Benjamin Netanyahu

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Israel Forms an Emergency Wartime Government

Netanyahu joins with opposition leader Benny Gantz to form small cabinet to fight Hamas

(Newser) - A top opposition Israeli politician says he has reached an agreement to enter a wartime unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reports the AP . Benny Gantz, a former defense minister and military chief of staff, released what he said was a joint statement with Netanyahu. The statement said they...

Israeli Newspaper Pins Blame for Attack Solely on Netanyahu

Prime minister's policies under fire

(Newser) - As the assessments roll in after the weekend attack by Hamas on Israel, some are focusing on the logistics of the military assault . Others are taking a broader view by looking at the bigger-picture issues at play, including the policies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Coverage:
  • The blame: A scathing

US Sends Aid to Israel, Deploys Naval Force

Ford carrier strike group heads for the Eastern Mediterranean

(Newser) - No sooner had President Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that military assistance is on its way to Israel for its war against Hamas than the Pentagon announced a deployment. Biden made the assurance in a phone call on Sunday, the New York Times reports, that included a discussion of...

Opposition Leader Urges Unity Government After Attack

Yair Lapid says Israel needs professional leadership now

(Newser) - Opposition leader Yair Lapid urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a unity government after the attack by Hamas on Saturday morning. The two met Saturday evening, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lapid said afterward that the prime minister realizes successfully running a war isn't possible with the...

22 Dead in Israel in 'Unprecedented' Attack

Hamas incursion from Gaza Strip also left hundreds injured, per Israel's rescue service

(Newser) - The ruling Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented, multifront attack on Israel at daybreak Saturday, firing thousands of rockets as dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily fortified border in several locations by air, land, and sea and catching the country off guard on a...

After Eritreans Riot, Netanyahu Wants Immediate Deportations

Israeli prime minister calls for removing 'illegal infiltrators'

(Newser) - Saying "a red line" had been crossed in a violent riot in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a move Sunday toward deporting all immigrants who aren't authorized to be in Israel. About 170 people were injured in clashes with police and fighting between supporters and opponents...

Netanyahu May Have Uncorked Something He Can&#39;t Control
Netanyahu May Have Uncorked
Something He Can't Control
the rundown

Netanyahu May Have Uncorked Something He Can't Control

'These could be the last days of Israeli democracy,' says one critic

(Newser) - Israel remained convulsed with mass protests on Tuesday in the wake of a judicial overhaul plan passed by Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right coalition government. The stakes? "These could be the last days of Israeli democracy," author Yuval Noah Harari (an expert on big-picture perspective ) tells the New ...

After Cries of 'Shame,' Israeli Lawmakers Pass Judicial Bill

Knesset moves ahead with divisive plan despite the objections of President Biden

(Newser) - Israeli lawmakers on Monday approved a key portion of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's divisive plan to reshape the country's justice system, per the AP . The vote came after a stormy session in which opposition lawmakers chanted "shame" and then stormed out of the chamber. The vote reflected...

Netanyahu Taken to Hospital for a Pacemaker

Health scare comes amid protests over controversial judicial overhaul

(Newser) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed to the hospital early Sunday for an emergency procedure to implant a pacemaker, plunging the country into deeper turmoil after widespread protests overt his contentious judicial overhaul plan. In a brief video statement before the procedure, Netanyahu declared that he "feels excellent" and...

Huge Protests, Ex-Officials, Reservists Pressure Netanyahu

Judicial overhaul heads toward vote Monday in parliament

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of protesters marched into Jerusalem on Saturday evening, and hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel Aviv and other cities in a last-ditch show of force aimed at blocking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's contentious judicial overhaul . Also Saturday, more than 100 of...

Protests Erupt After Netanyahu Rejects Judiciary Plan Criticism

Prime minister tells nation he won't budge on bill, which is headed for a vote Monday in Parliament

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday vowed to press ahead with his contentious judicial overhaul, despite unprecedented mass protests at home, growing defections by military reservists and appeals from the US president to put the plan on hold. Netanyahu's message, delivered in a prime time address on national...

Hospitalized Netanyahu: Drink Plenty of Water

Prime minister, who had reported dizziness, may have been dehydrated

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed to a hospital on Saturday after reporting what he called "mild dizziness," a statement from his office said. Tests showed no abnormalities, CNN reports his aides said, and a video was released in which he says he feels well. Still, Netanyahu,...

Thousands Protest Before Israel's Anniversary

Demonstrators link Netanyahu's judicial plan to future of democracy

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of protesters flocked to Tel Aviv and cities across Israel on Saturday to vent their opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right government and its divisive plan to overhaul the country's judicial system. The mass protest—which has raged weekly since the start of the...

Netanyahu Drops Firing of Defense Minister

'We continue together with full strength,' prime minister says of Gallant

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday reversed his decision to fire his defense minister over criticism of the government's contentious plan to overhaul the judiciary. In a live press conference, Netanyahu said that Yoav Gallant is staying at his post. "I decided to put the differences we...

Netanyahu May Have Failed in Bid to Fire Defense Chief

Days later, Yoav Gallant is still on the job amid national unrest

(Newser) - As a sign of how chaotic things are in Israel , this is a pretty good one. On Sunday, Benjamin Netanyahu announced he'd fired his defense minister. On Tuesday, the official, Yoav Gallant, was still on the job. The reason for that is unclear, with one theory that Gallant is...

Amid Chaos, Netanyahu Is Reportedly Backing Down
Amid Turmoil in Israel,
Netanyahu Backs Down

Amid Turmoil in Israel, Netanyahu Backs Down

Prime minister delays controversial plan to overhaul the judiciary

(Newser) - This story has been updated with new developments. After unprecedented protests and strikes that paralyzed Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu has postponed his controversial plan to overhaul the nation's judicial system, reports Reuters . “I will give a genuine opportunity for genuine dialogue,” said Netanyahu. “One way or another,...

Israel's Prez to Netanyahu: 'Wake Up Now!'

Tens of thousands take to the streets as opposition to PM's judiciary overhaul mounts

(Newser) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to overhaul the judiciary was facing mounting opposition on Monday, with the country's ceremonial president urging for an immediate halt to the legal changes, the AP reports. Universities countrywide shut their doors in protest and trade unions were expected to call for a...

Netanyahu Fires Defense Chief Who Urged Halt to Judicial Plan

Civil opposition threatens national security, Yoav Gallant says

(Newser) - With hundreds of thousands of people on the streets regularly protesting his plan to overhaul Israel's judiciary, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made clear Sunday night that he won't brook dissent from within. One day after his defense minister urged holding up on the change in a televised speech,...

Netanyahu Rejects President's Compromise on Judiciary

Jewish American leaders go to Israel to urge a deal

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday swiftly rejected a compromise proposal aimed at resolving a standoff over his plans to overhaul the country's legal system, deepening the crisis over a program that has roiled the country and drawn international criticism. The country's figurehead president, Isaac Herzog, had...

Protests Fail to Stop Netanyahu's Legal Changes

Israeli opposition promises to not give up

(Newser) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government on Tuesday for the first time advanced a plan to overhaul the country's legal system, defying a mass uproar among Israelis and calls for restraint from the US. The vote marked only preliminary approval for the plan, the AP reports. But it raised...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>