US military

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

US Troop Suicides Surge to One a Day

Rate hits 10-year high even as combat eases

(Newser) - Military suicides have surged this year to reach their highest level in the last decade of war, despite the winding down of the conflict in Afghanistan, AP finds. The first 155 days of 2012 have seen 154 active-duty troops take their own lives, a rate just shy of one a...

Gitmo Gets Major Rehab
 Gitmo Gets Major Rehab 

Gitmo Gets Major Rehab

Improvements will allow camp to remain open for years

(Newser) - Looks like Gitmo will be open for a long time to come, even if President Obama wins a second term. The detention center has been quietly undergoing a multimillion-dollar upgrade that will allow it to remain open for years to come, reports MSNBC . Improvements include a $750,000 soccer field...

Abortion Rights Championed in Defense Bill

Insurance would cover troop abortions in cases of rape, incest in amendment

(Newser) - Abortion rights advocates suddenly seem to have a chance to win a battle—but, surprisingly, it's part of the Defense bill debate. Last month New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen quietly added an amendment to the massive annual Department of Defense bill that would permit military health insurance to...

Now Russian, Chinese Militaries Get Cozier

In visit to Beijing, Putin announces future exercises

(Newser) - Just days after the US announced plans for a boosted Asia-Pacific fleet , Vladimir Putin says his country will beef up its military relationship with China. Putin pointed to six days of drills near China's east coast in April: "They were the first of such exercises," the Russian...

Military: No Record of Reality Show Singer's War Injury

Timothy Michael Poe told 'America's Got Talent' he started singing to heal

(Newser) - A singer who appeared on America's Got Talent earlier this week with an inspiring story now appears to have made at least some of it up. Timothy Michael Poe told the judges that he had spent 14 years in the military and took up singing while recovering from a...

Panetta: Asia-Pacific Strategy Isn't Threat to China

US will have 60% of fleet there by 2020

(Newser) - Defense chief Leon Panetta said today that America's new military focus on the Asia-Pacific region is not intended to threaten Beijing. Panetta appeared to offer an olive branch to the communist power, saying the often feuding rivals must learn to work better together. "We both understand the differences...

US to Arm Italian Drones
 US to Arm Italian Drones 

US to Arm Italian Drones

Move could open floodgates for rest of NATO, other allies

(Newser) - Pretty soon, every cool kid on the block may have genuine American-made robot killing machines. The Obama administration plans to arm Italy's Reaper drone fleet, sources tell the Wall Street Journal , which will make it difficult for Washington to deny such capabilities to the rest of its NATO allies....

To Mark Day, Words of Fallen Marine Read Aloud

Gen. John Allen reads Sgt. William Stacey's reasons for fighting

(Newser) - US troops in Afghanistan marked Memorial Day with the words of a fallen comrade—one of at least 1,851 Americans to have died in the war. Marine Gen. John Allen, the leading US commander in Afghanistan, read a letter penned by Marine Sgt. William Stacey, killed by homemade explosives...

Military Schools See 1st Openly Gay Graduates

Students bring same-sex partners to major events

(Newser) - It's graduation time at America's military academies, and for the first time, gay students are celebrating without having to keep their sexual orientations a secret. For many, that means bringing same-sex dates to end-of-year events. In the past, notes a West Point cadet, "I had to do...

45% of New Vets File for Disability
 45% of New Vets 
 File for Disability 
Memorial Day Investigation

45% of New Vets File for Disability

That's a huge jump from post-Gulf War numbers

(Newser) - American veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are filing for disability benefits at a rate never seen before, causing many to worry about the physical and mental health of a generation of troops, reports the AP . Of the 1.6 million veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan,...

US Aircraft Riddled With Fake China Parts
 US Aircraft 
 Riddled With 
 Fake China Parts 
in case you missed it

US Aircraft Riddled With Fake China Parts

Senate report finds 1,800 cases, blames crappy supply chain

(Newser) - The US military's planes and helicopters are full of counterfeit electronic parts, most of which originated in China, according to a new Senate report. The year-long Armed Services Committee probe identified 1,800 cases of fake parts being found in aircraft, particularly in Navy helicopters, cargo planes, and Poseidon...

Female Soldiers Sue Over Combat Ban

With 130 women killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, combat roles evolving

(Newser) - Two female army reservists filed suit against the US military yesterday, claiming the policy preventing women from serving in combat is unconstitutional, reports Reuters . Being banned from combat "solely on the basis of sex" violates their Fifth Amendment rights and "restricts their current and future earnings, their potential...

Yemen&#39;s Capital Hit With Deadliest Attack in Months
More Than 90 Killed in Attack on Yemen Capital

More Than 90 Killed in Attack on Yemen Capital

Al-Qaeda claims responsibility

(Newser) - A suicide bombing targeting the Yemeni military killed more than 90 people today, and injured another 222, a government official announced. Reportedly dressed as a soldier, the attacker set off the blast near the presidential palace in Sanaa as troops trained for a military parade. An al-Qaeda source tells the...

To Keep Eye on Its Oil, Iraq Buys US Drones

Unarmed drones will watch over Persian Gulf

(Newser) - Iraq is looking to America to help it monitor its oil interests—sort of. The country is buying unarmed surveillance drones from the US that will scour Iraq's Persian Gulf waters, which Iran has spoken of blockading in the past and which the majority of Iraq's oil exports...

US 'Ready' to Strike Iran: Ambassador

Though diplomatic solution is preferable, Dan Shapiro says

(Newser) - The US has all the planning in place to launch a military strike on Iran should diplomacy fail to curb its nuclear ambitions, the US ambassador to Israel said today, just days before nuclear talks are set to resume. "It would be preferable to resolve this diplomatically," Ambassador...

Army Training Missile Falls on Texas Town

100 homes evacuated after dummy Hellfire drops

(Newser) - The Army is investigating how a dummy Hellfire missile managed to become detached from an Apache helicopter to fall in a Texas neighborhood on Tuesday. A soldier's kids spotted the missile as it fell into a field around 8pm and told their dad, who contacted the military. Some 100...

2 Navy Ships Collide Off California

No injuries reported after Essex slams into oiler

(Newser) - Two Navy ships were damaged in a collision in the Pacific Ocean 120 miles off the coast of California—but there were no injuries or fuel spills, according to military officials. The amphibious assault vehicle USS Essex hit the USNS Yukon oiler as it was approaching the Yukon to be...

Panetta Limits F-22 Flights After Pilot Blackouts

He orders Air Force to take steps to protect fliers

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has ordered the Air Force to take extra steps to protect F-22 pilots while officials investigate reports of dizziness and fainting spells in the cockpit. Panetta has ordered the service to keep all F-22 flights close enough to landing strips so that pilots will be able...

Obama Winning Among Veterans

 Obama Winning Among Veterans 
Poll Numbers

Obama Winning Among Veterans

Most believe Iraq war was unsuccessful

(Newser) - After a decade of war, America's troops aren't feeling very war-like. President Obama currently leads Mitt Romney among veterans who have served since the Gulf War by seven points—a wider lead than he has among the general populace—according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll , and many say...

Navy: Sonar, Blasts Way Harmful Than We Thought

1.6K whales, dolphins could face injury, hearing loss in year

(Newser) - The Navy's use of sonar and explosives could deal damage to some 1,600 marine mammals near California and Hawaii every year—a figure far higher than once believed. The whales and dolphins are at risk of hearing loss and other injuries, the AP reports. What's more, the...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>