
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

California 'Amazed' to Find Wolf Pack in State

Wolves are returning home after being hunted nearly to extinction

(Newser) - It's the summer of the wolf pack in California, and no we're not talking about another Hangover sequel. A family of gray wolves—two adults and five pups—were yesterday confirmed to be living in the state. The last time the state hosted a pack was the early...

Driver's Boast on Facebook: I Hit, Killed Wolves

Toby Bridges is campaigner against wolves

(Newser) - A Montana driver has offered Facebook followers a graphic account of his encounter with a family of wolves—an account that suggests he purposely hit them with his car, the Great Falls Tribune reports. Fish, Wildlife, and Parks officials are "looking into" the situation, one says, though it's...

For $20K, George RR Martin Will Kill You

Literarily speaking, of course, and to save some wolves

(Newser) - If you happen to have $20,000 burning a hole in your pocket, George RR Martin will cut you for it. The author behind Game of Thrones will slay you with all appropriate gore—on the written page, of course—if you are a top-tier donor of his current crowdfunding...

Man Says He Was Raised by Wolves

Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja says he traded words for growls

(Newser) - A six-year-old boy was taken into the mountains to help a goatherd, but when the man died, the boy was left alone—until a mother wolf nosed some meat his way. So says Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja, now in his late 60s and long back among humans in the Spanish town...

How Yellowstone Wolves Help Bears Eat Berries

By eating the elk that typically gorge on the fruit

(Newser) - Bears in Yellowstone are eating twice as many berries as they used to, and the reason is all about the intricacies of a wildlife ecosystem: The park brought back wolves, and they've been eating the elk that used to eat the berries, reports the Mother Nature Network . As a...

We Can Now Identify Each Wolf by Its Howl

New audio analysis should be big help in monitoring packs

(Newser) - Howling wolves may sound alike to us humans, but each howl is distinct—and researchers have for the first time developed a system to tell them apart and identify individuals, reports Nature World News . British scientists at Nottingham Trent University developed software that measures pitch and volume so precisely that...

Dogs' Evolutionary Trick: Learning to Eat Human Food

They could digest grains, live off our refuse

(Newser) - Swedish researchers have an intriguing new theory on why dogs became the human pals they are today, as opposed to wolves: They developed the ability to digest starch, which allowed them to live off the refuse of our human ancestors at the dawn of agriculture, reports the Washington Post . Wolves...

Hunters Shoot World's 'Most Famous' Wolf

832F was shot just outside Yellowstone's boundary

(Newser) - A wolf described as "the most famous in the world" has been shot dead by hunters just outside the boundary of Yellowstone National Park, reports the New York Times . The alpha female known as 832F had become a tourist favorite over the last six years and the shooting, which...

PETA Irked by Real Wolves at Twilight After-Party

Three wolves were in 'really small cage,' witness says

(Newser) - This week's Bad Idea Award goes to the people behind the final Twilight movie premiere after-party, who apparently thought nothing could possibly go wrong if they featured caged wolves. (For those of you lucky enough to have no knowledge of Twilight, wolves feature heavily in the storyline.) "...

4 Wolves Killed First Wisconsin Hunting Day

State aiming for 116, animal lovers headed for court

(Newser) - At least two male and two female adult wolves were shot dead in the first 24 hours of Wisconsin's first wolf hunt in decades. The controversial hunt is scheduled to run through February, but the state might end it sooner if hunters hit the limit of 116 wolves. Some...

Debate Rages as Wolves Become Fair Prey Again

Ranchers, activists face off over 1st wolf-hunting in 39 years

(Newser) - With wolves coming off federal assistance , they will soon become prey again—so officials, hunters, and wildlife activists are sniping at each other before the hunt begins, the Washington Post reports. "It’s hard to fathom that you can be deserving of federal protection under the Endangered Species Act...

Activists Fear for Dogs in Wisconsin Wolf Hunts

Lawsuit seeks to stop use of hunting dogs

(Newser) - Wisconsin will have its first wolf hunting season this fall—and the state is allowing dogs to be used in the hunt, which animal activists say will lead to violent confrontations similar to illegal dog fights. "Mainstream hunters do not want wolves to die in bloody, grotesque ways,"...

Wolves Kill Swedish Zookeeper
 Wolves Kill Swedish Zookeeper 

Wolves Kill Swedish Zookeeper

Woman mauled to death during morning feeding

(Newser) - A zoo worker in Sweden has been mauled to death by a pack of wolves she had looked after since they were puppies. The 30-year-old woman was attacked by eight wolves after she entered the enclosure at Kolmarden Zoo to feed them, reports the Independent . Her body was recovered by...

Why Dog History Remains a Blur

Those darn Victorians did it

(Newser) - Our ignorance about canine history can be blamed, ironically, on our own love for dogs, LiveScience reports. Scientists recently tried tracing dogs' genetic lines—and culling out details of their early domestication—but lost track in the 19th century, when Victorians established today's standard breeds. The 15,000 years...

French Fight Erupts Over Marauding Wolves

Shepherds want to hunt sheep killers at will

(Newser) - Call it Yellowstone sur Seine. French shepherds are demanding the surging wolf population be culled following increasing sheep deaths by the growing packs of protected canines. Wolves are now roaming the Vosges Mountains on the Alsace-Lorraine border for the first time in 80 years. Some experts predict the wolves could...

Wolf 'Emergency' May Trigger Idaho Slaughter

Bill would lead to the culling of hundreds of wolves

(Newser) - As the wolf population in Idaho has topped 700, the governor is considering declaring a "wolf emergency," which would allow law enforcement officials to cull wolf packs in large numbers, reports ABC News . "Until something is done about these wolves, I'm a prisoner in my own home,...

Teen Scares Off Wolves With ... Song by Creed

Oh so appropriately, the song "Overcome" persuades pack to depart

(Newser) - A Norwegian teen has hard-rockers Creed to thank for saving his life. The 13-year-old says he was walking from school and headed to his family's farmhouse on Monday when he stumbled upon four wolves. "I was afraid they would attack me," Walter Eikrem says, but instead of fleeing,...

Wolves Rescue Wetlands of Yellowstone Park

Their return sets off chain of events for ecosystem

(Newser) - After wolves were exterminated in Yellowstone National Park in the early 1900s, a domino of effects from their loss led to an almost complete collapse of the wetlands ecosystem. Now the wolves are back—after 66 were introduced between 1995-1996, the population has reached 200 packs with 1,700 members—...

Wolves Kill Alaska Teacher; First in US in Modern Times

No fatal wolf attacks have been reported in last 100 years

(Newser) - Wolves attacked and killed a 32-year-old teacher in Alaska in what the Los Angeles Times calls the first such fatal attack in the US in modern times. At least four attacked the 32-year-old special-ed teacher as she jogged alone in the evening while listening to her iPod. No one saw...

World's First Cloned Wolf Dies
World's First
Cloned Wolf Dies

World's First Cloned Wolf Dies

Cause of death a mystery

(Newser) - One of  of the world's first two cloned wolves has died due to unknown causes, reports the Korea Times. Snuwolf, 4, was found dead at South Korea's national zoo. Her identical sister, Snuwolffy, remains healthy. "Snuwolf had been in good condition," said Prof. Shin Nam-sik, a leader of...

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