US military

Stories 1581 - 1595 | << Prev 

Iraq Security Costs Soar
Iraq Security Costs Soar

Iraq Security Costs Soar

(Newser) - The US Military has paid $548M to two British firms over the past three years to protect engineers working on projects in Iraq—nearly doubling its original budget, according to the Washington Post. A swelling insurgency and shortage of troops are driving up the cost of private security for the...

'War Czar' Concerned Over Troop Stress, Mulls Draft

Sees progress made on Iraq security front

(Newser) - Washington’s “War Czar” admits that it makes sense to a consider a military draft to relieve soldiers of repeated deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute tells NPR that the pressure point will come in spring, when Bush will have to juggle the nation's military needs...

Marines Won't Face Charges in Haditha Case

No foul play found in Iraqi civilian deaths

(Newser) - The Marine Corps dropped all charges today against two Marines tied to an alleged massacre of 24 Iraqis in 2005. Citing holes in prosecution evidence, the general reviewing the charges cleared Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, accused of murdering three civilians to avenge a comrade's death, and Capt. Randy Stone, charged...

US Kills 30 in Baghdad
US Kills 30 in Baghdad

US Kills 30 in Baghdad

Women and children may counted among the dead

(Newser) - The US killed 30 militants and detained another dozen in an overnight air strike on a military stronghold in a Shiite district of Baghdad. Witnesses counted women and children among the slain, though the US claims all 30 were insurgents linked to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll
US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll

US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll

Record number of fatalitles linked to EFP attacks

(Newser) - A sophisticated bomb that the US military has tracked to Iran was used in a record number of attacks on American-led troops last month, the New York Times reports. The  bombs—called explosively formed penetrators—fire  a semi-molten copper slug that can break through the armor of a Humvee. They...

With Parent Away at War, Child Abuse Increases

Stressed women more likely to mistreat kids

(Newser) - Incidents of child abuse and neglect rise significantly when the Army's deployment of one spouse to war leaves the other worried at home, a study finds. An Army-funded report found female spouses four times more likely than males to mistreat their children; the Army has beefed up family-support services to...

General Faces Demotion in Tillman Probe

Six other officers will draw career-ending punishments

(Newser) - A retired three-star general who allegedly misled investigators about the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman in Afghanistan could be stripped of his stars and part of his pension, Pentagon officials told CNN. Retired Lt. Gen. Phillip Kensinger told inspectors he didn't know the Green Beret was killed by...

Army Plans Group Services for Troops Killed in Iraq

Families, vets blast Wash. base's new policy

(Newser) - Overwhelmed by numbers, military bases are beginning to hold collective memorial services for service members killed in Iraq instead of individual services after each death. The Times visits Fort Lewis, which has floated the idea and met with resistance from families and veterans. The country's third-largest army base, outside Tacoma,...

Bush Gets Personal with Iraqi PM
Bush Gets Personal
with Iraqi PM

Bush Gets Personal with Iraqi PM

Leaders' virtual meetings produce few concrete results

(Newser) - Across thousands of miles, President Bush remains a close adviser to Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki. At least every 2 weeks, the politicians confer over a satellite uplink, usually for more than an hour of discussion about the civil war, Iraq's future, and even their shared religious devotion. "They talk...

US Soldiers Become Citizens
US Soldiers Become Citizens

US Soldiers Become Citizens

325 new Americans served red-white-and-blue cake in Iraq

(Newser) - Some 325 servicemen were sworn in as US citizens in Independence Day ceremonies yesterday in Iraq—half of them at a former Saddam Hussein palace, the Los Angeles Times reports. Gen. David Petraeus thanked the new citizens serving in Iraq for enduring sacrifice “to preserve the freedom of a...

Military Shreds Old Fighter Jets
Military Shreds Old Fighter Jets

Military Shreds Old Fighter Jets

Parts from "Top Gun" planes were landing in the wrong hands

(Newser) - The US military is paying a contractor to destroy its retired fleet of F-14 fighter jets, after evidence surfaced that Iran had been acquiring the old parts and was intending to rebuild the planes, reports the AP. “There were things getting to the bad guys,” the contractor says....

CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics
CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics

CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics

Agency believed to have teamed up with Pentagon

(Newser) - The CIA apparently colluded with the US military to develop torture techniques for interrogating terrorist suspects, Salon reports. The program was based on methods originally designed to teach American special forces how to withstand abuse if captured. While the military's role in this "reverse engineering" had been previously exposed,...

Military Preps for Iraq Pullout
Military Preps for Iraq Pullout

Military Preps for Iraq Pullout

Envisions 40K force to stay for years; big withdrawal by early 2009

(Newser) - Top military officials are quietly setting their post-pullout strategy, reports Thomas Ricks in today's Post, and they're readying to keep in place a long-term, mid-size force. The new plan requires upwards of 40,000 American troops to stay in the country, with half dedicated to security, a quarter to training,...

Cyclone Menaces Gulf Region, Oil Prices

Thousands flee Oman; storm may slow tankers

(Newser) - A cyclone that may be the most powerful storm ever to hit the Arabian Peninsula is heading toward the oil-rich Persian Gulf region, forcing thousands to evacuate and prompting fears of a spike in oil prices. Oman's coastal towns will take the brunt of Cyclone Gonu, which is producing winds...

Body Found in U.S. Uniform in Euphrates River

(Newser) - Iraqi police found the body of a man dressed in a U.S. military uniform in the Euphrates river today. A soldier from the unit that lost three soldiers earlier in the month is en route to see if he can identify the body. If the body belongs to one...

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