Ku Klux Klan

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Tulsa Mulls Renaming Sites Under Klan's Shadow

City father Wyatt Tate Brady was a member

(Newser) - Wyatt Tate Brady helped turned Tulsa from a cluster of tents into a major Oklahoma city at the turn of the 20th century, and his name is attached to all kinds of local sites: a street, a neighborhood, a theater, and a mansion. But the shadow of his past is...

Oberlin Cancels Classes Amid Racial Uproar

KKK-styled figure seen; epithets appear around campus

(Newser) - Oberlin has canceled classes today after a person was seen near the Ohio college's African Heritage House in Ku Klux Klan-style robes, Gawker reports. The appearance follows a month of hate messages around campus, including Black History Month posters defaced with the N-word and "Whites Only" written above...

Fliers Invite Georgia Residents to Join KKK

Displeased homeowner calls police

(Newser) - Things one might expect at the end of one's driveway: a mailbox, garbage cans, a newspaper. Things one does not: a plastic bag weighed down with a rock, containing an invite from the Ku Klux Klan. But the latter is what Atlanta-area homeowners found on Monday morning, prompting one...

Woman: Men Set Me on Fire in Race Attack

They wrote KKK on my car: Sharmeka Moffitt

(Newser) - A 20-year-old black woman told police she was set on fire by three men who wrote the initials KKK and a racial slur on her car in northeastern Louisiana. A state police rep says Sharmeka Moffitt was found with burns on more than half her body when police responded to...

KKK Leader Convicted for Trying to Blow Up Sheriff

Charles Robert Barefoot upset over Mule Days parade, nightclub

(Newser) - A Ku Klux Klan leader from North Carolina has been convicted on weapons and explosive charges related to a plot to blow up his county sheriff. A jury convicted Charles Robert Barefoot Jr. of Benson on six felony counts this week, including conspiracy, possession of stolen guns, and receipt of...

ACLU Agrees to Defend KKK
 ACLU Agrees to Defend KKK 

ACLU Agrees to Defend KKK

Georgia highway dispute creates unlikely bedfellows

(Newser) - The Ku Klux Klan has a right to adopt a highway , the American Civil Liberties Union said yesterday, announcing that it would accept the white supremacist group's request for representation in its dispute with the Georgia Department of Transportation. The ACLU has previously said it views the case as...

David Duke Endorses Black Politician

Former Klansman likes Charles Barron's anti-Israel stance

(Newser) - Looks like former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard and Senate candidate David Duke hates Jews even more than he hates black people. Duke has endorsed radical black city councilman Charles Barron, a fierce critic of Israel who has compared Israelis to Nazis, in New York's 8th District Democratic primary,...

KKK Asks ACLU for Help in Highway Case

Civil rights group considering protecting Klan's free speech

(Newser) - The Ku Klux Klan is turning to a surprise choice for help in its fight to sponsor a highway cleanup: the ACLU. And the civil rights group is considering taking the case, representatives tell the Guardian . Georgia refused the KKK's request to sponsor a portion of highway where members...

Georgia to Klan: No Highway for You

State rejects group's adoption attempt

(Newser) - Georgia has foiled a Ku Klux Klan plot: The state has shot down the group's attempt to adopt a highway , reports CNN . A state DOT statement said the signs would be a distraction to motorists, notes the Atlanta Journal-Constitution . Don't expect things to end here, however. The Klan...

KKK Tries to Adopt a Highway
 KKK Tries to Adopt a Highway 

KKK Tries to Adopt a Highway

'We're not going to be out there in robes,' exalted cyclops promises

(Newser) - A Georgia Ku Klux Klan chapter has applied to "adopt" a stretch of highway in the Appalachian Mountains, and the state may actually have to allow it. The last time the Klan tried to adopt a highway, state officials in Missouri tried to block it, and wound up losing...

Klansman Running for Idaho Sheriff

Views on race won't be an issue, white supremacist claims

(Newser) - A white supremacist in Idaho seeking to swap his white hood for a sheriff's badge says voters should look at his position on crime, not race. Shaun Winkler, who is the leader of the local White Knights of the KKK and has links to the Aryan Nation, hopes to...

Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Arrested in Germany

Authorities set to deport former Louisiana lawmaker

(Newser) - American white supremacist David Duke got arrested in Germany only a few hours before speaking to a far-right rally and is now set to be deported, reports the Daily Mail . German authorities say they are booting the 61-year-old anti-Semite because he violated a travel ban issued by another European country—...

Former KKK Grand Wizard Eyes White House Run

David Duke may seek GOP nomination

(Newser) - He's baaaaack. White supremacist David Duke is considering throwing his pointy hat into the ring for the Republican presidential nomination, according to the Daily Beast . The former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard and Louisiana lawmaker, who has been living in Europe in recent years, is reportedly planning a 25-state...

Westboro Protested by ... the KKK

Two groups converge at Arlington National Cemetery

(Newser) - Not a surprise: Westboro Baptist Church was doing its thing yesterday, protesting at Arlington National Cemetery hours before President Obama’s Memorial Day observances at the Tomb of the Unknowns. Somewhat more of a surprise: Members of the controversial church were met by a counter-protest … by purported members of...

Haley Barbour Won't Denounce KKK Plates

'I don't go around denouncing people'

(Newser) - Haley Barbour doesn’t think Mississippi’s legislature will approve the Sons of Confederate Veterans’ proposed license plate honoring Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest—but he’s not going denounce the proposal. The state’s NAACP has called on Barbour to do so, the AP reports, but when...

Mississippi Considers Plate Honoring ... KKK Leader

Sons of Confederate Veterans want to honor general-turned Klan leader

(Newser) - The Sons of Confederate Veterans have rustled up some controversy in Mississippi, by proposing a specialty license plate honoring Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the earliest Grand Wizards of the Ku Klux Klan. The group wants the state to issue a series of plates commemorating the 150th anniversary...

KKK Snowman Enrages Idaho Neighborhood

Hooded snow sculpture held a noose, but owner says it's not hateful

(Newser) - Ahh, the holidays ... a time for merry-making, gift-giving ... and noose-wielding KKK snowmen? That's what residents of Hayden, Idaho, found in one neighbor's yard. In addition to the noose, which was later removed, the 10-foot-tall snow sculpture was also originally adorned with a KKK hood and is located in a yard...

From the Appalachian Coalfields to 9 Senate Terms
From the Appalachian Coalfields to
9 Senate Terms

From the Appalachian Coalfields to 9 Senate Terms

The 'astonishing arc' of Robert Byrd's life

(Newser) - Robert Byrd, who died today at age 92, rose from a hardscrabble childhood in the coalfields of West Virginia to become the longest-serving member of Congress in history. Those who knew the conservative Democrat remember him as a self-taught man of iron will (he remains the only congressman to have...

Georgia Teacher Lets Kids Don Klan Robes

She may lose job after controversial project

(Newser) - In hindsight, allowing students making a film about the history of racism to walk through a racially mixed rural Georgia high school in Ku Klux Klan robes wasn't a great idea, concedes high school teacher Catherine Ariemma. She has been placed on leave and may be fired after black students...

Ariz. Majority Leader Follows ex-Grand Wizard on Twitter

He has 'no idea' how that happened

(Newser) - Arizona immigration bill-backer and state Senate majority leader Chuck Gray has been following a white supremacist on Twitter. StormfrontWPWW (White Pride Worldwide) was launched by former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black of Florida, who has been barred from traveling to the UK for inciting hatred. Gray has also followed a...

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