Harriet Harman

4 Stories

British Cabinet Starts to Rebel Against Brown

After a bad week, PM's deputy suggests she wants to lead Britain

(Newser) - A disastrous week for Gordon Brown has reignited speculation that the British prime minister could be forced out of his job, as senior Labour figures struggled to rein in a restless party. After losing a vote on soldiers' rights and backing down on proposed reforms, Brown is facing renewed calls...

Top Allies Look to Unseat Gordon Brown

Knives come out for battered PM as Labour ministers plan revolt

(Newser) - Several of the leading members of Gordon Brown's government will try to oust him as prime minister, reports the Times of London. Two contenders have emerged in a possible leadership challenge: David Miliband, the youthful foreign secretary allied with Tony Blair; and Harriet Harman, the deputy leader of the Labour...

Superhero Dads Protest on Lawmaker's Roof

Fathers' group demonstrates for paternal access rights

(Newser) - Two dads in superhero getups climbed on a British lawmaker's roof today to demand their rights, the AP reports. A fathers' group staged the protest to promote paternal access rights, after talks with 10 Downing St. broke down. “We are now resuming a full-scale campaign of direct action,”...

UK Politician Ridiculed for Flak Jacket

Brown No. 2 wears stab-proof vest to tour her own London nabe

(Newser) - Gordon Brown's deputy has sparked a media frenzy after she was photographed wearing a stab-proof vest around her own neighborhood in southeast London. Harriet Harman, the Labour Party's No. 2, has insisted the photograph of her touring the tough neighborhood in a kevlar-reinforced jacket with three police officers was taken...

4 Stories
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