swing states

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Rove: Obama Wins if Vote Were Today

Republican strategist calls some close states for the Democrat

(Newser) - Karl Rove isn't seeing red when he looks at his crystal electoral map, reports Politico, and is seeing enough blue to propel Barack Obama into the White House if the vote were held today. The GOP strategist has moved Minnesota and New Hampshire into the Democratic column, but cautions that...

Dire Economy Boosts Obama in Swing States

GOP has hard time making case to worried voters for 4 more years

(Newser) - As voters turn green over the shaky economy, the electoral map is turning blue, according to a New York Times tally. Barack Obama is hitting hard in nine states that George Bush took in 2004 and weren’t expected to be tossups this close to November—forcing John McCain to...

Mac's Road to 270 Electoral Votes Looks Hard

Democrats close gap in battleground states as GOP options narrow.

(Newser) - John McCain's path to Pennsylvania Avenue is forcing him to go through states where he is either tied or losing in the polls, the Boston Globe reports. Not only did he pull out of Michigan, McCain is struggling in eight states President Bush won that hold 101 electoral votes. “...

Poll: Obama Outflanking McCain in Key States

Economic worries give Obama the edge in 5 battleground states

(Newser) - Vital swing states are swinging in Barack Obama's direction,  the latest CNN poll finds. The candidate has opened up leads over John McCain in Florida, Nevada and Missouri, while widening his margins in Virginia and Minnesota. The boost has come largely from moderates impressed by Obama's debate performance and...

Early Voting Forces Campaigns to Adjust

Third of country may cast ballots before Nov. 4

(Newser) - Many Ohio residents have already cast their vote in the 2008 election, and they’re not alone. Early voting has become a huge and controversial phenomenon, the Washington Post reports, with 31 states allowing no-excuse absentee balloting. Experts predict a third of this year’s votes will be cast early....

Debate Boosts Obama in Swing States: Poll
Debate Boosts Obama in Swing States: Poll

Debate Boosts Obama in Swing States: Poll

'The Wall Street meltdown has been a dagger to McCain's political heart'

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s debate performance won over many voters in the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac polls found. A margin of 13% to 17% of voters in each state said Obama did a better job in the debate, and many have shifted their support. Over the...

Young Jews Lobby Vital Fla. Voters: Nana and Bubbeh

Silverman urges 'Great Schlep' for Obama

(Newser) - The 2008 election is so important that some Jewish kids may actually visit their grandparents voluntarily. That's the theory behind “The Great Schlep,” an initiative urging young Jews to fly to Florida over Columbus Day weekend and lobby their relatives for Barack Obama. The sponsor is a pro-Obama...

Foreclosed Homeowners May Lose Voting Rights

Dems: GOP plans to challenge addresses

(Newser) - Many of the million Americans who lost their homes through foreclosure in the last couple of years may discover at the polls that they've lost their right to vote in the upcoming election as well, the New York Times reports. Election officials and voter rights groups fear that failure to...

Swing States Will Face Voting Glitches: Report

Feds failed to notify officials of ballot machine failures

(Newser) - Little has been done to fix voting problems in some key states over the last few years, and voters in those states could have problems at the polls in November, CNN reports. Ten swing states—including Florida and Ohio—are likely to face voting day snarls, including shortages of voting...

GOP Mailing Confuses Voters in Swing States
GOP Mailing Confuses Voters in Swing States

GOP Mailing Confuses Voters in Swing States

Wrong addresses, missing information muddle absentee ballot forms

(Newser) - Republican mass mailings have some swing-state residents confused about their voting status, Miller-McCune reports. Mailers with absentee-ballot applications or requests for updated voter-registration records in at least eight states were either missing information or organized confusingly, which could lead to discounted votes or registration errors.

Obama Hopes to Find Southern Comfort in Va.

