US military

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US Soldiers Held in S. Korean Sex Harassment

She told rowdy group to be quiet on subway

(Newser) - Three US soldiers are in the custody of military police after allegedly sexually harassing a Korean woman on the subway Saturday night. Six soldiers were playing a boombox on the subway while dancing and yelling when the 21-year-old woman asked them to cool it. Instead, they started taking pictures of...

S. Korea, US Troops Begin Drills as Nuke Test Looms

Pyongyang believed to be ready to carry out 3rd test

(Newser) - South Korean and US troops began naval drills today in a show of force partly directed at North Korea amid signs that Pyongyang will soon carry out its third atomic test . The US, South Korea, and other countries have urged North Korea to scrap its test plans or face grave...

22 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day
 22 Veterans 
 Commit Suicide 
 Each Day 
study says

22 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day

Rate up 20% from 2007 study

(Newser) - Some 22 US veterans commit suicide on a daily basis, a new VA study finds, marking a jump of about 20% from a 2007 study. And it's unlikely that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are the key factor in the increase: More than two-thirds of the suicide victims are...

Limbless Soldier Gets Double Arm Transplant

One of just 7 in US history

(Newser) - Following a procedure at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a 26-year-old Iraq veteran has become the first US service member to get a double arm transplant. Just seven people in the US have ever successfully gone through the procedure, experts tell the Washington Post ; only 60 worldwide have received arm transplants, says...

Top Afghan Airline Hauling Opium: US

US military bans contracts with Kam Air

(Newser) - Afghanistan's leading private airline has been transporting opium in "bulk" on civilian flights, the US military says. Central Command has now banned Kam Air from any military contracts, marking the first time the military has slapped drug-related penalties on a major Afghan firm, the Wall Street Journal notes....

Wounded Vet Duckworth: 'I Didn't Lose My Legs in a Bar Fight'

She and others say women already are in combat; critics still hate move

(Newser) - Here's a look at some of the yays and nays regarding the Pentagon's decision to lift the ban on women in combat:
  • Rep. Tammy Duckworth: The Illinois congresswoman who lost both her legs as a helicopter pilot in Iraq praises the move as "long overdue" because it

Sailors to Face Random Alcohol Tests: Navy

Positive results could prompt counseling

(Newser) - The Navy is growing increasingly worried about alcohol use in the ranks, prompting random testing starting next month, the AP reports. The Navy announced the plan shortly after the Marines announced a similar action. Leaders aren't aiming to wipe alcohol completely from Naval culture; rather, they want to be...

Panetta to Allow Women in Combat

Defense chief is lifting the military's ban

(Newser) - Defense chief Leon Panetta is scrapping the military's ban on women in combat roles. The AP has the early scoop, saying the decision opens up hundreds of thousands of positions in front-line and commando units. Panetta is expected to announce the decision tomorrow, and the military branches have until...

Gen. Allen Back on Track to Run NATO

White House to move ahead with his nomination

(Newser) - Now that Gen. John Allen has been cleared of wrongdoing over his emails to Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, his military career is apparently none the worse. The White House said today it will proceed with his nomination to become commander of NATO forces in Europe, reports the AP . The nomination...

Pentagon Clears Gen. John Allen in Email Inquiry

He violated no rules in messages to Jill Kelley

(Newser) - The scandal centering on Tampa socialite Jill Kelley may have brought down David Petraeus , but another general— John Allen —will survive. The Pentagon's inspector general pored over the trove of emails between Allen and Kelley and concluded that he did nothing unbecoming of an officer, reports the Washington ...

Culprit in a Third of Military's Top Brass Firings? Sex

Rise in ethical lapses alarms military

(Newser) - The US military has a sex problem. Sexual misconduct has been the leading reason for the firing of military commanders over the last eight years, accounting for almost one-third, or 78 of 255 firings since 2005, an AP analysis of statistics finds. Notably among them was Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair,...

Afghan Massacre Suspect Had Brain Injury: Lawyer

Lawyers ready 'mental health defense' for Robert Bales

(Newser) - Before allegedly launching a shooting spree against Afghan villagers, US Staff Sgt. Robert Bales was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, his lawyer said at a hearing yesterday. Bales' defense team said it was readying a "mental health defense" in the massacre case; lawyer John Henry...

Torture Reports Halt US-Afghan Detainee Transfer

Human rights abuses could stop funding for Afghan troops

(Newser) - Amid word of inhumane treatment, including torture, the US has halted the transfer of detainees to some Afghan prisons, the New York Times reports. And with Afghan leader Hamid Karzai seeking internal control of detention, the decision is likely to further strain the countries' relationship. The move also comes with...

Walmart: We'll Hire Every Veteran Looking for Work

Company to announce ambitious hiring plan today

(Newser) - Walmart is set to make a pretty bold hiring announcement today: It plans to employ every veteran looking for work. The statement does, however, come with an asterisk—veterans must have left the military within the past 12 months and not have been dishonorably discharged. Still, the five-year plan, which...

US to Step Up Aid to Mali Campaign

French-led mission will get US drones, airlifts, but no troops

(Newser) - The US is planning to step up its support for France's campaign against Islamist rebels in Mali, reports the Los Angeles Times . The US military, which is already providing the French with intelligence help, plans to help move hundreds more French troops to the African country and officials say...

Military Suicides Hit New High in 2012

349 suicides exceeded Afghanistan death toll

(Newser) - Military suicides hit a grim new high in 2012, and experts believe that the problem may only get worse despite the Pentagon's best efforts, the AP finds. There were a total of 349 suicides among active-duty troops, the highest since the Pentagon began closely tracking the problem in 2001...

Prosecutors: Bin Laden Sought WikiLeaks Docs
Bin Laden Sought WikiLeaks Documents: Prosecutors
bradley manning case

Bin Laden Sought WikiLeaks Documents: Prosecutors

Manning, Julian Assange 'laughed' over Pentagon concerns

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden asked an al-Qaeda member for materials Pfc. Bradley Manning allegedly passed to WikiLeaks, prosecutors in Manning's trial plan to say. As the hearings continue, prosecutors will show Internet conversations between Manning and Julian Assange, the New York Times reports; one reveals the pair "laughing" over...

US Considers Total Afghan Withdrawal

'Zero option' after 2014 raised before Karzai talks

(Newser) - How many US troops should stay in Afghanistan after the NATO combat mission ends next year? For the first time, officials are now saying zero is an option. Commanders recommend keeping a force of up to 15,000 in the country, but Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, speaking to...

Abu Ghraib Detainees Win $5M From Contractor

Contractor settles with 71 inmates who alleged torture

(Newser) - A security contractor accused of torturing detainees at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison and other US-run facilities during the Iraq War has agreed to pay $5.28 million to 71 former inmates, according to legal documents unearthed by the AP . The settlement from L-3 Services, which provided the US military...

US Troops Take Charge of Missiles in Turkey

Meanwhile, Damascus gas station bombing kills 11

(Newser) - Twenty-seven US troops have landed in Turkey to operate missiles near its border with Syria. The troops, whose deployment was announced last month , will be in charge of Patriot missiles officially controlled by NATO, CNN reports. Meanwhile, in Syria itself, opposition forces are battling for control of a government-held helicopter...

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