US military

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Raid Revelation: US Has Top Secret Stealth Helicopter

Military analysts say wreckage looks like modified Blackhawk

(Newser) - How did an elite team of Navy SEALs manage to sneak up on Osama bin Laden, apparently catching him in his pajamas ? With the help of top secret stealth helicopters, it seems. One of the Blackhawk helicopters used by the SEALs was damaged during the raid after clipping one...

Very Quietly, Navy SEALs Slip Back Home

US wonders how to thank team that killed bin Laden

(Newser) - The Navy SEAL team that captured and killed Osama bin Laden arrived back in the US yesterday and it's safe to say that they'd never have to buy another beer in their lives—if people knew who they were. The team member's identities are being kept secret...

Bradley Manning Will Be Housed With Other Inmates

WikiLeaks suspect passes psychological tests at Fort Leavenworth

(Newser) - Looks like better conditions for accused WikiLeaker Bradley Manning: The Army said today that he passed an array of physical and psychological tests and will be allowed contact with other inmates at Fort Leavenworth, reports AP . Manning, still awaiting trial, will have his own cell but will get access to...

Afghan Killed 9 Americans After Disarming Them

Pilot shot them after argument; brother denies Taliban link

(Newser) - The grim details are taking shape in the wake of today's shooting at Kabul's airport . All nine victims were Americans—eight US troops and one contractor—who were training members of Afghanistan's fledgling air force. The shooter, an Afghan pilot, got into an argument with the trainers,...

WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo
 WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo 

WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo

Secret interrogation memos reveal inmate details, prison life

(Newser) - A trove of some 700 new WikiLeaks documents on Guantanamo reveals detailed military assessments of hundreds of men who have been locked up there as well as information about interrogations, prison conditions, and inmate behavior. The assessments by military intelligence were carried out from 2002 to 2009 and offer a...

Deadly US Drone Attack Worsens Pakistan Tension

American strike kills at least 20 in North Waziristan

(Newser) - Pakistan has been pressing the US to ease off on its drone attacks, and the Pentagon made clear today it has no intention of doing so. A strike on an al-Qaeda haven in North Waziristan killed about two dozen people, reports the BBC , including at least five women and four...

Mullen Sees &#39;Stalemate&#39; in Libya
 Mullen Sees 'Stalemate' in Libya

Mullen Sees 'Stalemate' in Libya

But coalition strikes have knocked off 30% to 40% of Gadhafi's forces

(Newser) - The conflict in Libya is “certainly moving towards a stalemate,” the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff told US troops in Baghdad today, adding that there were some reasons for optimism. “We’ve attrited somewhere between 30% and 40% of his ground forces,” Admiral Mike...

NATO Jets Running Out of Bombs in Libya

Which might mean US fighter pilots get called back to action

(Newser) - NATO apparently figured Moammar Gadhafi would fold quickly: Its fighter jets are running low on laser-guided bombs, a development that could make it harder for US pilots to stay on the sidelines, reports the Washington Post . The twist: The US has plenty of such bombs, but they don't fit...

World's 10 Largest Military Powers

US leads the way, by a lot, with China No. 2

(Newser) - In 2010, the countries of the world spent a combined $1.63 trillion on their militaries, according to 24/7 Wall Street . That includes money for weapons, soldiers, and maintaining infrastructure. The US led the way by far with just below $700 billion, more than the other top nine countries combined....

US Planes Still Bombing Libya
 US Planes Still Bombing Libya 

US Planes Still Bombing Libya

Warplanes enforcing no-fly zone, Pentagon says

(Newser) - American warplanes have attacked sites in Libya three times since the US said it was ending its air combat role in Libya earlier this month, the Pentagon has confirmed. Defense officials say the American attacks on surface-to-air missiles sites do not contradict administration claims to have shifted US involvement to...

2 US Troops Killed in Drone Friendly Fire

Military probing Afghanistan deaths

(Newser) - Two American servicemen were killed in Afghanistan last week in what is believed to be the first case of friendly fire deaths involving a Predator drone. The pair were killed by a Hellfire missile after Marines under fire called in a strike, military officials tell NBC. The Marines were viewing...

Chiefs on DADT: Gays Can Serve Openly by Summer

'We've not seen issues,' says Marine commandant

(Newser) - A House GOP hearing on the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" didn't have quite the outcome some Republicans were apparently hoping for. Military chiefs testified before the House Armed Services Committee that training is going better than expected, and gays should be able to serve openly by this...

Alaska Mulls Lowering Drinking Age for Military Members
 Alaska May Let 
 Troops Drink at 18 
in case you missed it

Alaska May Let Troops Drink at 18

Old enough to serve, old enough to drink, lawmaker says

(Newser) - "Any soldier who braves military combat and risks their life for our country should be treated like an adult—in every sense of the word," says Alaska lawmaker Bob Lynn. The Republican has revived an old controversy with a bill that would allow members of the military under...

6 US Soldiers Killed Near Pakistan Border

Kunar province among Afghanistan's most violent

(Newser) - Six US soldiers were killed during an attack on an insurgent hideout near Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan, the Washington Post reports. The deaths that resulted from the helicopter-driven assault are the latest reminder of the US struggle in the isolated Kunar province. The US has lately shifted its attention...

56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege
 56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege 

56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege

Gunmen in military uniform seize Tikrit government building

(Newser) - Gunmen wearing military uniforms over explosives belts charged into a government building in Saddam Hussein's hometown Tuesday in an attack that left 56 people dead, including 15 hostages who were shot execution-style. The five-hour standoff in Tikrit ended only when the attackers blew themselves up. American troops who were nearby...

'Sheen' Used for Libya Psy-Ops
 'Sheen' Used for Libya Psy-Ops 

'Sheen' Used for Libya Psy-Ops

Actor's name used as flight call sign

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen won't likely bring his " Violent Torpedo of Truth" tour to Libya, but military flights bearing his name are doing a tour of their own. A Dutch radio buff monitoring and tweeting military communications has discovered that Libya flights by an Air Force cargo plane configured to broadcast...

US Costs in Libya Hit 'Hundreds of Millions' Quickly

Those Tomahawks are at least $1 million apiece

(Newser) - So how much does the Libya intervention cost? The AP tries to nail down some specifics:
  • The US fired about 160 Tomahawk missiles, and those cost somewhere between $1 million and $1.5 million apiece.
  • B-2 bombers flying round-trip from Missouri have logged 25 hours of flying time, with the

Colombia Has Been Using US Drones Since 2006
Colombia Has Been Using US Drones Since 2006
WikiLeaks Reveal

Colombia Has Been Using US Drones Since 2006

Planes have been used to fight drug traffickers, terrorists

(Newser) - US spy drones have been in the skies over Colombia scouting for drug traffickers and guerrillas since 2006, a newly released State Department cable reveals. The drones were initially sent out to “support hostage rescue efforts,” reads the cable from the then-ambassador to Colombia, “But it promises...

Soldier Who Killed Afghans for Sport Gets 24 Years

Jeremy Morlock pleads guilty to 'Kill Team' murders

(Newser) - A soldier who confessed to killing unarmed Afghan civilians for sport has been sentenced to 24 years after entering a guilty plea. Jeremy Morlock, of Wasilla, Alaska, has agreed to testify against four other soldiers involved in the case that's being called the Afghan Abu Ghraib , reports the New York ...

Why It's Called 'Odyssey Dawn'

The answer is ... kind of dull

(Newser) - What does the name “Odyssey Dawn” have to do with the military operations in Libya? Actually, not a thing, reports the Washington Post . “The goal is to create a name that has absolutely nothing to do with the activity of the region, so you could walk down the...

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