
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Haitians Decry Kidnappings of American Nurse, Daughter

They were seized last week

(Newser) - Chants of "freedom" echoed Monday through the streets outside an aid facility in Haiti's capital, where just days earlier an American nurse and her daughter were kidnapped by armed men. Hundreds of Haitians marched through the gang-ravaged zone of Port-au-Prince, bursting with anger at the abduction, which has...

American, Daughter Kidnapped in Haiti
American, Daughter
Kidnapped in Haiti

American, Daughter Kidnapped in Haiti

(Newser) - A woman from New Hampshire who works for a nonprofit organization in Haiti and her young daughter have been reported to be kidnapped as the US State Department issued a "do not travel advisory." US officials ordered nonemergency personnel to leave Haiti amid growing security concerns, the AP...

Blinken: Multinational Force Is Needed in Haiti

US will have to play a 'crucial role,' another leader says

(Newser) - Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that a multinational force is needed to help Haiti's National Police restore order, echoing recent appeals made by UN officials who warn that the country's insecurity is worsening. Blinken briefly spoke about Haiti and other issues during a one-day trip to...

US Couple Abducted in Haiti
Gang Kidnaps Florida Couple

Gang Kidnaps Florida Couple

Haiti gang is demanding $200K ransom per person

(Newser) - Nikese Toussaint was at church, so she didn’t see the text message from her sister. All she knew at that point was that their brother and his wife, who live in Florida, had landed safely in Haiti to visit ailing relatives and prepare for Rara, a colorful and boisterous...

Haiti President's Killing Was Planned in Florida

4 South Florida residents arrested, including 2 accused of devising the plan

(Newser) - Another four South Florida residents have been arrested for alleged roles in the 2021 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise. A year and a half into their investigation, US federal authorities believe Moise was killed in an attempted coup that went awry. Dozens of suspects have been arrested, including several...

Amid Death Threats, Suspects in Haiti Assassination Sent to US

7 suspects in president's slaying now in US custody

(Newser) - Four key suspects in the killing of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse were transferred to the United States for prosecution as the case stagnates in Haiti amid death threats that have spooked local judges, US officials announced Tuesday. The suspects now in custody of the US government include James Solages,...

Police Riot Over Gangs Killing Officers

Demonstrators in Haiti go to prime minister's residence

(Newser) - Police became rioters in Haiti's capital, protesting government inaction after gangs killed their fellow officers. News reports said the demonstrators breached the gates of the prime minister's residence in Port-au-Prince on Thursday and tried to invade the airport, per the BBC . They shot into the air, blocked roads,...

In Haiti, an 'Alarming' Political Development

The country is now without a single lawmaker in its House or Senate

(Newser) - Haiti awoke Tuesday stripped of its last democratically elected institution—this time, its Senate—an alarming development that solidifies what some call a de facto dictatorship nominally in charge of a country wracked by gang violence. While only 10 senators had been symbolically representing the nation's 11 million people...

Haitians Experiencing 'New Levels of Desperation'

Fuel shortage, gang violence, political impasse have triggered major humanitarian crisis

(Newser) - "The situation in Haiti has sadly reached new levels of desperation," the World Food Program’s executive director Valerie Guarnieri told the UN Security Council on Monday during an emergency meeting about the Caribbean nation’s spiraling humanitarian crisis. Per the BBC, the Security Council also heard from...

Haiti in 'Grim' State a Year After President's Murder

Extreme gang violence, broken economy, kids out of school plague Caribbean island after Moise killing

(Newser) - It's been exactly a year since Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated in his private residence, and the state of things in the Caribbean nation has only gotten worse, with a proliferation of gang violence, a despairing populace, and a "seeming state of lawlessness" in parts. That's...

