
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Coleman Rejects Election Judge's Vote

Minn. senator could beat Franken with veto strategy

(Newser) - Norm Coleman rejected 37% of recount ballots in a blue Minnesota county this week, including that of an election judge, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Shirley Graham, who voted for Coleman, disputes a date discrepancy the senator used to deny her absentee vote. The state Supreme Court gave the candidates...

Franken and Coleman Still Jousting on Absentees

If the two can't compromise, Senate may just seat Franken

(Newser) - It’s not clear what the Minnesota Supreme Court was thinking when it made the outcome of the Senate race contingent on the two campaigns working out a deal on disputed absentee ballots. Not surprisingly, the Al Franken and Norm Coleman camps, currently separated by 46 votes, are still far...

Franken Wins Key Ruling; Coleman Sees Court Fight

Election may result in court battle

(Newser) - Norm Coleman lost a key court battle today in the endless Minnesota recount, Politico reports. The decision virtually ensures that his race with Al Franken will be contested in the courts after the Senate convenes Jan. 6. Coleman sought to have a state panel hold off certifying the final vote...

Minn. Recount Will Push Into New Year

(Newser) - The Minnesota recount will not be complete until next year and could be continuing even as the new Senate is sworn in, Minnesota Public Radio reports. A plan agreed to by both the Coleman and Franken camps has the secretary of state counting wrongly rejected absentee ballots by January 4,...

Franken's Lead Shrinking
 Franken's Lead Shrinking 

Franken's Lead Shrinking

Senate race still finely balanced

(Newser) - Al Franken's razor-thin lead in the Minnesota Senate race keeps getting narrower. The former Saturday Night Live writer holds a mere 48-vote lead over Republican Sen. Norm Coleman with most ballot challenges settled, down from the 251-vote advantage he had just last week, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Franken Takes Lead by 250 Votes
Franken Takes Lead
by 250 Votes

Franken Takes Lead by 250 Votes

Thousands of votes still have yet to be counted

(Newser) - After beginning the day with a slight deficit, Al Franken has opened up a 250-vote lead over incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota’s ongoing Senate race, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. While the race appears to be tipping Franken's way, don't expect any resolution until after the new year, given...

Franken Trails Coleman by Just 2 Votes in Minn.

(Newser) - Sen. Norm Coleman saw his lead over Al Franken in Minnesota's Senate race dwindle to just two votes today. Meanwhile, a key court ruling put more than 1,500 improperly rejected ballots in play and promised the recount would drag into the new year. The state's Supreme Court ruled that...

Coleman Claims 150 Ballots Were Double-Counted

Minn. board faces new hurdles as it resolves disputes in Senate race

(Newser) - The Minnesota Senate recount is moving at a one-step-forward, two-steps-back pace, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports, with Republican Norm Coleman’s campaign saying 150 ballots were double-counted, and that the total tally needs to be adjusted by the Canvassing Board. The board, which is in the process of evaluating disputed ballots,...

Minn. Board: Count Wrongly Rejected Ballots

Recommendation may help Franken surpass Coleman

(Newser) - In a victory for Al Franken, Minnesota officials voted unanimously today to recommend counting previously rejected absentee ballots, the Star Tribune reports. The state’s five-member Canvassing Board urged all 87 counties to count ballots that had been improperly discarded—a figure that could approach 1,600. Norm Coleman's camp...

Emotional Franken Video: Count Our Votes

Dem wants absentee review; fight continues over lost ballots

(Newser) - In its ongoing fight to get rejected absentee ballots re-evaluated, Al Franken’s Senate campaign released an emotionally charged video about uncounted voters, reports the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. The video includes one bedridden man—with his head on a Minnesota Vikings pillow—who implores, “I may be a quadriplegic, but...

Minn. Recount Wraps Up; Review Begins

Coleman holds 192-vote lead; 5K ballots challenged

(Newser) - The Minnesota Senate recount is complete, but the state won't have a winner anytime soon. Not only are 133 ballots missing in Minneapolis, but the state canvassing board has yet to convene to review thousands of challenged ballots. The meeting is set for Dec. 16. Norm Coleman holds a provisional...

Franken Gets Boost in Minnesota Recount

Decision to re-examine rejected absentee ballots raises challenger's hopes

(Newser) - The momentum went Al Franken's way in the Minnesota recount yesterday, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The Democrat—trailing incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman by 303 votes with 93% of the ballots counted—picked up 37 more votes than his rival out of a pile of 171 uncounted ballots found in...

Some Absentee Ballots Won't Be Counted: Minn. Board

Body doesn't have authority to include them, it rules in blow to Dem Franken

(Newser) - The board in charge of the recount in the Minnesota Senate race denied a request yesterday from Democrat Al Franken to include rejected absentee ballots, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The state Canvassing Board said it does not have the authority to do so, and wasn’t ruling on the...

Aubry Will Lead French Socialist Party After Vote

Rival Royal refuses to accept outcome of contentious recount

(Newser) - Martine Aubry has edged out rival Ségolène Royal to become the leader of France’s Socialist Party, the BBC reports. A recount of last week’s vote, requested by Royal, actually widened Aubry’s winning margin. Royal, the party’s presidential candidate last year, said she would not...

Minnesota Recount Mired in Challenges

Ballot challenges will take a month to decide

(Newser) - The marathon recount in the Senate race in Minnesota is crawling toward a resolution with incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman still ahead of comedian-writer Al Franken by an estimated 210 votes out of 2.9 million ballots cast. The process has been further complicated as the number of ballots challenged...

Silver Predicts 27-Vote Recount Victory for Franken

If you believe the statistics, Minnesota's getting a Democratic senator

(Newser) - If you believe in the math, get ready to welcome the new Democratic senator from Minnesota: Statistics guru Nate Silver, on, predicts a 27-vote Al Franken victory. The numbers get a bit tricky, but it all hinges on a strong trend toward Franken picking up votes from Norm...

Coleman's Lead Shrinks to 120
 Coleman's Lead Shrinks to 120 

Coleman's Lead Shrinks to 120

(Newser) - The Minnesota Senate recount is more than half done, and incumbent Norm Coleman is seeing his slim lead erode day by day, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The Republican’s lead over challenger Al Franken is now 120 votes—down from 215 on Tuesday and around 700 after the election....

Who Gets This Vote? You Decide

(Newser) - With the recount under way in the Minnesota Senate race, both sides are challenging ballots left and right. Minnesota Public Radio presents examples of some of the disputed ballots on its web site—circles not filled in, unclear notes, thumbprints, etc.—and asks viewers to weigh in. (Click on...

Coleman's Lead Shrivels as Minnesota Recount Begins

Franken picks up votes in first day of recount in razor-thin Senate race

(Newser) - Comedian Al Franken gained ground yesterday over incumbent Senator Norm Coleman as Minnesota began recounting the state's 2.9 million ballots to determine the victor of the state's hard-fought Senate race. Coleman's unofficial lead of 215 votes over his Democratic challenger shrank to 174 as the closely watched recount progressed,...

Franken Is 'Likely to Win' Recount: Expert

Badly filled-out ballots could spell victory in Minnesota Senate race

(Newser) - Bumbling Democratic voters in Minnesota are likely to hand Al Franken a win, a political scientist tells the Huffington Post. The professor estimates that as many as 10,000 voters voided their ballots by circling a name or marking an X instead of filling in a circle. But Minnesota considers...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>