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What World Leaders Are Saying About DC Violence

'Disgraceful,' 'shocking,' and 'concerning'

(Newser) - “Disgraceful." That’s Boris Johnson’s take on images of Trump supporters storming the US Capitol on Wednesday, according to the Guardian . “The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power,...

In 4 Museum Heists, Thieves Went After the Same Thing

A fortune's worth of Nazi uniforms stolen in Europe since March

(Newser) - Thieves set up a roadblock of tires, parked a fake police car beside it, then smashed down the door of the Eyewitness War Museum in the Netherlands, from which they took $1.5 million in World War II memorabilia in just five minutes, per the New York Times . "It...

Train No Longer Rests on Whale Sculpture

Runaway carriage had come to rest on artwork

(Newser) - The front carriage of a Dutch metro train that landed on a sculpture of a whale's tail after plowing through the end of an elevated section of rails was painstakingly lifted clear of the artwork Tuesday and lowered to the ground. The train was left precariously balanced on the...

Whale&#39;s Tail Saves a Runaway Train
Whale's Tail Saves
a Runaway Train

Whale's Tail Saves a Runaway Train

It's 2020, so why not?

(Newser) - The driver of a metro train in the Netherlands is a very, very lucky man. Incredible images show that a sculpture of a whale's tail saved him and his train from a nasty plunge, reports . The otherwise empty train broke through a barrier at the end of...

Doctors May Have Found New Organ Hidden in Head

These could be first major salivary glands found in 300 years

(Newser) - For the past three centuries, doctors have been under the impression that humans have three major types of salivary glands, found near the ears, below the jaw, and under the tongue. "Now, we think there is a fourth," Dr. Matthijs Valstar of the Netherlands Cancer Institute tells the...

Netherlands Plans to Allow Euthanasia for Under-12s

Government says move will help children 'suffering hopelessly and unbearably'

(Newser) - The Netherlands is set to become the second country in the world to allow euthanasia for terminally ill children under 12. After months of debate in the country's ruling coalition, Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said regulations would be changed to help "a small group of terminally ill...

Trucks Relocate Nearly $12B in Gold Bullion

(Newser) - This really was the gold standard of road trips. The Netherlands' central bank transported its Dutch-based stock of gold—14,000 bars and about 1,000 boxes of gold coins—from its headquarters in Amsterdam to a safe in the nearby city of Haarlem in a meticulously and closely guarded...

This Masterpiece Just Got Stolen, Again

'Two Laughing Boys' by Frans Hals taken from Dutch museum

(Newser) - The pandemic is bad news for art patrons because museums are mostly closed. Art thieves, on the other hand, seem to be doing OK. For the second time since the pandemic began, a painting has been stolen from a shuttered museum in the Netherlands, reports Reuters . In March, it was...

Huge Cocaine Lab Found in Former Riding School

Dutch cops say it's the biggest they've ever found

(Newser) - Police in the Netherlands say a former riding school near a sleepy village housed the biggest cocaine lab they've ever uncovered. Police announced Tuesday that 17 arrests had been made in connection with a raid on the cocaine "laundry" in the northern village of Nivejeen, the Guardian reports....

Cops Make Disturbing Find in Sea Container

It had been converted into a torture chamber

(Newser) - Dutch police arrested six men after discovering shipping containers that had been converted into a makeshift prison and sound-proofed "torture chamber" complete with a dentist's chair, and tools including pliers, scalpels, and handcuffs, a high-ranking officer announced Tuesday. Authorities said police conducted the raid before the torture chamber...

'Proof of Life' Photos of Stolen Van Gogh Emerge

Art detective says thief could be looking for a buyer

(Newser) - The Vincent van Gogh painting stolen from a Dutch museum in March has turned up—in a pair of photographs . The "proof of life" photos show the front and back of the small painting, Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring, next to a copy of the New York Times'...

Only Known Letter by 2 Great Artists Sells for Big Bucks

1888 letter was written weeks before Van Gogh, Gauguin's relationship soured

(Newser) - The Vincent Van Gogh Foundation has purchased the only known letter signed by artists Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin at an auction in Paris. The cost of the four sheets of paper: $237,700, per Reuters . The artists penned the letter to fellow painter Emile Bernard in early November...

Mink May Have Passed Infection to Humans

'This would be the first known cases of animal-to-human transmission'

(Newser) - Officials say they have detected the first likely case of the coronavirus jumping from an animal to a human—but so far the risk is limited to mink farms in Holland. The World Health Organization tells AFP that three workers infected on mink farms "would be the first known...

Official Advice for Dutch Singles: Find a 'Seksbuddy'

National Institute for Public Health updates its pandemic advice

(Newser) - The Netherlands' public health institute is suggesting that singles safely seek out a "seksbuddy" amid the coronavirus pandemic. Yep, that means exactly what it sounds like. The institute came under fire for its initial recommendation that home visitors, up to a maximum of three, stay at least five feet...

Surfers Took to the Water, and 5 Didn't Make It Out Alive

Dutch surfers caught in high winds, thick foam off The Hague

(Newser) - At least five surfers have died in a storm off The Hague, Netherlands. The men, aged 22 to 38, were described as experienced, with some reportedly serving as lifeguards and surf school instructors, per the Guardian . They'd been among a group of 10 surfers and swimmers who set out...

In Famous Painting, the Pearl Earring Came Last

'Girl With a Pearl Earring' created with pigments from around the world, research reveals

(Newser) - Researchers using a battery of modern imaging techniques have gotten under the skin of Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring," sometimes referred to as the Dutch "Mona Lisa." "Sadly we didn't find out who this young lady was and if she ever...

Dutch Court Clears Way for Euthanasia in Dementia Cases

Patient must provide written directive while still healthy

(Newser) - The Netherlands' highest court ruled Tuesday that doctors can carry out euthanasia in patients with advanced dementia if the patient has earlier made a written directive, per the AP . The Supreme Court ruling solidifies in law a practice that already was being carried out on rare occasions in the Netherlands....

Museum Shuttered by Virus 'Shocked' by Theft

Vincent van Gogh painting taken from Singer museum in Laren

(Newser) - A Dutch museum that was closed because of the coronavirus pandemic had a very unwelcome visitor or visitors in the wee hours of Monday morning: a thief or thieves who made off with a Vincent van Gogh painting. The Independent reports the 1884 work, Spring Garden, was taken around 3:...

This Is the Best Country in the World
Here Are
the 10 Best
Nations on Earth

Here Are the 10 Best Nations on Earth

According to new rankings out by 'US News & World Report'; the US moves up one spot

(Newser) - This is the fifth year US News & World Report has put out its "Best Countries" report, and one country has dominated every year but one. Switzerland is tops again for 2020, as it was in 2019, 2018, and 2017. The magazine, which worked with the BAV Group and...

Lawmaker Brings Back Contest That Angers Many Muslims

Geert Wilders revives the Mohammed cartoon competition

(Newser) - Nothing like a good contest caricaturing the Prophet Mohammad—if you're a firebrand politician, that is. Far-right Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders said Saturday he was reviving a contest for Mohammad cartoons after he had dropped such a plan last year amid fear of attacks, Reuters reports. "Freedom of...

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