Charlie Sheen

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Charlie Sheen 'Wins' at Cooking

Debuts Charlie Sheen's 'Winning Recipes' on Funny or Die

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen’s latest antics have expanded past "Sheen’s Korner" with his own cooking show on Funny or Die . On "Winning Recipes," Sheen wears an orange, tiger-striped chef’s hat and an apron emblazoned with "WINNING," and explains that he plans to be the...

Police Raid Charlie Sheen's Mansion

 Police Raid 
 Charlie Sheen's 

Police Raid Charlie Sheen's Mansion

Still 'winning,' Sheen tweets

(Newser) - Police raided Charlie Sheen's house last night after receiving an alarming tip that the troubled actor was armed and threatening to hurt himself, reports TMZ . Cops found a rifle from the 1800s and "a few bullets," according to Sheen's attorney. They confiscated the gun, but left without arresting...

Sheen Sues Lorre, WB for $100M

Suit claims Lorre made Sheen a 'scapegoat'

(Newser) - Hell hath no fury like Charlie Sheen scorned —he's suing Warner Bros. and his arch-nemesis Chuck Lorre for the amount he and the crew would've made on the eight episodes of Two and a Half Men that had yet to be made—a whopping $100 million, TMZ reports. The...

Charlie Sheen Porn Flick: Vivid Entertainment Wants Actor to Direct a Movie, Bring Goddesses
 Vivid to Sheen: 
 Make a Porno! 


Vivid to Sheen: Make a Porno!

Because the world needed this...

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen's big on pulling crazy crap these days, so why not add to his resume? Steven Hirsch of adult film factory Vivid Entertainment writes the actor/crazyman a letter saying, “We think it would be great if you would come in and direct" its next movie "within the...

Charlie Sheen's Not Crazy— He Actually Liberated Us

We should probably thank him for his 'astute analysis'

(Newser) - In between all the shouting about “tiger blood” and “Adonis DNA,” Charlie Sheen has also managed to spout off some “reasonably astute analysis” lately, writes Neal Gabler in the Los Angeles Times . Before you react with a shocked “wha huh?!” consider this: By revealing...

Browser Add-On Wipes Charlie Sheen From Web

... or at least the sites you're looking on

(Newser) - It's possible Sheen-mania has already crested, what with his firing from Two and a Half Men, but if you're sick of the coke-addled star, click over to Tinted Sheen , a Sheen-blocking browser add-on for Firefox or Chrome. The add-on blacks out mentions of his name and puts a flat blue...

Sheen's Reaction to Firing? More Crazy, of Course

Plus, new information to be gleaned from termination letter

(Newser) - If you were hoping that Charlie Sheen’s long overdue firing might get the tiger-blood-drinking star off your television set and computer screen for a while … no such luck. Sheen reacted to his ouster in plenty of predictably bizarre ways, which the Hollywood Reporter helpfully rounds up:
  • He drank

Charlie Sheen Fired: CBS Cans 'Two and a Half Men' Star
 CBS Fires 
 Charlie Sheen 


CBS Fires Charlie Sheen

'Two and a Half Men' star gets pinks slip; show may or may not go on

(Newser) - CBS today finally handed Charlie Sheen that pink slip he's been begging for over the past few weeks, reports People. "After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen's services on Two and a Half Men effective immediately," says a statement from the network. CBS says "...

Here's the Biggest Reason Sheen Imploded

One word: enablers

(Newser) - How exactly did tiger-blood-drinking , porn-star-loving Charlie Sheen get so crazy? By surrounding himself with enablers, sources tell the New York Times . From managers, agents, and publicists to assistants and fellow partiers, Sheen’s antics are widely tolerated for one simple reason: “He’s money,” one agent says. “...

Charlie Sheen Finds New Network? Actor in Talks With Mark Cuban and HDNet
 Sheen Finds New Network? 

Sheen Finds New Network?

Mark Cuban in talks with actor for HDNet show, says they'll 'try to figure it out'

(Newser) - Can't get enough of Charlie Sheen and his winning outlook on life? Well, you're in luck: Sheen is in talks with Mark Cuban to do something on HDNet, the billionaire's cable network. Talk show, reality show, or a program featuring tiger blood ... the details have not been worked out, but...

