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2 Americans to US: Free Us From North Korea

Jeffrey Fowle, Matthew Miller fear lengthy imprisonment

(Newser) - A pair of Americans detained months ago in North Korea have a message for Washington: Help us get home. Jeffrey Fowle, 56, and Matthew Miller, 24, haven't been seen since they were detained, on separate occasions, by Pyongyang, but they were recently allowed to speak to the AP in...

Court Backs Groin Searches at Guantanamo Bay

Federal judge had rejected procedure last year

(Newser) - Federal appeals court judges have unanimously approved an invasive frisking policy challenged by detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Searches of detainees' groins and anal areas before and after they visit their lawyers are acceptable as "reasonable security policies," judges said, per Reuters . The decision follows the institution of the...

Gitmo Detainees Sue, Cite Hobby Lobby

Hunger striking detainees want to participate in Ramadan prayers

(Newser) - Just how slippery a slope did the Supreme Court lay out in its controversial Hobby Lobby decision? Lawyers for two Guantanamo Bay detainees aim to find out. In a legal motion last week, they demanded that courts step in and order the detention facility to allow their clients to pray...

CIA&#39;s &#39;Cruel, Inhumane&#39; Torturers? Doctors

 CIA's 'Inhumane' 
 Torturers? Doctors 

CIA's 'Inhumane' Torturers? Doctors

New report finds disturbing ethical violations

(Newser) - The doctor's ethical directive, "first do no harm," would seem to not-so-subtly indicate that medical professionals not engage in torture ... but an independent taskforce finds that the CIA and the Pentagon asked doctors and psychologists working at US detention facilities (including Guantanamo Bay) to do just that....

American Held in N. Korea Hospitalized

Family worried about Kenneth Bae's health

(Newser) - The family of an American man detained in North Korea says he's been hospitalized, and the need to bring him home is becoming more urgent. Terri Chung is the sister of Kenneth Bae , a tour operator and Christian missionary who has been detained for the past nine months. She...

Feds Name Gitmo's 'Indefinite Detainees'

46 inmates can't be tried, transferred, or released

(Newser) - The names of Guantanamo's dozens of "indefinite detainees" deemed too dangerous to release even if the detention center is closed have been disclosed for the first time. In response to a lawsuit from the Miami Herald , the federal government released a list of prisoners including 26 Yemenis, 12...

Britain Reveals Its Version of Guantanamo

As many as 90 Afghans being held without trial at Camp Bastion

(Newser) - Britain is taking a page out of the US' book, quietly running a prison in Afghanistan where 80 to 90 people have been held without charges for as long as 14 months. Defense Secretary Philip Hammond confirmed the prison's existence at Camp Bastion to the BBC today, after lawyers...

Bin Laden Son-in-Law Held Captive for Years: Sources

Abu Ghaith pleads not guilty today

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith pleaded not guilty today to a charge of plotting against Americans in his role as a spokesman for the terror network, the AP reports. Abu Ghaith appeared in federal court in New York . The development follows a report by NBC News , which spoke...

Afghanistan Tortures Prisoners: Report

The NDS has 'secret places' for torture, official says

(Newser) - Afghanistan is torturing nearly a third of prisoners handed over by NATO and using secret facilities to do it, according to an anticipated UN report . What's more, several hundred prisoners interviewed for the report offered "credible and reliable evidence" that more than 50% of them have been abused...

Torture Reports Halt US-Afghan Detainee Transfer

Human rights abuses could stop funding for Afghan troops

(Newser) - Amid word of inhumane treatment, including torture, the US has halted the transfer of detainees to some Afghan prisons, the New York Times reports. And with Afghan leader Hamid Karzai seeking internal control of detention, the decision is likely to further strain the countries' relationship. The move also comes with...

US Hands Bagram Prison to Afghanistan

But Washington hasn't yet transferred all detainees

(Newser) - As the US continues prepping for a complete transfer of responsibilities in Afghanistan by the end of 2014, Washington today handed formal control of the controversial Bagram prison over to Kabul. Formally known as Parwan Detention Facility, the country's only large US-run prison is located next to the Bagram...

Gitmo Gets Major Rehab
 Gitmo Gets Major Rehab 

Gitmo Gets Major Rehab

Improvements will allow camp to remain open for years

(Newser) - Looks like Gitmo will be open for a long time to come, even if President Obama wins a second term. The detention center has been quietly undergoing a multimillion-dollar upgrade that will allow it to remain open for years to come, reports MSNBC . Improvements include a $750,000 soccer field...

US Agrees to Hand Prisoners Over to Afghans

But it will retain veto power on those released

(Newser) - The US has agreed to hand over all of its Afghan detainees to the country's government, on the condition that it will retain the right to veto any releases, officials announced today. Officially, the agreement is effective immediately, but it allows for a six-month transition to full Afghan control,...

Gadhafi's Men Slaughtered Prisoners: Witnesses

Thousands of prisoners still missing

(Newser) - Troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi massacred some 150 detainees last week, according to volunteers who cleared charred bodies from the warehouse that had apparently served as the detainees’ prison. An escaped prisoner told his story to CNN : He and his brother were handcuffed and blindfolded for no apparent reason while...

Gitmo Doctors Covered Up Torture: Study

Doctors didn't inquire, despite evidence of physical, mental abuse

(Newser) - The Defense Department doctors and psychologists who tended to Guantanamo Bay detainees were complicit in covering up their torture, according to a new study released yesterday. Medical records and legal files reveal that the doctors saw evidence of bone fractures, contusions, and lacerations; heard stories of rape; and saw signs...

Detained Journalists Spotted in Tripoli

18 reporters remain missing in Libya fighting

(Newser) - There are now five Western journalists missing amid fighting in Libya—though Western sources recently spotted three of them, including American freelancer Clare Morgana Gillis , in a Tripoli government detention camp, the Washington Post reports. “We’re hoping they’re released soon, but there hasn’t been an update...

US Still Holding Terror Suspects in Secret Jails

Suspects held up to nine weeks, say sources

(Newser) - The US military is still detaining terror suspects in a network of around 20 secret prisons spread throughout Afghanistan, interrogating them without charge for weeks at a time, sources tell the AP . For a long time the Pentagon denied the existence of such facilities, even in the face of descriptions...

Obama Restarts Guantanamo Trials

Administration ends 2-year military prosecution freeze

(Newser) - President Obama today reversed a two-year freeze on military prosecutions against Guantanamo Bay detainees, the AP reports. In an executive order, the president restarted the process of trying the high-risk detainees—the latest acknowledgment of the political difficulties of fulfilling his campaign promise to close the Cuban detention facility. Defense...

CIA: Bin Laden's Off to Gitmo if We Get Him

White House: But we're still closing Gitmo

(Newser) - The federal government not only doesn't know where Osama bin Laden is, it also doesn't seem to know where it would put him if he's ever captured. CIA director Leon Panetta told senators yesterday that the terror kingpin would be held in Afghanistan and moved "probably to Guantanamo" if...

Obama Resurrects Gitmo Military Trials

Move an admission that detention center is here to stay

(Newser) - President Obama has given Robert Gates the go-ahead to initiate new military commissions against Guantanamo detainees—something Obama originally banned on the first day of his presidency. Within weeks one or more detainees may face new charges—the Justice Department has already designated some prisoners for military tribunal, including suspected...

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