
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Captain Rescued, 3 Pirates Killed
 Captain Rescued, 
 3 Pirates Killed 

Captain Rescued, 3 Pirates Killed

Captain uninjured after brief firefight

(Newser) - The American sea captain held hostage by Somali pirates has been rescued after a brief firefight, with three of his captors killed and one in military custody, CNN reports. US Navy snipers saw a pirate with "an AK-47 leveled at the captain's back" and opened fire, a military...

Ship Docks Safely; Navy Foils Pirates Seeking US Captain

FBI joins standoff rescue

(Newser) - The Maersk Alabama and its 19 American crewmembers safely reached a Kenyan port today, but their captain remains in the clutches of Somali pirates, the AP reports. Bandits controlling a German cargo ship and other hijacked vessels ship have been trying to locate the lifeboat holding Capt. Richard Phillips to...

Pirates Warn US Raid Would 'Create Disaster'

Somalis plan to transfer Capt. Phillips to bigger boat

(Newser) - Somali pirates holding an American captain hostage in a lifeboat are hoping to transfer him to another pirate ship in the area to thwart rescue efforts like the French commando raid that freed some hostages, but left one dead, along with two pirates, AFP reports. "We are getting information...

Hostage Captain 'a Regular Guy' and Ferocious Ball Player

'That swim—it didn’t surprise me at all': friend

(Newser) - The American captain being held by Somali pirates is a regular guy on land and a true professional at sea, his friends and family tell the New York Times.  Richard Phillips is placid and relaxed during his downtime with his wife and their college age-kids at his Vermont home,...

Pirate Hostage Dies as French Rescue 4

Operation successfully rescues four others

(Newser) - French forces rescued four hostages from a yacht held by pirates off the coast of Somalia, but one hostage was killed during today's operation, the BBC reports. Two couples and a child were on a yacht captured by pirates last week in the Gulf of Aden. The child was among...

Pirates Want $2M Ransom, Threaten to Kill Captain

(Newser) - Somali pirates holding an American ship captain hostage say they want a $2 million ransom and have threatened to kill him, Reuters and the AP report. The ransom demand followed an escape attempt by Richard Phillips, who attempted to swim for safety early this morning. Reports conflict on what happened...

Assembly Votes Surprise Non on French Web Piracy Law

(Newser) - The French legislature has put a stop—for now—to an anti-piracy law that would deny Internet access to repeat offenders, AFP reports. The law, a pet of President Nicolas Sarkozy, would deal the ultimate blow to illegal downloaders after three strikes, and replace the current regime of fines and...

Somalia Piracy Hampers Food Aid: UN

Danger of hijacking has raised costs dramatically, WFP official says

(Newser) - Piracy off the coast of Somalia is making relief organizations' work even more difficult, Reuters reports. The UN’s World Food Program  today decried both the hijacking of ships bearing aid supplies—the Maersk Alabama, for example, had 232 WFP containers on board when it was seized this week—and...

Economic Crisis Triggers Global Crime Wave
Economic Crisis Triggers Global Crime Wave

Economic Crisis Triggers Global Crime Wave

Crisis gives globalized crime gangs opportunity to flourish

(Newser) - The global economic crisis has been a massive stimulus package for violent crime worldwide, Michael Klare writes in Salon. Crime syndicates are finding it easy to recruit from the growing ranks of the unemployed and desperate, the professor writes, and their increasing power is weakening the governments of "narco-states"...

Fox News Columnist Fired Over Wolverine Pirate Review

Columnist clarifies he did not download film

(Newser) - Gossip columnist Roger Friedman has been officially ousted from Fox News after reviewing a pirated copy of sister-company 20th Century Fox’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. After yesterday afternoon’s meeting between Friedman and Fox News execs, the two parties “mutually agreed to part ways immediately,” according to a...