Charlie Sheen Unveils 'Sheen's Korner'

 Charlie Unveils 
 Sheen's Korner 


Charlie Unveils Sheen's Korner

Because you hadn't seen enough of him this week

(Newser) - "You're either in Sheen's Korner, or you're with the trolls," proclaimed the ever-crazier Charlie Sheen in anointing his latest "disorganized, random experiment of sorts." What followed was 50 minutes of #winning Sheen. Watch a clip in the gallery, or click through to TMZ to watch the...

Sean Penn to Sheen: C'mon Down to Haiti

Actor thinks Sheen could help Haiti, Haiti could help Sheen

(Newser) - Sean Penn knows a thing or two about being crazy, and thinks earthquake-ravaged Haiti's just the place for old pal and certified crazyperson Charlie Sheen. Penn says he'd like to "show my old friend the world of needs on the ground in Haiti," reports the AP, and thinks...

Charlie Sheen Hits 1M Twitter Followers in Record Time
 Sheen Sets Guinness Record 

Sheen Sets Guinness Record

Sheen snags one million followers in record time

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen is having some well-publicized troubles in the real world, but on Twitter, things couldn't be going better for him. The actor joined the microblogging site on Tuesday and by yesterday the Guinness Book of Records hailed him as the fastest person ever to gain a million followers, the...

12 Famous Open Relationships

Charlie Sheen is the latest, the wackiest, but not the first

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen may be the craziest celebrity ever to have a relationship with multiple women simultaneously , but he's certainly not the only celebrity to do so. The Daily Beast rounds up a dozen:
  • Hugh Hefner: The Playboy founder's relationship record? Seven women at once. (He also, of course, dated identical

Sheen Must Stay 100 Feet From Twins

He threatened to 'cut off my head,' says estranged wife Brooke Mueller

(Newser) - Wacked-out actor Charlie Sheen has not only lost custody of his twin toddler sons , but he's under a restraining order demanding he stay at least 100 feet away from them. New details of the rapidly unraveling personal life of the off-the-rails actor emerged in a court action filed by...

Cops Take Twins From Charlie Sheen's LA Mansion

Off-the-rails actor fighting for full custody

(Newser) - California police have removed Charlie Sheen's twin sons from his Los Angeles mansion, the increasingly erratic actor has revealed. "This is not the America I grew up in," he told NBC News last night. The boys, Bob and Max, who turn 2 this month, were returned to their...

Sheen to Jewish Group: You Apologize to Me

He wants a retraction of anti-Semitism accusation

(Newser) - The Anti-Defamation League accused Charlie Sheen of "borderline anti-Semitism" when he called Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre by his Hebrew name, Chaim Levine . But Sheen, via a letter from his lawyer obtained by TMZ , says that's not fair—and demands that the ADL issue a retraction....

Charlie Sheen's Motto: 'Enjoy Every Loaded Moment'

Plus: Why Hef is an 'amateur,' and more

(Newser) - Another day, another absolute glut of Charlie Sheen stories. The latest:
  • In a just-published interview given to GQ last month—before he went on a rant against his boss , but after he trashed his hotel room —Sheen explains his philosophy on life (and, apparently, partying): "You enjoy every

Sheen to Piers: I'm Not 'Bringing the Crazy'

He says he'll finish season of Two and a Half Men

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen rounded off a day of bizarre interviews with a surprise hour-long live appearance on CNN 's Piers Morgan Tonight. Sheen appeared a little more subdued than he had earlier in the day, telling host Piers Morgan that he wasn't "bringing the crazy," and backtracking on remarks...

Warner Bros. Will Pay Sheen's Crew

'Two and a Half Men' star calls it 'a good start'

(Newser) - Warner Bros. will cough up the four weeks' worth of cash it would have paid the cast of Charlie Sheen's canceled Two and a Half Men, reports TMZ , a move Sheen tells the AP is "a good start." Warner Bros. confirmed the move, which will yield about $2...

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