giant pandas

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China Welcomes 2013's 1st Panda Cubs

Twins born to Haizi

(Newser) - China has two little bundles of giant panda joy on the ground, twin cubs who were born yesterday to Haizi at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan province. One cub is female, notes the AP , and weighs in at a not-so-hefty 2.79 ounces....

Superbug Weapon: Panda Blood?
 Superbug Weapon: 
 Panda Blood? 
in case you missed it

Superbug Weapon: Panda Blood?

And, good news, scientists can produce synthetic version

(Newser) - Our latest weapon in the battle against superbugs comes from ... giant pandas? Apparently. Scientists have discovered a potent antibiotic called cathelicidin-AM in the animal's blood. It's released by immune cells there, and Chinese researchers now think it could be used to develop treatments for human diseases—including drug-resistant...

Liver Problem Killed Baby Panda: Zoo

Mother Mei Xiang reportedly improving

(Newser) - A National Zoo veterinarian says a liver problem was indeed to blame for the death last month of a 6-day-old giant panda cub. Chief veterinarian Suzan Murray told a news conference today that the cub's cause of death was liver necrosis, or the death of liver cells. Murray says...

Liver Defect May Have Killed Panda Cub

Mei Xiang didn't crush baby girl; zoo 'devastated'

(Newser) - Mei Xiang, the giant panda at Washington's National Zoo who lost her cub yesterday , "was a good mom who protected her cub and did not crush her," says the zoo’s chief veterinarian today. Preliminary necropsy findings did not reveal a cause of death, but did indicate...

National Zoo&#39;s Panda Cub Dies
 National Zoo's Panda Cub Dies 

National Zoo's Panda Cub Dies

Baby found dead after Mei Xiang was heard making distressed sounds

(Newser) - The long-awaited panda cub born Sept. 16 at the National Zoo in Washington has died, reports the AP . Zookeepers found the cub dead this morning after hearing distressed sounds from mom Mei Xiang. A cause of death is yet unknown, though the cub appeared outwardly to be in good condition....

National Zoo Welcomes Panda Cub

Mei Xiang gives birth to long-awaited second cub

(Newser) - After five consecutive false pregnancies since 2007, the National Zoo finally has a little panda bundle of joy: The zoo's giant panda female, Mei Xiang, gave birth to a cub last night at 10:46pm, reports the AP . Zoo staffers have yet to see the cub, which is ensconced...

Meet Atlanta's Baby Giant Panda

One-month-old will be named when he's 100 days

(Newser) - About one month old, a new giant panda cub at Zoo Atlanta is still smaller than a house cat, but he is healthy and growing fast, veterinarians said yesterday after a weekly medical exam. The cub, who will be named when he is 100 days old following Chinese tradition, will...

Pandas Freed to Give Birth in the Wild

Experts will monitor captive-born animals in forest

(Newser) - Four pregnant giant pandas are on the loose in a forest near the reserve where the captive-bred animals normally live, and they'll be allowed to give birth and raise their offspring there, the Xinhua News Agency reports. "We hope the mothers can teach their cubs life skills to help...

Mama Panda Crushes Baby
 Mama Panda Crushes Baby 

Mama Panda Crushes Baby

Abandoned twin cub survives

(Newser) - The birth of twin pandas at the Beijing Zoo last week gave way to tragedy when the mother abandoned one and accidentally killed the other. Eight-year-old Yinghua delivered two female cubs, but “twins are rare and all mothers take only the first cub as their own,” the zoo...

Chinese Automaker 'Adopts' Panda Tai Shan

Chinese car company will pay $150K for DC treasure

(Newser) - Giant panda Tai Shan arrived in China today after nearly 5 years in Washington, DC, and found a nice surprise waiting for him: a corporate sponsorship. Sichuan Auto Industry Group will pay $150,000 for a lifelong claim to Tai Shan, along with $90,000 annually for his food and...

US-Born Pandas Get Celebrity Welcome in China

After quarantine, Tai Shan and Mei Lan will be split up

(Newser) - China rolled out the red carpet today for pandas Tai Shan and Mei Lan, who arrived in Chengdu after a 15-hour flight from the US. Tai Shan was born at the National Zoo in Washington and Mei Lan at the Atlanta Zoo, but because their parents are Chinese, they had...

National Zoo's Panda Cub Heads to China

Washington's Tai Shan and Atlanta's Mei Lan moving to China to breed

(Newser) - Washington will bid its favorite panda adieu on Feb. 4, when Tai Shan leaves for China to breed, accompanied by Zoo Atlanta's Mei Lan. “It's like sending off your own child to college,” Tai Shan's fan club founder tells the Post , adding that fan club members have raised...

Panda Moms Worn Out By Baby Boom

Chinese institute boasts just four births this year

(Newser) - The breeding program at China's Chengdu panda institute has produced just four pandas this year. Researchers say the panda mothers are mostly too exhausted to conceive more babies after last year's record 18 births, the Times of London reports. This year's births included twins Wen Li and Ya L, born...

Panda Fever Spreads to Crocs, Elephants

Thai zookeepers paint other endagered animals to compete

(Newser) - Panda fever is so intense in Thailand, since the birth of its cub, Li Ping, last May, that zookeepers are painting crocs and elephants in panda colors just to get some of the attention. Li Pang, whose parents are on loan from China, has millions of fans and a 24-hour...

Taiwan Panda Keepers Seek Love Doc's Advice

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, expert counsels

(Newser) - Ahead of breeding season in February, the Taipei Zoo is soliciting expert advice for getting its two giant pandas in the mood. A researcher dispatched from their native China found Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan—presented last year as a symbol of thawing relations between the countries—just a little...

Chinese Pandas to Head Home After Quake Fixup

Rare animals will return to Sichuan preserve by 2012

(Newser) - Sixty giant pandas displaced after a massive earthquake rocked China last year will head home to their nature preserve, reports Xinhua. China is pouring $55 million into rebuilding the endangered animals' Sichuan Province base that previously housed 63 pandas. One died in the quake, one went missing, and one died...

Tai Shan Turns 4
 Tai Shan Turns 4  
birthday slideshow

Tai Shan Turns 4

(Newser) - Tai Shan, the giant panda who captivated the world as a cub, turned 4 today and celebrated with a huge birthday cake only an animal could love. The three-tiered concoction was a frozen medley of water, beet juice, shredded beets, and bamboo, WTOP reports. Tai Shan, who is now considered...

National Zoo Panda Not Pregnant

(Newser) - Giant panda Mei Xiang, whose first cub became an international superstar, is not pregnant, National Zoo officials said today. The panda, who was artificially inseminated in January, experienced her third false pregnancy in as many years, the Washington Post reports. Four-year-old Tai Shan, Mei Xiang's only cub to survive infancy,...

Pandas Haven't Bounced Back From China Quake

Sichuan disaster presents lasting difficulties for breeders

(Newser) - China’s efforts to save the giant panda from extinction haven’t recovered from last year’s earthquake in Sichuan province, AFP reports. The temblor swallowed up whole groves of bamboo, causing a food shortage just as breeding centers, whose efforts have caused a recent panda “baby boom,”...

DC Zoo's Panda on Pregnancy Watch

(Newser) - The National Zoo’s female giant panda may be pregnant, the Washington Post reports. Volunteers are monitoring Mei Xiang around the clock after zookeepers noticed behavioral changes that indicate the mom to celebu-panda Tai Shan is expecting, including creating a bamboo den in a dark and quiet place, and cradling...

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