State demographics shifting blue, but Dems haven't won since '64

(Newser) - Barack Obama is seeking to become the first Democrat to win Virginia since LBJ in 1964. He's got a good shot, writes the New York Times: demographic changes favor his party, and Virginia has now elected two Democratic governors and a senator. But John McCain has the support of several...

Poll: Obama, McCain Tied in 5 Key States

Barack gains, Mac seen as 'typical Repub' as economy worries hit

(Newser) - The race for the White House is in a dead heat in some vital swing states, according to a new CNN poll. The poll found John McCain and Barack Obama effectively tied in Florida and Ohio while in North Carolina, Indiana, and Wisconsin—where both contenders are pouring resources—neither...

'Wal-Mart Mom' Voters Swing, Will Be Crucial
'Wal-Mart Mom' Voters Swing, Will Be Crucial

'Wal-Mart Mom' Voters Swing, Will Be Crucial

Shift of working white women to GOP spells trouble for Obama

(Newser) - Polls clearly show the white women's vote swinging away from Barack Obama and it's a particular group the candidate needs to worry about most, Karen Tumulty writes in Time. Soccer moms comprised the key swing group in 1996, and "security moms" did last election, Tumulty notes. This time, it's...

Just How Blue Is Michigan?
 Just How Blue Is Michigan?

Just How Blue Is Michigan?

State loss could be disastrous for Dems

(Newser) - Michigan has gone blue in four out of the past five presidential elections, but the crucial state is anything but a lock for Barack Obama this year. The Wall Street Journal assesses a slew of factors—the state's highly charged racial politics, John McCain's good standing among GOP moderates and...

DNC Keynoter Is Red-State Success Story
DNC Keynoter
Is Red-State Success Story

DNC Keynoter Is Red-State Success Story

Former Va. governor Warner brings biz cred, NASCAR sensibility

(Newser) - Keynoting tonight at the Democratic Convention is former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, who broke through partisan gridlock despite the state’s conservative tilt and his own northern roots, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Warner, a successful businessman before entering politics, was elected governor of Virginia in 2001. Though faced with...

Big Spending Not Paying Off for McCain in Key States

But Obama's facing similar problem elsewhere

(Newser) - John McCain is outspending Barack Obama by a wide margin in traditional battleground states such as Ohio, Michigan, and Iowa, Talking Points Memo reports. The good news for Obama is that McCain has little to show for it in the polls in those states. But the Democrat has troubles of...

McCain Pulls Even with Obama in Ohio: Poll

McCain gains ground on divided Democrats

(Newser) - John McCain has caught up to Barack Obama in Ohio, a possible indication that staunch Hillary Clinton supporters have neither forgiven nor forgotten, the Hill reports. Obama led in the crucial swing state in June and July, but a new poll shows him and McCain tied at 45%. Almost 90%...

Va. Joins Ranks of Swing States

(Newser) - Buoyed by recent Democratic gains in Virginia and President Bush's unpopularity, Barack Obama is taking aim at the once reliably red stronghold, the Washington Post reports. John McCain’s campaign is optimistic that he will carry the state, which Bush won twice by wide margins, but a top adviser cautions...

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro
McCain Ad
Links Obama
to Castro

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro

'Guilt by endorsement' ad runs on South Florida websites

(Newser) - The McCain campaign is running an Internet ad composed of photos of Barack Obama and Fidel Castro side by side, with the caption “Fidel Castro thinks he is 'the most advanced candidate,'" the Huffington Post reports. The ad is running on websites catering to South Florida, home to...

Arizona May Not Roll for McCain
Arizona May Not Roll for McCain

Arizona May Not Roll for McCain

Candidate shores up support as shift in demographics pushes home state into play

(Newser) - Al Gore's 2000 loss of Tennessee aside, normally a presidential candidate can expect to win his home state relatively easily. But this month John McCain, a full press retinue in tow, made a campaign stop in Arizona, shaking hands and encouraging volunteers to get out the vote. As the New ...

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