US military

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Drug Ring Found Inside Unit That Guards Our Nukes

Airmen bought, distributed, and used it and other drugs at FE Warren Air Force Base

(Newser) - One airman said he felt paranoia. Another marveled at the vibrant colors. Meet service members entrusted with guarding nuclear missiles that are among the most powerful in America's arsenal. Air Force records obtained by the AP show they bought, distributed, and used the hallucinogen LSD and other mind-altering illegal...

4 Feared Dead in Marine Helicopter Crash

CH-53E Super Stallion was on a training mission

(Newser) - A Marine helicopter has crashed during a southern California training mission and authorities believe all four crew members were killed, reports the AP . The military says the CH-53E Super Stallion went down shortly after 2:30pm Tuesday near El Centro. The helicopter was with the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing out...

Trump: Until We Build Wall, Military Will Guard Border

'We really haven't done that before,' says president

(Newser) - President Trump has been repeatedly complaining about weak border security over the last few days, and on Tuesday he announced a "big step" to fix that: He plans to have the military guard the southern border, reports Reuters . Trump told reporters he will talk to defense chief Jim Mattis...

This Could Be US Military's Next Wild Weapon

Lasers that can mimic human voices and be projected miles away

(Newser) - The Pentagon is working on a funky new weapon that is, in the words of the estimable Popular Mechanics , "profoundly weird." In short, military scientists aim to use lasers to create what sound like human voices that could be projected afar. These "voices" could then be used...

Trump Bans Transgender Troops From Serving

But gives the Pentagon leeway to bend rule

(Newser) - President Donald Trump is issuing an order to ban transgender people from serving in the military except under "limited circumstances," following up on his calls to ban transgender individuals from serving, the AP reports. The White House says retaining troops with a history or diagnosis of "gender...

Teacher Who Called Military 'Lowest of Low' Is Fired

He ranted at student who wore Marines shirt

(Newser) - A history teacher who was videotaped telling his students that only dumb people join the US military has been fired by the suburban southern California school district where he has taught for more than 15 years. El Rancho Unified School District President Aurora R. Villon announced Gregory Salcido's dismissal...

7 Troops Killed in Chopper Crash in Iraq

American helicopter does not appear to have been brought down by enemy fire

(Newser) - All seven service members aboard a US helicopter that crashed in Iraq on Thursday were killed, the Pentagon said Friday. The crash did not appear to be the result of enemy activity and is under investigation, the Pentagon said. The helicopter was used by the Air Force for combat search...

Trump Claims Credit for 'Space Force' Idea

'What a great idea, maybe we'll have to do that'

(Newser) - SpaceX founder Elon Musk cut through the excitement surrounding future travel to Mars Monday, noting "it's difficult, dangerous," and there's a "good chance you will die." A day later, President Trump appeared more optimistic, claiming Americans will reach Mars "very soon" and touting...

Trump's Military Parade Could Be Pricey: OMB

Mick Mulvaney says it could run between $10M and $30M

(Newser) - The White House budget director said Wednesday that a military parade envisioned by President Trump won't come cheap: It could cost between $10 million and $30 million, although that money isn't included in the administration's new budget request. Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told...

US May Have Killed Dozens of Russian Fighters

But Kremlin downplays incident in Syria, saying they were mercenaries

(Newser) - The convoluted fighting in Syria pits the US and Russia on opposite sides, and a recent battle has resulted in this jarring description from Bloomberg : It may have been "the deadliest clash between citizens of the former foes since the Cold War." But so far, this hasn't...

US Launches Airstrikes on Syrian Regime-Backed Troops

It was self-defense, officials say

(Newser) - The US military launched airstrikes on Syrian government-backed troops Wednesday after as many as 500 attackers began what a US military official says appeared to be a coordinated assault on Syrian opposition forces accompanied by US advisers in Deir el-Zour province. The official says the strikes were in self-defense after...

Trump Tells Pentagon He Wants a Military Parade

No date set for DC display of military might

(Newser) - President Trump has literally given the Pentagon its marching orders: The president has told top generals that he wants a display of military might in Washington, DC, along the same lines as the extravagant Bastille Day parade he saw in Paris last year , the Washington Post reports. Trump has previously...

Kelly: Teacher Who Slammed Military 'Ought to Go to Hell'

California teacher called military 'lowest of our low'

(Newser) - A California teacher caught on video calling the military "the lowest of our low" was slammed by the usually reserved White House chief of staff Wednesday. John Kelly told Fox News Radio that El Rancho High School history teacher Gregory Salcido "ought to go to hell," Politico...

Experts Say Fitness Tracker Map Reveals Secret Military Bases

'A lot of people are going to have to sit through lectures come Monday morning'

(Newser) - Last November, Strava published a Global Heatmap tracking the movements of the 27 million people who use its fitness service—either through its app or devices like Fitbits—over two years. A 20-year-old international security and Middle East expert finally took a closer look at the map this weekend after...

Report: US Funds Afghan Army Despite Use of Child Sex Slaves

And that appears to be against US law

(Newser) - The Leahy Law requires that US aid be cut off from foreign military units involved in gross human rights violations. A report commissioned by the Obama administration following stories of the "rampant" use of young boys as sex slaves by commanders—the practice is known as "bacha bazi"...

Senator Who Lost Legs in War Slams 'Draft-Dodger' Trump

Duckworth has message for 'Cadet Bone Spurs'

(Newser) - A Democratic senator who lost both legs while serving in the Iraq War says she isn't going to let a "draft-dodging" president lecture her on what the military needs. Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a retired US Army lieutenant colonel, slammed President Trump as "Cadet Bone Spurs" in...

US Soldier Who Defected to North Korea in 1965 Dies
He Defected to North Korea,
Came to Bitterly Regret It
in case you missed it

He Defected to North Korea, Came to Bitterly Regret It

Charles Jenkins ultimately left North Korea for Japan in 2004

(Newser) - Former US Army soldier Charles Jenkins, who drank a few beers and slipped across the DMZ to defect to North Korea on a January night some 52 years ago, has died in Japan. He was 77. Jenkins, who feared being killed on patrol or being sent to Vietnam, had planned...

Trump's Thanksgiving Tweet: US 'Starting to Do Really Well'

President also had message for Coast Guard, troops around the world

(Newser) - President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump kicked off their Thanksgiving celebration by visiting a Coast Guard station in Riviera Beach, Fla., on Thursday, the AP reports. Trump praised the Coast Guard for its work in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Texas and said, "There's no...

Army Members Accused of Misbehavior on Trump Trip

Military personnel accused of 'improper contact' with women in Vietnam

(Newser) - The Pentagon has confirmed it is investigating allegations that three service members on President Trump's Asia trip broke curfew and had what the Washington Post calls "improper contact" with women in Vietnam. Sources tell the Post that the Army noncommissioned officers have been reassigned from their White House...

After Deadly Crash, US Troops in Japan Banned From Drinking

Police say Marine in Okinawa was 3 times legal limit

(Newser) - US military personnel in Okinawa have been restricted to base and banned from drinking alcohol after a Marine was arrested over a crash that killed a Japanese man. Police on the southern Japanese island arrested 21-year-old Nicholas James-McLean late Sunday on suspicion of negligent driving resulting in injury or death...

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