Holder slammed Prop 19 as something that "will greatly complicate federal drug...

Feds Slap AmEx With Antitrust Suit

Just as Justice settles case against MasterCard, Visa

(Newser) - The Justice Department has hit American Express with antitrust charges today, just as it settles similar charges with Visa and MasterCard, reports the Wall Street Journal. The complaint centers around the uneven fees and rules AmEx imposes to "impede merchants from promoting or encouraging the use of a competing...

US Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

It says civil rights abuses could result

(Newser) - The Obama administration filed suit today against Arizona’s controversial new immigration law. The Justice Department is challenging the law's constitutionality, arguing that state laws can’t trump federal ones when it comes to immigration, thanks to the "preemption" doctrine, notes the Washington Post .

US Too Chicken to Name Its Enemy: Islamic Radicalism
US Too Chicken to Name Its Enemy: Islamic Radicalism
charles krauthammer

US Too Chicken to Name Its Enemy: Islamic Radicalism

Obama administration prefers euphemisms instead

(Newser) - The would-be Times Square bomber calls himself a "Muslim soldier," and the Fort Hood shooter calls himself a "soldier of Allah." But when Team Obama refers to our enemy, it uses euphemisms like "a loose network of violent extremists." How meaningless and cowardly, writes...

US Opens Criminal Inquiry Into Oil Spill

Holder: 'We will be extremely forceful'

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder said today that federal authorities have opened criminal and civil investigations into the Gulf oil spill. The developments were expected, and the Los Angeles Times reported over the weekend that the scope of the criminal inquiry seems larger than a mere formality even in these early...

Obama Scrambles to Distance Himself From BP

AG Eric Holder to visit Gulf Coast today

(Newser) - The Obama administration has little choice but to work closely with BP on the Gulf oil spill but it's doing its best to make it clear that the relationship isn't cozy. Attorney General Eric Holder is heading to the Gulf Coast today to meet with prosecutors ahead of a possible...

GOPers Smell Impeachment in Sestak Job Offer

Repeated calls to Holder to appoint special prosecutor

(Newser) - Republicans are calling for the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Sestak's claims that someone in the Obama administration offered him a high-ranking job to drop out of the Pennsylvania primary race against Arlen Specter. And they've already used the “I” word. “It's very...

Oil Cleanup Honcho: 'Entire Gulf on Alert'
 Oil Cleanup Honcho: 
 'Entire Gulf on Alert' 


Oil Cleanup Honcho: 'Entire Gulf on Alert'

Eric Holder debates suing Arizona

(Newser) - We may not have seen the worst of the Gulf oil spill, says the man spearheading the federal response, Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen. “The maddening thing is it’s indeterminate. So what we have is a 5,000 barrel spill every day with the wind shifting around. And...

Holder: Pakistani Taliban Behind Times Square Bomb Plot

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder says the Pakistani Taliban was "intimately involved" and "directed this plot" in the failed Times Square bombing. Speaking on Meet the Press and This Week today, Holder said the Taliban perhaps financed the plot carried out by Faisal Shahzad, a US citizen of Pakistani...

Holder: Shahzad Charged in 'Terrorist Plot'

Times Square suspect due in court today

(Newser) - Eric Holder officially announced the arrest of suspected would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad today, saying he'd be charged with “an act of terrorism transcending national borders” and “attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction” among other things. He described the incident as “terrorist plot aimed...

Cops Find Owner of Explosives-Laden SUV

But he's not considered a suspect in the bombing

(Newser) - Police have found the owner of the black Nissan SUV that was found filled with explosives in Time Square on Saturday, but after speaking with him, they have ruled him out as a suspect. Still, the discovery is considered a significant breakthrough, and authorities remain optimistic, the New York Times...

Feds May Have to Pay Terror Group for Rights Violations

Wiretap ruling leaves Holder facing dilemma

(Newser) - Eric Holder's Justice Department would probably like to accept last month's ruling that warrantless wiretapping under the Bush administration was illegal. There's a big catch, however, reports Newsweek : doing so would mean the department may have to pay damages to the Islamic charity that was wiretapped, which has been declared...

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