movie on demand

5 Stories

Blockbuster to Rent Movies on TiVo

(Newser) - Blockbuster kicked off its latest reinvention effort today, announcing a new plan to beam on-demand movies through TiVo DVRs. One senior VP called the deal “step one in getting to the places that consumers care about.” Blockbuster will also sell TiVo DVRs in its stores, as part of...

Disney Now Offering Free Movies Online

Ad-supported films a new strategy for company

(Newser) - Disney has launched a new internet service streaming full-length movies for free, CNET reports. The company will be offering one movie a week on its website, making it available for a few days after it's shown on ABC's Wonderful World of Disney. This week's offering is Finding Nemo.

Hollywood Shouldn't Fear the Internet
Hollywood Shouldn't Fear the Internet

Hollywood Shouldn't Fear the Internet

Viewers will flock to online movie downloads: Economist

(Newser) - Hollywood is ignoring the public's desire to download films at its own peril, the Economist reports. It's no surprise that studios are sticking to their business model, especially with huge DVD profits, but the industry could reap fine earnings from downloads. Meanwhile, pirate sites like the surprisingly spiffy

The Voodoo is Weak for Vudu Movie Box
The Voodoo is Weak for Vudu Movie Box

The Voodoo is Weak for Vudu Movie Box

Downloadable video gadget falls short on selection, price, bandwidth, the Wall Street Journal says

(Newser) - Downloading movies to your TV might seem convenient in theory, but in practice the Vudu is bad magic, the Wall Street Journal says. Sure, its setup and interface are easy, and the picture quality’s good. But sparse selection, high prices and slow downloads sink the device. Vudu’s 5,...

Apple Courts Studios for Rental Rights

At $3 a pop, 30-day movie loans will pit computer giant against cable, satellite

(Newser) - Apple is buttering up top movie studios as it prepares to launch a video-on-demand service to contend with cable and satellite companies. Apple plans to offer each movie as a 30-day rental for $2.99, and it's telling studios the term of lease means they won't take a hit on...

5 Stories