Alberto Gonzales

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Mukasey Taps Prosecutor for Attorney Firings Case

Conn. official Dannehy could force likes of Rove to testify

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey appointed a special prosecutor today to look into the attorney firing scandal today, Reuters reports, after an internal investigation came up empty-handed. Many top witnesses, such as Karl Rove, didn’t cooperate, but could now be subpoenaed by Connecticut prosecutor Nora Dannehy.

No Charges in US Attorney Firings: Report

Gonzales won't face grand jury from internal Justice investigation

(Newser) - A Justice Department probe of the firings of a group of US attorneys is ending without recommending charges against former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or anyone else, the New York Times reports. The investigators' report, to be released today, is nonetheless said to be scathing on the politically motivated firings,...

Gonzales Mishandled Secret Docs, Regrets Lapse

Government report expected to examine DoJ management

(Newser) - Lawyers for Alberto Gonzales admit in a memo released today that he mishandled highly classified notes about a secret counterterrorism program, but say it was unintentional and didn't result in leaks, the AP reports. A government report due out tomorrow is expected to criticize Gonzales's handling of the notes, which...

In Politicizing Justice, 'Appalling' Betrayal

By injecting politics into hiring, Gonzales & Co. shatter public's faith

(Newser) - New confirmation that the Justice Department used political criteria in hiring for career positions shouldn’t just outrage the maybe-liberals they discriminated against, derailing careers because they were gay, say, or had a wife who was a Democrat, a former Clinton administration official writes in the Washington Post. It’s...

US Attorney: I Was Fired Over Gay Rumors

Official speaks out after damning report on key Gonzales aides

(Newser) - One of the US attorneys fired in the 2006 sweep by Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department says she believes rumors of a lesbian relationship with a top prosecutor cost her the job and derailed the prosecutor’s career. “I am persuaded with deep regret that this is what was the...

Justice Dept. Hiring Practices Illegal: Report

Gonzales aides judged high-level applicants by their politics

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales’ Justice Department illegally discriminated against applicants for career positions based on political considerations, a new report by the department's inspector general finds. Gonzales’ White House liaison Monica Goodling routinely violated civil service laws by asking "What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to...

Cautious Mukasey Disappoints Former Backers

It's 'business as usual' in AG's office

(Newser) - Attorney General Michael Mukasey's cautious approach has disappointed one-time backers who hoped for a new direction at the Justice Department, reports the New York Times. He has been reluctant to probe the US attorney firings that triggered predecessor Alberto Gonzales' downfall, and has moved at a snail's pace on issues...

US Attorney Probe Moves Forward
US Attorney Probe Moves Forward

US Attorney Probe Moves Forward

Justice Dept. wants grand jury to hear perjury evidence

(Newser) - For the first time since it came to light 2 years ago, the US attorneys scandal has gone beyond the investigative phase. The Justice Department has asked for a grand jury to hear evidence as it weighs perjury charges against a former interim US attorney, the Wall Street Journal reports....

No Joy in Job Hunt for Ex-Attorney General

Employers say thanks, but no thanks to Alberto Gonzales

(Newser) - Ex-attorneys general often enjoy elite private sector jobs, but disgraced Alberto Gonzales is still job-hunting since he resigned last August, the New York Times reports. Lawyers say perjury allegations concerning testimony about eavesdropping and his role in the politically motivated firing of federal prosecutors are the biggest problems with Gonzales'...

Wang Throws 2-Hitter, Yanks Top Red Sox

Efficient right-hander faces two batters over the minimum

(Newser) - Chien-Ming Wang added an outstanding pitching performance to the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry—a two-hit complete game. In the teams' first meeting of the season, Wang gave up only a home run by J.D. Drew that was nearly caught and a bunt single Friday night as New York beat Boston...

