US military

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Navy Shot Killed Egyptian: US
 Navy Shot Killed Egyptian: US 

Navy Shot Killed Egyptian: US

Warning blast to trading vessel in Suez Canal proved fatal

(Newser) - The US Navy acknowledged today that warning shots from one of its ships in the Suez Canal killed an Egyptian man, Reuters reports. Sources said the boat trying to sell goods to passing vessels approached the Global Patriot, which fired after warnings in Arabic and flares failed to make the...

Top Admiral Fired for Lying to DoD Probe

Navy cans him for misleading inquiry into improper relationship

(Newser) - The Navy has fired a vice admiral for giving the Department of Defense "false and misleading information" during an investigation, reports the Navy Times. John Stufflebeem, the director of the Navy staff, lied to an inquiry into an alleged inappropriate relationship while serving as a military adviser to former...

Bush: 4,000 US Lives 'Were Not Lost in Vain'

Prez suffers worse 'burden' than military families, Cheney says

(Newser) - President Bush sympathizes with the families of 4,000 Americans slain in Iraq, he said today. They "were not lost in vain. One day, people will look back at this moment in history and say, 'Thank God there were courageous people willing to serve,'" CNN reports. In an...

FBI Recovers 2 US Contractors in Iraq

4 others still missing after severed fingers put focus on hunt

(Newser) - The FBI said today it has the bodies of two US contractors who were kidnapped in Iraq, the AP reports. John Roy Young, a security worker, and Ronald Withrow, employed by an IT firm, were two of six contractors kidnapped in Iraq over the past 2 years. Journalists shone attention...

Security Comes to Fallujah With Saddam-Like Iron Fist

US hails progress, but top cop relies on brutal tactics, says democracy not for Iraq

(Newser) - Fallujah, a hotbed of violence that has shown signs of stability, is trumpeted by the US as a success story of the Iraq war effort. But the security achieved there, largely the work of Faial Ismail al-Zobaie, the city’s police chief and a former insurgent, is the result of...

US Death Toll in Iraq War Hits 4,000

Latest roadside bombing kills 4 American servicemen

(Newser) - A roadside bomb yesterday killed 4 US servicemen, hiking the American death toll in the Iraq war to at least 4,000, AP reports. Another soldier was wounded in the blast, which came less than a week after the fifth anniversary of the war. At least 61 other people died...

Military Death Payments Trouble Families

$500,000 windfalls for next of kin can cause confusion, discord

(Newser) - The military pays $500,000 to the next of kin of every soldier killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, but the sudden injection of cash during a time of grief often throws survivors off balance. Young military spouses can struggle with money management and long-lost friends and relatives sometimes appear asking...

Pentagon Delayed Brain Scans for Returning Troops

Brass feared troops would blame health woes on TBI

(Newser) - Seeking to duck controversy, the Pentagon did not screen returning US troops for brain injuries for more than 2 years. Top brass feared that soldiers would blame minor health woes on brain trauma—which could spark another Gulf War Syndrome, Air Force Col. Kenneth Cox told USA Today. But one...

US Warning Shot Kills Iraqi Girl
US Warning Shot
Kills Iraqi Girl

US Warning Shot Kills Iraqi Girl

Troops fired toward woman who seemed to be signaling to confederate

(Newser) - A warning shot fired by US soldiers killed a young Iraqi girl yesterday, AP reports. Troops in an area of Diyala province where several roadside bombs have recently been found fired a shot "near a suspicious woman who appeared to be signaling to someone while the soldiers were in...

Gitmo Prisoners Granted Phone Call to Family

They'll get just one a year, along with censored letters

(Newser) - "Unlawful enemy combatants" detained at the Guantanamo Bay naval base will be allowed to phone their families one a year, Reuters reports. But the military task force in charge of managing the prison has yet to work out the details. As it stands, Gitmo inmates can send and receive...

A Colonel's Toughest Duty: the Condolence Letter

US commanders continue 18th-century custom

(Newser) - American warfare has changed over hundreds of years, but one tradition that remains is a commander’s condolence letter to the family of a fallen soldier. The Wall Street Journal spends time with a lieutenant colonel in Iraq who writes his letters by hand whenever one of his men dies....

US Troops Lose Hearing at Alarming Rates

Aural damage from Iraq, Afghanistan wars reaching epidemic levels

(Newser) - US troops are coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with epidemic rates of hearing damage, AP reports, with 128,000 disabled by permanent hearing loss or tinnitus, ringing in the ears. The nature of the current conflict is part of the problem, with roadside bombs and sudden ambushes giving troops...

Repeat Combat Tours Zap Troops' Mental Health

Survey finds steep rise in mental problems among soldiers on third, fourth tours

(Newser) - Cutting the time soldiers have between tours of duty helped the Pentagon boost troop numbers in Iraq—but has taken a heavy toll on soldiers' mental health, Reuters reports. An Army survey found a steep rise in mental health problems among soldiers returning for their third or fourth combat tour,...

4 Marines Face Court-Martial in Hiroshima Rape Case

Gang-rape trial to begin in spring

(Newser) - The American military has announced it will court-martial four Marines on charges of gang-raping a Japanese woman in Hiroshima last year. The first two Marines will face a general court-martial in late April or early May. Japanese prosecutors had concluded that there was not sufficient evidence to charge them in...

US Fires Missiles at al-Qaeda Target in Somalia

Strike killed 3 women, 3 children, wounded 20

(Newser) - The US military has fired missiles at a terror target in southern Somalia, CNN reports. The strike destroyed two houses, killing three women and three children and wounding 20 others, a local commissioner reports. A US official says the strike was aimed at a "facility where there were known...

Ahmadinejad to Visit Iraq
to Visit Iraq

Ahmadinejad to Visit Iraq

First-ever trip by an Iranian prez upsets Sunnis, poses security risk to hosts

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will fly to Baghdad Sunday to meet with Iraqi president Jalal Talabani, the first state visit ever by an Iranian president, the BBC reports. Sunni Iraqi leaders expressed outrage over the visit, which also comes a day after the US claimed further evidence of Iranian meddling in the...

Arctic Melt Busies Coast Guard
Arctic Melt Busies Coast Guard

Arctic Melt Busies Coast Guard

Shoreline exposed by global warming needs patrolling

(Newser) - Global warming affects some unexpected entities, and one is the US Coast Guard, which is dealing with increased maritime traffic above the Arctic Circle. As retreating ice exposes more coastline, officials are evaluating future needs, the Military Times reports. Says the commander of the district that includes Alaska, "Until...

Militias Shell Green Zone in Baghdad

Assault on US-protected compound could hurt al-Sadr's credibility

(Newser) - A volley of rockets or mortar rounds hit Iraq’s Green Zone today, causing no injuries except perhaps to the credibility of a Shiite militia cease-fire extended just one day ago. The AP reports that nearly 10 explosions were heard inside the zone, which houses the American embassy, Iraqi government...

New Sexual Assault Charge Shocks Okinawa

After alleged rape, 2nd case threatens US-Japan ties

(Newser) - The American military is investigating a second allegation of sexual assault against a woman on the Japanese island of Okinawa. Reuters reports that a soldier has been taken into custody, accused of sexual assault against a Filipina living on the island. The new allegation comes only a week after a...

US Troops Confined to Base in Japanese Uproar

Military personnel confined to bases indefinitely

(Newser) - The US military has ordered 45,000 American troops, civilian employees and their families in Japan restricted to their military bases, homes and workplaces in a move to quell growing Japanese outrage at problem Marines. The orders, in place indefinitely, will effectively bar Marines nationwide and all military personnel on...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>