
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Mexican Pirates Stalk Texas Lake

Cartel gunmen robbing fishermen

(Newser) - The best bass-fishing lake in America is being terrorized by Mexican pirates. Several American boaters on Falcon Lake, which straddles the US-Mexican border, have been robbed in recent weeks by boatloads of armed Mexicans believed to belong to the Zeta cartel. Most of the incidents have happened on the Mexican...

Captured Pirates Present Conundrum for US

Some 20 are currently languishing aboard two ships

(Newser) - The US Navy has no idea what to do with 10 alleged Somali pirates that have been languishing in the brig on one of its warships for more than a month. Though any country can jail and prosecute pirates under international law, the US only does so if they're accused...

Russia: Freed Pirates Probably Dead

Pirates never made land after being released in inflatable boat

(Newser) - A group of Somali pirates seized by Russian forces and then freed never made it to land and are probably dead, according to Russian authorities. The pirates, captured after the Russian navy freed a hijacked oil tanker last week, were released hundreds of miles from shore in an inflatable boat...

Porn Stars Decry Piracy in New Video (SFW) | Threat Level | Wired.com
 Piracy Is Naughty: Porn Stars 

Piracy Is Naughty: Porn Stars

Video of porn stars far less fun than you were hoping

(Newser) - The adult entertainment industry wants you to know you've been a very bad boy if you've downloaded its movies without paying. And for some inexplicable reason, the industry has chosen to deliver this message in a video shot entirely from the neck up, in which various porn stars offer gravely...

Beyoncé's Label Blocks Her YouTube Channel

For Sony, piracy is piracy no matter where

(Newser) - If you want to watch a Beyoncé video, one place you shouldn't be headed is Beyoncé's own YouTube channel. In an apparent piracy crackdown, Sony has blocked her videos; visit the channel and you're likely to see a message: “This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who...

3 Things That Killed Blockbuster
 3 Things That  
 Killed Blockbuster 

3 Things That Killed Blockbuster

Netflix takes leading role in company's imminent bankruptcy

(Newser) - With Blockbuster, once the dominant US video-rental chain, on the verge of bankruptcy, Daniel Indiviglio takes a look at three crucial factors in the demise of an outfit whose “fate was mostly sealed by its failure to embrace technology quickly enough.”
  • Netflix: “Its business model merged technology,

Fishermen Hook Silver Lining in Pirate Crisis

Fish stocks soar after bandits scare away illegal trawlers

(Newser) - The fishermen of Kenya and Somalia are enjoying their best catches in many years thanks to Somali pirates scaring away illegal trawlers. Before piracy became a problem, commercial fishing vessels from around the world took advantage of Somalia's lack of an effective government to raid its waters, reaping vast numbers...

Somali Pirates Hijack Oil Tanker Heading to US

Crude oil poses threat to security, environment

(Newser) - Somali pirates seized a tanker carrying crude oil in the increasingly dangerous waters off East Africa yesterday, an attack that could pose a huge environmental or security threat to the region. The Greece-flagged Maran Centaurus, a large crude carrier with a capacity of 300,000 tons, was hijacked off the...

Maersk Alabama Repels 2nd Pirate Attack

Attempted takeover repelled by guards

(Newser) - Somali pirates today attacked the Maersk Alabama for the second time in seven months, but guards on board the US-flagged cargo ship repelled the takeover attempt. When pirates attacked with automatic weapons early this morning about 350 nautical miles east of the Somali coast, guards on board the craft fired...

Allen Quits Piracy Fight ... and Maybe Music, Too

Brit singer says she won't renew recording deal, has no plans for new album

(Newser) - After taking heaps of “abuse” for her campaign against music piracy, British pop star Lily Allen today shut down the blog she’d used to explain her side of the fight—only after she’d written that she wasn’t going to renew her recording deal and didn’t...

Lily Allen Rode Piracy to Fame, But Now It's Not OK?

Singer ripped others' music for own mixes before she was a star

(Newser) - Singer Lily Allen has caused a stir with recent rants against music piracy (and a blog where she posts opinions from like-minded creative pals), but when she was trying to make it, she was guilty of just that offense. Allen included tracks from Jay-Z, Jefferson Airplane and others on mixtapes...

Journo Who Broke Russian Pirate Story Flees Country

Mikhail Voitenko says he knows more than he can tell about Arctic Sea 's cargo

(Newser) - The Russian journalist who was first to report on the disappearance of the Arctic Sea cargo ship has fled the country after receiving threats, the Guardian reports. Mikhail Voitenko, who speculated that the ship may have been carrying a secret cargo of weapons or "something much more expensive and...

Ship Vanishes From English Channel

Secret cargo of drugs or arms may be behind maritime mystery

(Newser) - The Russian navy has deployed warships and submarines in search of a cargo ship that mysteriously disappeared from European waters, the Telegraph reports. The Russian crew of the Arctic Sea, which was transporting a load of timber worth nearly $2 million, reported being attacked by pirates in Swedish waters on...

Internet Freebies Whack Porn Biz

(Newser) - The American porn movie biz is not so hot anymore, and the recession isn't the only reason. Porn entrepreneurs say free content on the Internet is horning in on their business, reports the Los Angeles Times. "The opportunities in this industry really are disappearing," said a star of...

Student Must Pay $675K for Illegal Downloads

(Newser) - A Boston graduate student must pay $675,000 to the music industry for illegally downloading 30 songs, a federal jury ordered today. Joel Tenenbaum, 25, essentially admitted yesterday to grabbing the music via file-sharing network KaZaA. The fine averages out to $22,500 per song—significantly less than the $80,...

French Court Throws Out Anti-Piracy Law

(Newser) - France’s constitutional council today shot down the country’s newly minted “three strikes” law against Internet piracy, Ars Technica reports. The council said the law, which set up an administrative body to punish pirates, violated basic principles of French law, assigning essentially judicial duties to a non-judicial body,...

Int'l Pirate Patrols Spar With Language Barriers

Diverse crews learn to communicate

(Newser) - The international fleet patrolling for pirates off the coast of Somalia is on guard against an oceanic traffic jam, too, the Military Times reports. One US admiral likened the problem to young soccer players swarming the ball, saying communications were necessary for an efficient response. There are three separate international...

Web Killed Big Acts, Saved Music: Kot
 Web Killed Big Acts, 
 Saved Music: Kot 

Web Killed Big Acts, Saved Music: Kot

Each tech advance stirred unfounded fears: Kot

(Newser) - The Internet has so fragmented music that there may never be another big act like U2. But that’s just fine for music critic Greg Kot, author of Ripped: How the Wired Generation Revolutionized Music. “Art thrives best when it’s created without regard to making any kind of...

UK Cell Feeds Intel to Somali Pirates

(Newser) - Somali pirates are being aided by an information-gathering “consultant” team in London, the Guardian reports. According to a European intelligence report, the pirates use satellite phones to stay in touch with the London cell, which has access to specific information about routes and ship layouts provided to European governments....

Somali Clerics Lead Backlash Against Pirates

Religious sheikhs preach against sea bandits and their un-Islamic ways

(Newser) - Somalia's pirates are facing an enemy on land many of them fear more than foreign warships, the New York Times reports. Sheikhs and Islamic clerics are preaching against the "burcad badeed"—Somali for sea bandits—accusing them of introducing evils like drugs and alcohol to Somali society and...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>