Rex Tillerson

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Exxon to Invest $600M in Algae-Based Fuel

Will partner with famed genome expert Craig Venter

(Newser) - Exxon Mobil, the biggest oil company in the world, will invest $600 million in turning algae into fuel, the New York Times reports. Known for blowing off concerns about global warming and dismissing biofuels—its CEO famously called ethanol “moonshine”—Exxon Mobil has in fact been researching alternative...

Fat Cat Exxon Primed to Deal
 Fat Cat Exxon Primed to Deal 

Fat Cat Exxon Primed to Deal

Behemoth stood still when oil hit record highs, now has $40B for buying spree

(Newser) - Flush with cash after resisting costly acquisitions while oil prices hit record highs, Exxon Mobil could be ready for a shopping spree that could alter the face of the world’s energy supply, reports the Wall Street Journal. The company has nearly $37 billion in reserves and could target another...

Exxon's Tillerson Gets $4M Bonus

(Newser) - A year of flush oil prices is paying off nicely for Exxon Mobil chief Rex Tillerson. He will get a $4 million bonus this year and a 10% increase in salary next year to $2.06 million, Reuters reports. Tillerson also will receive 225,000 shares of restricted stock. In...

Rockefellers Pump Exxon Execs for Changes

Family wants independent chairman, climate change initiatives

(Newser) - Executives at Exxon are bracing for an onslaught from the Rockefeller family, whose patriarch founded the oil firm’s predecessor a century ago, the Wall Street Journal reports. Led by John D. Rockefeller’s great-granddaughter, the family wants Exxon to pursue renewable forms of energy and appoint an independent chairman.

Rockefeller Clan Launches Green Revolt at Exxon

Demand new chairman, green agenda

(Newser) - Exxon Mobil is facing a shareholder revolt by most of John D. Rockefeller's 300 descendants, who are pushing for the mammoth company to go greener, reports the Wall Street Journal. The Rockefellers are campaigning for Exxon to develop new energy technology, cut greenhouse gas emissions and appoint a new independent...

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