Columnist Fired (or Not) Over Review of Pirated Wolverine

FoxNews.com's Friedman to argue for job today

(Newser) - The fate of longtime Fox News columnist Roger Friedman is unclear, but one thing is certain: It probably wasn’t a great idea to review a pirated copy of a sister company’s movie. Fox News-parent News Corp. said Friedman was canned after posting Thursday’s positive review of the...

New X-Men Leaked Online
 New X-Men Leaked Online 

New X-Men Leaked Online

High-quality copy has been downloaded 75,000 times

(Newser) - An almost-done, high-quality rip of X-Men Origins: Wolverine has been leaked online and downloaded 75,000 times a month before its scheduled release, the BBC reports. 20th Century Fox hasn’t said how its summer blockbuster, starring Hugh Jackman, got out, but there’s at least some solace: “The...

Pirates Invade iPhone App Store

(Newser) - Pirates have struck the iPhone app store and cracked roughly one in five paid applications for online distribution, Wired reports. At least 5,000 apps are circulating on the Internet, says one analytics company, which found dozens of apps that are downloaded only once for every 100 cracked copies. "...

Body of Pirate Victim Found at Sea
Body of Pirate
Victim Found at Sea

Body of Pirate Victim Found at Sea

Attackers said they were desperate for a boat to get to shore, according to police

(Newser) - The body of a British yachtsman murdered by pirates off the coast of Thailand was found by a fisherman yesterday floating in the sea, reports AP. Malcolm Robertson, 64, was beaten with hammers and his throat slit as his wife lay bound in the cabin of their sailboat earlier this...

Sailor's Widow Stunned She Survived Pirate Attack

Victim made gestures asking if pirates planned to kill her

(Newser) - A British grandmother was trussed "naked like a chicken" in her sailboat cabin while pirates beat her husband with hammers and slit his throat off the coast of Thailand, she told the Times of London. Three men "tied and gagged me, then went toward the forward cabin,"...

Pirates Kill Brit Yachtsman
 Pirates Kill Brit Yachtsman 

Pirates Kill Brit Yachtsman

Wife hears sounds of a scuffle, then silence

(Newser) - A British yachtsman was killed off the coast of Thailand by three fisherman-pirates who locked his wife in the cabin, reports the Times of London. The body of the vacationing 64-year-old businessman was not found, but police believe he was thrown overboard after his throat was cut. His wife managed...

Pirates Target Brit Cruise Ship

US Navy comes to rescue after suspicious craft approach liner in dangerous waters

(Newser) - Frightened British cruise ship passengers were herded below decks in a chilling encounter with Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden, the Sun reports. The crew sent up flares and fashioned fake guns out of wood to appear to be armed when they spotted two suspicious small craft speeding toward...

Novel Tactics Target Piracy
Novel Tactics Target Piracy

Novel Tactics Target Piracy

Tax would give Isle of Man citizens unlimited downloads; Ireland will cut off miscreants

(Newser) - Two European islands are taking opposite approaches to music piracy, the results of which could influence internet policy worldwide. The Isle of Man, between England and Ireland, will charge a $1.45 weekly tax on behalf of record labels to let citizens download music without penalty. Meanwhile, Ireland’s main...

Somali Pirates Score $3.2M Ransom, Release Arms Ship

Pirates receive $3.2M ransom after September hijacking

(Newser) - Crime does pay—to the tune of the $3.2 million ransom that Somali pirates collected today in exchange for releasing a Ukrainian ship they hijacked in September, reports the BBC. The pirates had initially sought $20 million for the arms-laden MV Faina, which had been en route to Kenya....

Tanker Owner Recounts Pirate Drama
Tanker Owner Recounts Pirate Drama

Tanker Owner Recounts Pirate Drama

Seizure of ship by Somali pirates started 56 days of negotiations

(Newser) - It took 56 days of tense negotiations to free the MV Biscaglia and its 28 crew members from the clutches of Somali pirates, shipping exec George Christodolou tells the Wall Street Journal. After the vessel was seized in the Gulf of Aden, Christodolou had to scramble to gain the pirates'...

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