job creation

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Newt: Obama's Misguided Health Plan Will 'Kill Jobs'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich lashed out today against President Obama’s health care plan, saying the nation should deal with crushing unemployment first, Politico reports. “America does not work if Americans are not working,” he said. “Getting Americans working should be the number one priority.” Gingrich called for...

Wal-Mart to Create 22K More US Jobs

But retailer has slowed expansion

(Newser) - Wal-Mart plans to add 22,000 jobs to its US stores this year, down from last year's 33,800 new jobs in the face of slowed expansion. The retailer has gained market share from recession-minded consumers, but hasn't been immune to the downturn, and recently slashed 700 jobs in its...

Pentagon to Add 20K Jobs in Arms-Buying Overhaul

Obama says acquisitions program has 'run amok'

(Newser) - The Defense Department will add 20,000 jobs over the next 5 years in an overhaul of its $100 billion weapons-buying process, Reuters reports. New regulations will tie compensation more closely to performance, and the Pentagon will require “real, substantial” tax savings in any multiyear deals, a deputy defense...

Hiring Healthy, Even During Downturn

Dire employment figures disguise huge amount of vacancies opening up

(Newser) - Grim unemployment figures are disguising the fact that hiring has stayed surprisingly strong in the midst of the worst postwar recession, economists tell the New York Times. In February—long before any hint of recovery emerged—4.8 million workers lost their jobs, but 4.3 million people were hired,...

States Get Creative as Jobs Disappear

Even as tax revenues shrink, states pay to entice employers

(Newser) - State governments, reeling from diminished tax revenues that have forced cuts in services and, in some cases, jobs, increasingly are offering tax breaks and incentives to employers in an effort to stimulate the job market, reports the Wall Street Journal. “Now is not the time to back off the...

Obama Pitches Bold Plan for Health Records

President-elect wants them all digital, but hurdles remain

(Newser) - Barack Obama is hoping an ambitious health care modernization plan will help deliver on two of his promises: increasing jobs and decreasing health care costs, CNNMoney reports. Obama has said he wants all US health records computerized within five years—a huge undertaking.

'Intangible' Jobs—Health, Education—Are US' Best Bet

Knowledge-based sector gains jobs; those making homes, autos disappearing

(Newser) - The job market may be hitting rock bottom, but the “intangible" sector of the economy—comprising industries that, like health care and education, produce nothing concrete but have long-lasting effects—could be the best path for development, writes economist Michael Mandel in BusinessWeek. “Tangible” industries—like manufacturing—have...

Obama: We Need 2.5M Jobs in 2 Years

(Newser) - Barack Obama says he will move quickly once in office to enact an ambitious, two-year plan to save or create 2.5 million jobs, Bloomberg reports. Obama announced his plan in his weekly radio address, where he also warned that “we risk falling into a deflationary spiral that could...

To Avoid Recession, Cheer Up: Aussie Pol

Finance minister pushes power of the positive

(Newser) - Australia's finance minister apparently didn't see what happened to Phil Gramm  last summer when he declared that the US economic slowdown was "mental" and called Americans a "nation of whiners."  The recession would disappear, said Ken Henry, if Australians would  just buck up, Australia’s News...

Green Energy Jobs: Will They Save the Economy?

Obama's plans for investment in renewable energy turn cost into benefit

(Newser) - Barack Obama's ambitious plans to use green energy investment to rev up the economy are igniting fierce debate over the math behind them, the Wall Street Journal writes. The president-elect says $150 billion in investment will create five million jobs over the next decade, in construction and installation. Critics charge...

State Film Subsidies a Reel Pain
State Film Subsidies
a Reel Pain

State Film Subsidies a Reel Pain

Officials not so keen about deals like $27M bill for Brad Pitt movie

(Newser) - Talk about bad timing. State governments are having second thoughts about incredibly costly tax-incentive programs that have encouraged Hollywood filmmakers to shoot locally, the New York Times reports. While backers of the programs say they create jobs, other analysts argue that the system, which offers tax credits to producers, is...

Manufacturing's Unemployed Find Work at the Hospital

The healthcare sector's growth could help mitigate US slowdown

(Newser) - American communities once reliant on the manufacturing industry are increasingly being supported by the growing healthcare sector, the Wall Street Journal reports. Over the past 10 years, the former paper-mill town of Bangor, Maine, lost 3,700 factory jobs—but gained 3,500 healthcare jobs, a hopeful sign for an...

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