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Here Are America's 10 Most Patriotic States

Virginia is No. 1, according to WalletHub

(Newser) - If a new ranking is correct, Thursday—the Fourth of July—is a particularly big day for Virginians. A new ranking by WalletHub labels the state as the most patriotic in the nation. The site had to get creative to suss out the rankings: Among the factors were the percentage...

This Is the Most Patriotic State in America

Virginia is for lovers (of the US), per WalletHub, while Arkansas needs to muster up more affection

(Newser) - It's the biggest holiday of the American summer, and flags are waving. As Americans light their grills and prepare to watch the Fourth's fireworks, WalletHub susses out which states are the most patriotic. To figure out where citizens are most likely to be decked out in their red,...

These Are the Most, Least Patriotic States
10 Most, Least
Patriotic States

10 Most, Least Patriotic States

Alaska tops the list, Arkansas is at the bottom

(Newser) - Happy Independence Day, especially to residents of Alaska, 2022's most patriotic state in the US. To calculate the list, WalletHub looked at 13 metrics related to military engagement and civic engagement, including: the share of adults who vote; rates of participation in volunteer activities, groups, organizations, AmeriCorps, or Peace...

10 States Where Pride for Country Reigns Supreme

Here's where patriotism is still alive and well, despite pandemic and civil unrest

(Newser) - With the Fourth of July fast approaching, Americans are aware that the holiday will seem more low-key this year. Despite state reopenings, large celebrations are mostly still canceled to stop the spread of COVID-19, and as WalletHub notes, it may feel especially hard to muster up flag-waving spirit with renewed...

This Is America's Most Patriotic State

New Hampshire tops the list for 2019

(Newser) - It's Independence Day—do you know how patriotic your state is? WalletHub looked at 13 factors, including voting numbers, volunteerism rates, military engagement, trial and grand jury participation, the share of residents participating in groups or organizations, and even a state's civics education requirement. Based on all that,...

Acting AG Fired by Trump Thinks 'Core Values' at Risk

But a critic of Sally Yates' op-ed thinks she's being 'despicably hypocritical'

(Newser) - Acting Attorney General Sally Yates was fired by President Trump just days after he took office for declaring that the Justice Department wouldn't defend a Trump executive order on immigration. She's now had almost 11 months to ponder the state of the US, and in an op-ed for...

Trump Petition Asks You to 'Show Your Patriotism'

Petition on GOP website is gathering names of those who stand for the anthem

(Newser) - Trump's ongoing battle with the NFL over national anthem protests continues, now in the form of a presidential petition. On Wednesday, the president tweeted his disappointment with the NFL's decision "that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect...

Poll: Patriotism Is at Its Lowest This Century

Just 52% 'extremely proud' to be American

(Newser) - Americans are a proud people but they're no longer bursting with patriotism the way they were earlier this century, according to the latest Gallup poll . Some 52% of respondents said they were "extremely proud" to be an American, which is the lowest rate recorded this century. The rate...

Budweiser Renaming Itself 'America' This Summer

But it's only temporary

(Newser) - In an election year filled with the phrase "Make America Great Again," it's perhaps appropriate that Anheuser-Busch InBev is introducing packaging for Budweiser that, as USA Today puts it, is going to "throw some America on it." Per Advertising Age , the company confirmed Tuesday it...

Poll: 11% of Republicans Think Obama Loves America

Giuliani gets some support from his party

(Newser) - Some may have been shocked at Rudy Giuliani's suggestion that President Obama doesn't love America , but it seems many in the GOP agree with him. A Huffington Post/YouGov poll finds that just 11% of Republicans believe the president loves his country, Politico reports. Some 85% of Democrats agree...

Giuliani: I've Been So Blunt Everyone Misunderstood Me

Ex-NYC mayor explains what he really meant in comments about the president

(Newser) - Rudy Giuilani is blunt. So blunt, in fact, that the ex-NYC mayor reportedly said last week that he doesn't believe President Obama loves America (or you or me, for that matter). He got even more blunt a day later when he reminded the New York Times that Obama had...

Giuliani Shares 'Horrible Thing' About Obama

Politico reports the former mayor says president doesn't love America

(Newser) - Another private-dinner comment is grabbing headlines, this time courtesy of Politico , which describes Rudy Giuliani's remarks last night as going "straight for the jugular." His target: President Obama. With Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and some five dozen execs and "media types" friendly to the GOP in...

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
surveys say

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On

Surveys show most of us believe in God, are OK with birth control

(Newser) - What can nine out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much. That's partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup, and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90% agreement, or...

Hong Kong Scraps Pro-China 'Brainwashing' Class

Protesters oppose new education plan

(Newser) - Looks like pro-China "indoctrination" classes have been canceled. After thousands protested in Hong Kong yesterday over a plan to make students learn Chinese patriotism, officials on the semi-independent island scrapped the idea, the Washington Post reports. Many worried that Beijing wanted Hong Kong students to support China's Communist...

When Did ‘USA!’ Chant Start?

Probably not when you thought it did

(Newser) - Throngs gathered outside the White House on Sunday night to chant, "USA! USA!" after news of Osama bin Laden's death broke. When did that patriotic tradition get started? In Slate 's Explainer column, Brian Palmer notes that the popular story—that it began during the 1980...

Tea Partiers Get Ugly With Ebert

'Patriotism' devolves into cancer jibes

(Newser) - Roger Ebert has become the target of acid-tongued Tea Partiers since the movie critic criticized a group of California high schoolers who wore American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo. Ebert tweeted that the kids "should have to share a lunchroom table with those who wear a hammer and...

America: Laziest Country on Earth

List crunches numbers in anti-Olympics

(Newser) - Let the Olympics rate each country’s elite athletes; the Daily Beast wanted to know which country had the laziest general populace. So they pitted 24 developed nations against each other in four statistical categories: calories consumed per day, television viewing, Internet usage, and aversion to sports. The “winners”...

Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap
Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap

Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap

Claims he has an anti-US agenda go well beyond Bush-loathing

(Newser) - Liberals questioned George W Bush's legitimacy and wanted him to fail, writes Michael Tomasky, so what's the difference between those Bush haters and the birthers, teabaggers, and "paranoid" “committed conservatives” who Tomasky writes are way “off the continuum” of political debate over Barack Obama’s presidency? No...

Booted for Unpatriotic Bathroom Trip, Yanks Fan Sues

Suit alleges cops chucked man from stadium for God Bless America trip

(Newser) - A fan manhandled out of Yankee Stadium for trying to go to the restroom while God Bless America played is suing the NYPD, the Yankees, and the city, Gawker reports. Bradford Campeau-Laurion—whose suit is backed by the New York Civil Liberties Union—charges that two cops, believed to be...

Noonan: Don't Panic, We're Still America

From Madoff to Detroit, people feel it's all collapsing, and they're wrong

(Newser) - From Bernard Madoff to Rod Blagojevich, Americans have lost faith in the people running things. “It’s the age of the empty suit,” one of Peggy Noonan’s friends mused recently. Our institutions have proven impotent and absent, and now “people feel all trends lead downward from...

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