United Nations Human Rights Council

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Burmese Comedian Bust Not Funny: UN
Burmese Comedian Bust Not Funny: UN

Burmese Comedian Bust Not Funny: UN

Popular funnyman had criticized junta and led team in relief effort

(Newser) - The UN's human rights official in Burma expressed concern over the arrest of a popular Burmese comedian who’d been helping cyclone survivors, the AP reports. The comedian, known as Zarganar, was nabbed Wednesday by authorities after traveling to the hard-hit Irrawaddy Delta to donate supplies, a relative said. He...

UN Official Defends His Comparison of Israelis to Nazis

Jerusalem considers barring successor

(Newser) - A UN investigator hasn't even begun his new job probing Israeli conduct in the Palestinian territories and he is already facing a firestorm of criticism. Richard Falk has been slammed for a comment he made last summer comparing Israel's actions in Gaza to Nazi policies. He defended the comments yesterday...

Scholars Urge China to Meet With Dalai Lama

Group slams Beijing for 'fanning racial hatred'

(Newser) - A group of prominent Chinese intellectuals is challenging the government over its response to protests in Tibet, accusing Beijing of inciting ethnic tensions and demanding that it begin talks with the Dalai Lama. A petition signed by 29 writers, journalists and scholars, blasts China’s “one-sided propaganda” war and...

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