domestic terrorism

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Hunt for Mail Bomb Source Leads to Opa-locka

Investigators believe devices passed through Florida postal facility

(Newser) - A huge postal facility in south Florida was evacuated Thursday night as the search for the person who sent pipe bombs to leading Democrats and other critics of President Trump continued. Miami-Dade County police officers, K-9 units, and federal agents could be seen entering the Opa-locka mail sorting and distribution...

Suspect in Virginia Murder Denied Bond

Jeff Sessions calls the fatal car attack in Charlottesville 'domestic terrorism'

(Newser) - A judge in Charlottesville, Va., has denied bond for an Ohio man accused of plowing his car into a crowd at a white nationalist rally, reports the AP . Judge Robert Downer said during a bond hearing Monday he would appoint a lawyer for James Alex Fields Jr. The 20-year-old is...

Cops Hunt Armed Fugitive Who Sent Manifesto to Trump

Feds fear Wisconsin man might attack church

(Newser) - A fugitive in Wisconsin has more than a dozen guns and a deep-seated hatred of religion and government, authorities warn. Federal authorities say Joseph Jakubowski, 32, may be planning an act of mass violence against a church or religious group, ABC News reports. Jakubowski is believed to have stolen at...

Mom of 2, Iraq Vet Died in Planned Parenthood Attack

Gunman never made it into main clinic area

(Newser) - The two civilians killed in Friday's attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic have been identified as an Iraq War veteran and a mother of two, both of whom were at the Colorado Springs, Colo., clinic to support friends. Jennifer Markovsky, 35, was a stay-at-home mom who "lived for...

Cops: Flag Fanatic Bombed a Walmart

Tupelo, Miss., device didn't do much damage

(Newser) - A man outraged by attempts to get rid of the Mississippi state flag carried out an extremely short-lived terror campaign in Tupelo, police say. Marshall Leonard, 61, was arrested after a bomb was thrown into a Walmart in the Mississippi city at around 1:30am on Sunday, Tupelo's Daily ...

Florida 'Troll' Accused of 9/11 Bomb Plot

FBI says Joshua Goldberg posed as ISIS supporter

(Newser) - Posing as an ISIS supporter online could get Florida man Joshua Ryne Goldberg up to 20 years in prison. The FBI says the 20-year-old encouraged an informant to plant a pressure-cooker bomb at a 9/11 memorial event in Kansas City, Mo., this weekend, instructing them to coat nails in rat...

Convicted Eco-Terrorist Freed as FBI Admits Error

Eric McDavid is released after 9 years because prosecutors withheld evidence

(Newser) - A man handed a 19-year prison sentence for environmental terrorism is out after serving nine years—and he's no longer an eco-terrorist in the eyes of the law. Eric McDavid, convicted in 2007 of plotting to attack the Nimbus Dam, a US Forest Service lab, and cellphone towers near...

Right-Wing Terrorists: As Dangerous as Muslim Ones

They've killed more people since 9/11, Peter Bergen points out

(Newser) - The alleged killers in the Las Vegas massacre appear to have been motivated by right-wing ideology—they left a "Don't Tread on Me" flag at the scene of the crime—which sadly doesn't make them terribly unique. Since 9/11, right-wing extremists have killed 37 people in the...

Attack on Calif. Electric Grid Labeled Terrorism

Snipers expertly knocked out 17 transformers

(Newser) - A little-reported attack on a power substation in California last year wasn't vandalism, but the "most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred" in the US, according former top power regulator Jon Wellinghoff. In the assault in South San Jose last April, unknown...

FBI Thinks Americans Are Training for Terror in Syria

And it's watching them like a hawk

(Newser) - The FBI is keeping a close watch on Americans who have traveled to and returned from the war in Syria. The US believes that al-Qaeda affiliates in the war-torn country are actively attempting to recruit Americans there and train them to carry out attacks back home, senior intelligence and counterterror...

FBI Says It Busted Would-Be Terrorist in Raid

Guns, explosives found in Buford Rogers' home

(Newser) - The FBI believes it disrupted a terror attack that was still in its "planning stages" when it raided a mobile home in Minnesota, it announced today. Agents descended Friday on the abode of Buford Rogers, 24, and found guns, Molotov cocktails, and what looked like pipe bombs, the AP...

Man Busted for Plot to Bomb 48 Churches

Mentally ill man targeted Oklahoma churches

(Newser) - A 23-year-old from Illinois has been charged in connection with an alleged plot to blow up 48 churches in northeast Oklahoma. Gregory Weiler, who has a long history of mental illness, was arrested after motel workers in the town of Miami spotted suspicious items in a garbage bin, CNN reports....

On FBI List, Most Domestic Terrorists Are Women

Five of seven on most-wanted list

(Newser) - Not all terrorists are foreigners, and not all terrorists are men. The FBI keeps a list of the most-wanted domestic terrorists, defined as "Americans attacking Americans based on US-based extremist ideologies." And five out of the seven people on the list are women, notes Business Insider . A sampling:

'Hundreds' of Hezbollah Agents in US: Peter King

And they've been trained as terrorists by Iran, Homeland Security chair says

(Newser) - The US is crawling with Hezbollah agents, many of whom have been trained as terrorists, Rep. Peter King said in a CNN appearance today. "The American intelligence community … believes we are very much at risk for an attack by Iranian operatives, which would be Hezbollah," King said,...

Bombs Found Near Kansas Statehouse

Man arrested in tunnel leading to Capitol

(Newser) - Police in Topeka may have foiled an attack on government offices. Homemade bombs were found in a pickup truck near the Kansas capitol after cops spotted an empty holster in the vehicle, AP reports. The truck had a Florida license plate only issued to US military paratroopers. Its driver was...

Feds Nab Man in Tampa Bomb Plot

US citizen from Yugoslavia suspected extremist

(Newser) - Federal agents have arrested a suspected Islamic extremist who allegedly planned to attack Tampa hotspots. Sami Osmakac, 25, a naturalized US citizen from the former Yugoslavia, allegedly plotted attacks using explosives and an assault rifle, the AP reports. Osmakac was reportedly caught buying weapons from an undercover agent; he's...

4 Senior Citizens Busted in Plot to Attack Atlanta

Militia members aimed to use guns, bombs, ricin to kill officials, citizens: authorities

(Newser) - Four members of a renegade Georgia militia have been busted in a plot—which they reportedly shared with an FBI informant—to use guns, bombs, and a toxin to kill government officials and citizens. One of the men, who are all over the age of 65, discussed a plan to...

Palin: Obama a Hypocrite on Terrorist Rhetoric

If Tea Partiers were terrorists, he'd want to pal around with us, she says

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has resurrected her 2008 " palling around with terrorists " line of attack on President Obama for use in today's controversy. The Alaskan, defending the Tea Party from comparisons to terrorists , told Sean Hannity that "if we were really domestic terrorists, President Obama would want to...

Oslo Station Evacuated in New Terror Scare

Suspicious baggage left by 'nervous' man on bus headed for airport

(Newser) - Oslo's central train and bus station was evacuated today and traffic halted after a suspicious suitcase was left behind on a bus. "There is some baggage that was left on a bus and the police bomb squad is checking it out," a firefighter told Reuters . "All...

Massacre Manifesto Linked to US Muslim-Bashers

Anders Breivik cites Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller

(Newser) - An American right-wing extremist is cited some 64 times in the crazed manifesto written by Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik in a bid to justify his terror attack. Robert Spencer, co-founder of the Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America (recently hacked) blogs denied any responsibility for the attack,...

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