Congress Prods Justice Dept. on Secrecy

Dems accuse Mukasey, underlings of stalling on requests

(Newser) - Congress is redoubling its efforts to get info from the Justice Department, the Washington Post reports. Requests for classified documents have languished for as long as 3 years, and the contretemps between Congress and Alberto Gonzales over their disclosure has improved little under the new AG, Michael Mukasey. "We...

House Holds 2 Bush Aides in Contempt

Dems vote against Bolten, Miers, while GOP walks out

(Newser) - The House voted today to hold two Bush insiders guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in last year's US attorneys scandal, the AP reports. Angry  Republicans boycotted the vote and walked out in protest. Democrats censured chief of staff Josh Bolten and former Bush counsel Harriet Miers...

2007's Biggest White House Whoppers
2007's Biggest White House Whoppers

2007's Biggest White House Whoppers

Slate runs down the Bush team's most dubious legal claims

(Newser) - In her second annual roundup of the Bush administration's most egregious legal arguments, Dahlia Lithwick of Slate offers her top 10 doozies:
  1. The United States does not torture
  2. State-secrets privilege used to shield almost anything.
  3. Almost anything Alberto Gonzales said.
  4. The nine US attorneys were fired for cause.
  5. Anyone who

Bush Lawyers Talked to CIA About Tapes

Gonzales, Miers met intelligence officials before their destruction

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales and at least three other White House lawyers were involved in discussions with the CIA before the agency destroyed interrogation videotapes in 2005, the New York Times reports. Gonzales, Harriet Miers, David Addington, and John Bellinger all met with CIA officials, the Times says, based on interviews with...

At Mukasey Ceremony, Bush Vows Justice Makeover

New Attorney General brings 'clear purpose and resolve'

(Newser) - President Bush looked on as Michael Mukasey was ceremonially sworn in today as attorney general today, the AP reports, and promised to rebuild the ravaged Justice Department behind him. “Michael Mukasey has my complete trust and confidence,” Bush said. “And he's going to have the trust and...

Senate Confirms Mukasey as AG
Senate Confirms Mukasey as AG

Senate Confirms Mukasey as AG

Bush nominee overcomes waterboarding flap

(Newser) - The Senate tonight approved retired judge Michael Mukasey to be the next attorney general, AP reports. Mukasey, whose refusal to declare that waterboarding is illegal nearly torpedoed his nomination, will replace Alberto Gonzales. "This is the only chance we have," said Dianne Feinstein before the 53-40 vote, referring...

Gonzales Could Face Charges
Gonzales Could Face Charges

Gonzales Could Face Charges

DOJ report may recommend criminal prosecution for former AG

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales might soon find himself on an unlikely side of the law if a pending DOJ report recommends criminal charges against the former AG for lying under oath. Pending prosecution may even explain Gonzales' unexpected departure, Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick speculates. Now he’s hired a criminal-defense attorney and...

No More Politics in Justice Dept., Mukasey Vows

Bush's Attorney General nominee promises independent voice

(Newser) - A Michael Mukasey-led Justice Department won’t be the White House puppet many accused it of being under Alberto Gonzalez, the Attorney General nominee promised as confirmation hearings opened today. “Legal decisions and the progress of cases are decided by facts and law, not by interests and motives,”...

Dems to Grill AG Nominee on Bush's Meddling

Influence on Justice looms as top Mukasey confirmation issue

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey's confirmation hearings kick off tomorrow, and the focus of senators' questions for the AG nominee is already clear, the Christian Science Monitor reports: Democrats want assurances he’ll be more independent than Alberto Gonzales. Pat Leahy, for one, is looking for agreement that “federal law enforcement should...

Justice Memos Endorse Torture
Justice Memos Endorse Torture

Justice Memos Endorse Torture

Officials gave green light for array of painful interrogation techniques

(Newser) - The Justice Department under Alberto Gonzales secretly endorsed the use of torture techniques during interrogation by the CIA, the New York Times reports. A classified 2005 legal memorandum authorized the harshest  techniques ever used by the CIA, the Times says, including a combination of head-slapping, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, freezing, loud...

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