
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Phillip Garrido Irked Over Ankle Monitor in '08

Alleged Jaycee Dugard kidnapper pointed to 19-year clean record

(Newser) - Phillip Garrido complained in 2008 about having to wear a monitoring device because he had not been in trouble with the law for 19 years—nearly as long as he allegedly held Jaycee Dugard captive. Some 120 pages of newly released parole records paint a portrait of a convicted rapist...

Porn Director Making Jaycee Dugard Film
 Porn Director 
 Making Jaycee 
 Dugard Film 

Porn Director Making Jaycee Dugard Film

Rep slams Shane Ryan's plan to focus on Jaycee and Phillip Garrido

(Newser) - Worst idea of the day (year?) so far: A horror-porn director plans to make a film about kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard and her relationship with accused abductor—and rapist—Phillip Garrido. A spokesperson for Dugard called the idea “exploitive, hurtful, and breathtakingly unkind” after filmmaker Shane Ryan told a...

Garrido Apologizes, Says 'Sexual Problem' Cured
Garrido Apologizes,
Says 'Sexual Problem' Cured

Garrido Apologizes, Says 'Sexual Problem' Cured

Accused kidnapper 'a changed man': lawyer

(Newser) - Phillip Garrido, Jaycee Dugard’s accused kidnapper, says he “would like to apologize to every human being for what has taken place.” In a letter—his third sent to KCRA from prison—Garrido adds that, “through the spirit of Christ,” a “sexual problem believed to...

Extortion Try Just Latest Weirdness in Dave's Life

Letterman's extortion plot follows earlier stalkers, would-be kidnapper

(Newser) - David Letterman’s extortion drama is just the latest in a long line of bizarre happenings. A look back:
  • 1993: Margaret Ray, who stole Letterman’s Porsche in the 1980s and called herself “Mrs. David Letterman,” broke into his home at least seven times and was arrested in

Elizabeth Smart to Testify on Sanity of Her Kidnapper

Will detail his behavior during 9-month captivity

(Newser) - Elizabeth Smart is ready to testify against the homeless street preacher who abducted her at knifepoint seven years ago. At a hearing Thursday to determine if Brian David Mitchell is fit to stand trial, Smart will tell the court how he acted over her nine-month captivity. The prosecutor thinks she’...

Maddy in 'Secret Lair' Like Jaycee: Detective

'She will emerge,' investigator believes

(Newser) - A detective hunting for snatched British toddler Madeleine McCann believes she could be in a secret lair like the place kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard was held for 18 years in California, reports the Independent. “Maddy is most likely being held captive, possibly in an underground cellar, and could emerge...

Garrido May Have Fathered, Slain Sons

Jaycee kidnapper would have seen boys as threat, experts say

(Newser) - Cops investigating Jaycee Lee Dugard's case think alleged kidnapper Phillip Garrido may have killed any male children he had with her, they tell the Sun. Though Dugard bore Garrido two daughters, "It doesn't make sense that a healthy young girl not on birth control only conceived twice in that...

Grandma: Jaycee Feels Guilty About Her Kidnapping

(Newser) - Kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard feels guilty about being snatched off the streets as a child and held captive for 18 years, her mother has told Jaycee's grandmother. She "feels guilty that she was kidnapped and for not having called her mom or dad or anyone—even though she was...

Cops Seek Garrido Link to 3 Missing Girls

All snatched off streets within hour of kidnapper's home

(Newser) - Investigators are hunting for clues linking kidnap-rapist Phillip Garrido to the unsolved disappearances of three young girls near his home, reports the Independent. The three, ranging in age from 4 to 13, were all snatched off the street in broad daylight—just as Jaycee Dugard was at the age of...

Nancy Garrido Held Jaycee Captive for 4 Months

(Newser) - Police are looking more closely at Nancy Garrido’s role in the Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping, the Telegraph reports. She appears to have played a key part in the abduction, and she helped her husband, Phillip Garrido, throughout Dugard’s imprisonment. At one point, when Phillip was sent to prison...

Mexico Kidnappers Snatched 10K US-Bound Migrants

Human rights commission estimates 10K migrants seized over 6 months

(Newser) - Mexican gangs preying on Central American migrants headed for the US kidnapped almost 10,000 people between September 2008 and February 2009, according to a new report from Mexico's national human rights commission. The average ransom paid was $2,500, according to the report, which said Mexican authorities participated in...

As Ariz. Housing Heads South, Kidnappers Move In

Failing housing market leaves homes abandoned for kidnappers to use

(Newser) - Gangs of kidnappers preying on illegal Mexicans immigrants or drug rivals are turning Phoenix into the kidnap capital of the US, reports the Wall Street Journal. In one raid, 30 shivering, half-naked smuggled immigrants were discovered in an abandoned home. They had been shaken down for thousands of dollars. The...

Man Arrested for Kidnapping Grandkids 20 Years Ago

Tenn. boy, girl raised in Calif.; they're fine

(Newser) - California police are holding a man they say confessed to kidnapping his two grandchildren in Tennessee in 1989 and raising them as his own 2,000 miles away, the San Jose Mercury News reports. John Bunting seemed like a model citizen, home-schooling the boy and girl; cops acted after a...

Savage Figure Lurks Behind Tijuana Killings

Mexican officials fear even posting Garcia Simental's photo

(Newser) - Many of the charred and maimed victims of Tijuana’s recent drug violence bear one similarity: the three-letter marker of Teo Garcia Simental, a shadowy crime boss authorities fear too much to hunt, the Los Angeles Times reports. A kidnapper and extortionist, Garcia operates a network that keeps victims caged...

Top Kidnap Negotiator Kidnapped in Mexico

Officials believe brazen kidnapping a show of force by Mexican crime gang

(Newser) - Masked gunmen have seized a top kidnapping negotiator in Mexico, Reuters reports. Cuban-American Felix Batista, who helped secure the release of dozens of kidnap victims in Colombia, was grabbed outside a restaurant in the northern Mexican city of Saltillo. Authorities suspect the abduction of Batista, who was in the country...

FBI Confirms 'Rockefeller' Is German Con Man

27-year-old print matches Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter's

(Newser) - The FBI and Boston investigators confirmed today that accused kidnapper and con man "Clark Rockefeller" is indeed a German national named Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter. Analysts matched his fingerprints with those from an immigration document he filled out as a teenager almost 3 decades ago, the Boston Herald reports. Officials...

FBI Collars Alleged 'Snooks' Kidnapper

Agents find daughter 'overjoyed' in Baltimore apartment

(Newser) - A week-long manhunt ended today as authorities arrested Clark Rockefeller, 48, and found the daughter he is accused of kidnapping, the Boston Herald reports. Seven-year-old Reigh "Snooks" Boss was reportedly "overjoyed" when FBI agents and police rescued her from Rockefeller's Baltimore apartment. Agents had been watching them for...

Killer: Georgia Hiker 'Wouldn't Stop Fighting'

Drifter tells cops she very nearly bested him in 3-day ordeal

(Newser) - The Georgia hiker kidnapped on New Year’s Day used every ounce of her formidable strength, martial arts training, and wit to stay alive for 3 days, her killer told authorities. Gary Michael Hilton said Meredith Emerson fought back tenaciously when he demanded her ATM card, and managed to stall...

Beauty Queen Kidnapper's Law School Future Hazy

Pinup charged with ex-boyfriend's torture

(Newser) - University of Arizona law school reps say it’s too early to know what they will do about Kumari Fulbright, the former beauty queen and model who has been charged with a slew of felony offenses over the kidnapping, torture, and robbery of an ex-boyfriend, the Tucson Citizen reports. Fulbright...

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