11 Dead, 31 Rescued After Helicopter Spots Capsized Boat

Boat loaded with suspected migrants overturned near Puerto Rico

(Newser) - A boat loaded with suspected migrants capsized north of an uninhabited island near Puerto Rico and 11 people had been confirmed dead while 20 men and 11 women were rescued Thursday, authorities said. It wasn't immediately clear how many people were aboard the boat when it turned over, said...

Missionary Workers: Unknown Person Paid Ransom to Free Us

Only 3 were initially released in deal meant to free all after gang reneged, CAM workers say

(Newser) - Update: An unidentified person paid a ransom that freed three missionaries kidnapped by a gang in Haiti under an agreement that was supposed to have led to the release of all 15 remaining captives early last month, workers for the Ohio-based group confirm, per the AP . The person who made...

Haiti Assassination Suspect Arrested During Stopover

Mario Palacios is now in US custody

(Newser) - US authorities have taken custody of a main suspect in the killing of Haitian president Jovenel Moïse, and he is scheduled to appear Tuesday in federal court in Miami. Mario Antonio Palacios was arrested in Jamaica in October and was scheduled to fly to his native Colombia on Monday....

Haiti Missionaries Say They Used Stars to Guide Escape

Dramatic account by Christian Aid Ministries has not been independently verified

(Newser) - The missionaries freed last week after having been abducted in Haiti in October are telling their story. A spokesperson for Christian Aid Ministries spoke at a news conference in Ohio, the BBC reports, giving a dramatic account that, the New York Times notes, has not been independently verified. He says...

At Least 40 Killed, Dozens Injured in Gas Truck Explosion

The explosion took place late Monday in the Haitian city of Cap-Haitien

(Newser) - A truck carrying gasoline exploded in northern Haiti, killing more than 40 people and injuring dozens of others, officials and news reports said Tuesday. The blast occurred late Monday in the city of Cap-Haitien, Prime Minister Ariel Henry said, adding that he was devastated. Henry said his administration was deploying...

Haitian Gang Frees 3 Abducted Members of US Charity

But 12 from Christian Aid Ministries remain kidnapped

(Newser) - Updated: Three more missionaries from a US-based charity have been released by their kidnappers in Haiti, reports the Washington Post . That leaves 12 members of Christian Aid Ministries still in captivity. All 17 were kidnapped by the 400 Mawozo gang in October. Five children were among those taken, though no...

US Issues Rare Warning to Americans in Haiti

Leave while you can amid severe fuel shortages, says State Department

(Newser) - The US government is urging American citizens to leave Haiti because of the country’s deepening insecurity and a severe lack of fuel that has affected hospitals, schools, and banks, per the AP . The rare warning from the State Department comes as Haiti’s government and police are struggling to...

Gang Leader Threatens to Kill Missionaries in Haiti

Ohio group asks for prayers for kidnappers and victims

(Newser) - The leader of the 400 Mawozo gang that police say is holding 17 members of a missionary group is seen in a video released Thursday saying he will kill them if he doesn't get what he’s demanding . The video posted on social media shows Wilson Joseph dressed in...

Kidnappers of Americans in Haiti Make Their Demand
Kidnappers of Americans
in Haiti Make Their Demand
the rundown

Kidnappers of Americans in Haiti Make Their Demand

The group called 400 Mawozo wants $17M, $1M for each person taken

(Newser) - The Haitian group that kidnapped 16 American missionaries and another from Canada has named its price—it wants $17M, or $1 million for each person taken, reports the Wall Street Journal . Now the negotiating begins as more light is shed on what happened. Details:
  • Victims: All those kidnapped are Mennonites

Harrowing Message Reported During Americans' Kidnapping in Haiti

'Pray for us!' said WhatsApp message during abduction of 17 missionaries in Haiti

(Newser) - US officials are working with Haitian authorities to secure the release of 12 adults and five children with a US-based missionary group who were abducted over the weekend by a gang notorious for killings, kidnappings, and extortion. The group was snatched by the 400 Mawozo gang, which controls the Croix-des-Bouquets...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>