top chefs

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Highest Paid Celebrity Chefs

Highest Paid Celebrity Chefs

Who's cashing in the biggest on culinary skills

(Newser) - Rachael Ray may not be a classically trained chef, but her cooking prowess has made her a wealthy woman nonetheless, reports Forbes. Thanks to four Food Network programs, a talk show, and a self-titled magazine, she's the highest-paid celebrity chef, pulling in $18 million a year. Here are 9 others...

Cooks Dish Up Recipes for Distress
 Cooks Dish Up
 Recipes for Distress 

Cooks Dish Up Recipes for Distress

Culinary types find some foods too daunting to dish

(Newser) - Obscure ingredients, tedious techniques, and absurdly complex prep—cooks say some recipes push them to the boiling point. Any step too impractical, time-consuming, or just plain unpalatable can make even the most accomplished cooks hang up their aprons, writes Kim Severson in the New York Times. Even food critics balk...

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