US military

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Trump: Mexico Tariffs Still Due to Kick In on Monday

'Not nearly enough' progress made in talks, he says

(Newser) - President Trump says new tariffs on all imports from Mexico will start Monday unless a lot more progress is made in talks with Mexican officials. Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held talks with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard at the White House Wednesday, but the...

Prosecutor Abruptly Pulled From Navy SEAL's Murder Case

He was accused of spying on defense lawyers

(Newser) - A military judge took the rare step Monday to remove a prosecutor accused of misconduct from the war crimes case of a decorated Navy SEAL. Capt. Aaron Rugh ordered the lead prosecutor removed from the case of Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher after defense lawyers accused the prosecution of spying...

Pentagon to White House: Stop Politicizing the Military

But a top Trump aide calls it 'much ado about nothing'

(Newser) - The Pentagon has told the White House to stop politicizing the military, amid a furor over a Trump administration order to have the Navy ship named for the late US Sen. John McCain hidden from view during President Donald Trump's recent visit to Japan, the AP reports. A senior...

Pentagon Has Plan to Reinforce Security in Middle East

Officials will make presentation to White House Thursday

(Newser) - The Pentagon on Thursday will present plans to the White House to send up to 10,000 more troops to the Middle East, in a move to beef up defenses against potential Iranian threats, US officials said Wednesday. The officials said no final decision has been made yet, and it'...

Report: Pentagon Has Plan to Send 120K Troops to Middle East

Trump says Iran could have a 'bad problem'

(Newser) - Plans to send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East to counter threats from Iran were unveiled at what appears to have been an exceptionally leaky meeting of national security aides last week, reports the New York Times , which cites more than half a dozen sources. The sources...

Secret American Missile: 'the Flying Ginsu'

Yup, it has knives

(Newser) - Ever heard of a missile that doesn't explode? That, the Wall Street Journal reports, is a key feature of a secret weapon adapted by the US military. It's a modified version of a Hellfire missile that hits pinpoint targets but doesn't explode on impact, meaning reduced damage...

Watchdog: Americans 'Don't Know What's Going On' in Afghanistan

US military no longer releasing district control data

(Newser) - Amid a battlefield stalemate in Afghanistan, the US military has stopped releasing information often cited to measure progress in America's longest war, calling it of little value in fighting the Taliban insurgency, reports the AP . A government watchdog agency that monitors the US war effort, now in its 18th...

Naval Academy Transgender Ban Starts in 2020

Coast Guard, Air Force academies say they are also complying with Trump policy

(Newser) - President Trump's ban on transgender people serving in the military is beginning to take effect at the US Naval Academy and other military institutions. The Defense Department confirmed to the Capital Gazette this week that the Naval Academy will stop accepting transgender students as of 2020, but those enrolled...

4 Americans Killed in Afghanistan Attack

Taliban claim responsibility for roadside bomb

(Newser) - Three American service members and a US contractor were killed when their convoy hit a roadside bomb on Monday near the main US base in Afghanistan, the AP reports. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. The US and NATO Resolute Support mission said in a statement that the four...

2 US Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
2 US Soldiers
Killed in Afghanistan

2 US Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

NATO says they died during operation Friday

(Newser) - Two American service members were killed during an operation in Afghanistan on Friday, US and NATO forces said, providing no other details on the combat deaths. The fatalities, which bring to four the number of US soldiers killed so far this year in Afghanistan, underscore the difficulties in bringing peace...

Judge Rules That US Draft Violates the Constitution

Judge Gray Miller says it shouldn't be male-only

(Newser) - Women may soon have a new ritual on their 18th birthday: signing up for Selective Service. A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that the current system—which requires men age 18-25 to sign up—violates the Fifth Amendment's due process clause of right to life, liberty, and property,...

Trump Alters Syria Troop-Withdrawal Plan

About 400 troops are staying behind

(Newser) - Under pressure from the Senate , President Trump is leaving behind about 10% of America's 2,000-troop fighting force in Syria—and will leave them there indefinitely, the Military Times reports. "A small peacekeeping group of about 200 will remain in Syria for a period of time," says...

Trump Responds to Senate Rebuke on Troop Withdrawals

He defends plan to get US military out of Syria and Afghanistan

(Newser) - On Thursday, senators sent a clear message to President Trump: They think his plan to pull US troops out of Syria and Afghanistan is dangerously hasty. On Friday, Trump pushed back with a pair of tweets, reports Politico . "I inherited a total mess in Syria and Afghanistan, the '...

Trump's New Nuclear Weapon Is Now in Production

'Battlefield nuke' is designed to counter Russia

(Newser) - One of America's first new nuclear weapons since the Cold War is the product of an arms race for smaller nukes. The W76-2 low-yield nuclear warhead, which is now rolling off production lines, was ordered by the Trump administration to counter equally low-yield Russian warheads, the Guardian reports. The...

Deal Reportedly Close to End Long US War in Afghanistan

'We have a draft of the framework,' US envoy tells 'New York Times' after Taliban talks

(Newser) - The wording is couched to be sure, but the New York Times reports that a deal is in the works to end America's nearly 20-year war in Afghanistan. Here is how the chief US negotiator in talks between the US and the Taliban puts it to the newspaper: "...

Supreme Court Gives Trump Victory on Transgender Ban

Military ban will go into effect while court battles continue

(Newser) - The Supreme Court delivered a victory to President Trump on Monday, ruling that his ban on transgender military troops can go into effect while the issue is argued in lower courts. The court's five conservative justices—John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh—voted to...

Pentagon: Our Bases Are Flooding
Pentagon Has Bad
News About Its Bases

Pentagon Has Bad News About Its Bases

Seems climate change is affecting mission-critical installations

(Newser) - A new Pentagon report says wildfires, drought, and flooding fueled by climate change are threatening two-thirds of key US military bases, the Military Times reports. Posted online Friday, the report looks at 79 mission-critical installations across the Army, Air Force, and Navy, but not the Marine Corps. The report says...

ISIS Hit Americans at Favorite Lunch Spot

2 service members among 4 Americans killed in Manbij suicide bombing

(Newser) - The restaurant rocked by the suicide bomb attack that killed four Americans in Syria on Wednesday was a favorite lunch spot for troops, who'd stop for French fries and a shawarma sandwich, often several times a week. Military leaders and Sens. Lindsey Graham and Jeanne Shaheen even dined without...

Pentagon Makes Surprise Announcement on Syria

The withdrawal has begun

(Newser) - The first US troops have begun to leave Syria. The Pentagon is providing few details, however, except to say the US-led coalition had "begun the process of our deliberate withdrawal." Coalition spokesman Col. Sean Ryan declined to provide numbers or timetables regarding the approximately 2,000 US troops...

Trump Makes 2nd Visit to US Troops Abroad

He greets troops at base in Germany

(Newser) - President Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, have greeted US troops in Germany. The president, making his second visit to US troops abroad in the space of a day, stopped at Ramstein Air Force Base on his way back from Iraq, the AP reports. Trump slowly made his way down...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>