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Crew Called for Help, Then the Tanker Capsized

South Korean vessel carrying acrylic acid ran into rough seas

(Newser) - A South Korean chemical tanker capsized off an island in southwestern Japan on Wednesday, authorities said, killing eight people on board. One crew member survived, while the fate of two others was unknown, reports the AP . Officials said the tanker was carrying 980 tons of acrylic acid, a corrosive organic...

Chemicals in Plastic Cost Us Billions in Health Care

$249B a year, a new study estimates

(Newser) - Plastic has been found in the deepest parts of the ocean, the air , and our brains —and now researchers have put a number to how much its prevalence is costing us in health care. A group of physicians, epidemiologists, and endocrinologists worked together to itemize the "disease burden"...

Accused of Poisoning Neighbors With Opioids, PhD Student Deported

Xuming Li of China lost student visa following charges, expulsion

(Newser) - A chemistry PhD student who was allegedly caught injecting opioids through the door of an upstairs neighbor with whom he quarreled over noise will escape charges in the US, as he's been deported to his native China. Xuming Li, 36, faced felony charges of battery and possession of a...

After Odor Sickened His Family, He Set Up a Hidden Camera

Florida's Xuming Li arrested, accused of injecting chemical agents under neighbor's door

(Newser) - A Florida man suspicious about chemical smells in his home that appeared to be making his infant sick installed a camera to see if he could suss out what was going on—and now his neighbor is accused of being the cause. NBC News reports that 36-year-old Xuming Li, a...

UK Quietly Does 180 on Animal Testing of Makeup

Government apparently reversed its stance in 2019, after decades-long ban

(Newser) - The UK government had banned the testing of makeup ingredients on animals for more than two decades when it quietly reversed its stance in 2019. It began issuing licenses for animal testing of cosmetic ingredients in line with European Union rules, which don't allow animal testing to determine whether...

Ex-Phillies Got Brain Cancer After Playing on Artificial Turf

'Philadelphia Inquirer' digs into the cluster of rare glioblastoma cases

(Newser) - The Philadelphia Inquirer is out with a jarring story about that city's baseball team: The newspaper reports that six former members of the Philadelphia Phillies died of the rare brain cancer glioblastoma, and one thing they had in common is that they played on artificial turf at the since-demolished...

Keanu Reeves, Fungus-Fighting Machine?

Scientists name chemical compounds that fight fungal infections after the butt-kicking actor

(Newser) - The cordyceps fighters in The Last of Us could definitely use some Keanu Reeves—not the tough heroes he plays in The Matrix, Speed, or John Wick, but a trio of fungus-killing chemical compounds that have now been named after the actor. Per CNN , a study was published earlier this...

3M: We'll Stop Making 'Forever Chemicals'

Industry giant announces a big move on PFAS linked to cancers

(Newser) - The conglomerate 3M announced a big move Tuesday on what have come to be known as "forever chemicals"—the company will stop making them and plans to be rid of them entirely by the end of 2025, reports CNN . Such chemicals are more formally known as perfluoroalkyl and...

That Drive-Thru Order May Contain More Than You Bargained For

Consumer Reports finds excessive amounts of 'forever chemicals' in some fast-food wrappers

(Newser) - You might want to dump those Mickey D's fries onto a plate as soon as you get home. Consumer Reports released an analysis Thursday on packaging at fast-food restaurants and supermarket chains, with a concerning find: Many of the wrappers that hold the fare we pick up at the...

Finally, Cause of City's 'Stench of Death' Is Revealed

Fire at California warehouse filled with beauty products led to plant die-off, which led to hydrogen sulfide in the air

(Newser) - In early October, residents in Carson, Calif., started picking up on a noxious smell emanating from the Dominguez Channel, with dozens of complaints called in daily to the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Some even noted they were suffering from fatigue, headaches, and respiratory issues, reports the Guardian . Now,...

Sunken Ship Will 'Basically Destroy the Bottom of the Sea'

Chemical leak believed to have triggered fires prior to sinking off Sri Lanka

(Newser) - A chemical-laden cargo ship that burned for 13 days off the coast of Sri Lanka has now sunk, along with hundreds of tons of oil in fuel tanks, in what CNN calls "one of the worst ecological disasters in the country's history." Crews managed to put out...

Thousands Flee Deadly Chemical Plant Leak

8 dead, 1K sickened near India factory

(Newser) - A chemical gas leaked from an industrial plant in southern India early Thursday, leaving people struggling to breathe and collapsing in the streets as they tried to flee. At least eight people were killed and nearly 1,000 suffered breathing difficulties and other reactions, the AP reports. The synthetic chemical...

Love Your French Press? Your Heart Might Not
Don't Make Coffee This Way
if You Have High Cholesterol
in case you missed it

Don't Make Coffee This Way if You Have High Cholesterol

Researchers say filtered coffee fares better for longevity than boiled or press-style varieties

(Newser) - A Swedish study billing itself as the first to look at the tie between the way we brew our coffee and the risk of heart attacks and premature death says one type of brewing method appears healthier than the rest. The research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology ...

It Was After Midnight in Texas. Then, a 'Shock Wave'

Chemical plant explosion injures at least 3, rocks homes of locals

(Newser) - "Say some prayers." That was the Facebook post from one Texas resident after a chemical plant exploded early Wednesday. The New York Times reports the blast took place in Port Neches at the Texas Petroleum Chemical plant, which produces the colorless gas butadiene—a noted health hazard, per...

Chemical Accident Kills 1, Injures 10 at Buffalo Wild Wings

Police blame fumes from cleaning agent

(Newser) - Massachusetts authorities say a Buffalo Wild Wings employee has died and at least 10 people have been hospitalized following a chemical accident at the Burlington restaurant. Officials responding Thursday night to reports of a chemical reaction in the kitchen area found a male employee suffering from nausea, WHDH reports. Burlington...

FBI ID's Chemicals That Sickened Cops in Motel

Police outside Atlanta said three officers will recover

(Newser) - The FBI has identified the chemicals that made three Atlanta-area cops sick in a motel room where a body was found Saturday. Per WSB-TV , the police officers were sickened by a combination of household cleaning agents, though they were not specified. The DeKalb County police said Sunday that the officers...

Tattoos May Leave Toxins in Lymph Nodes
Clean Needles Aren't the
Only Tattoo Concern

Clean Needles Aren't the Only Tattoo Concern

Ask about the chemicals in the ink—your lymph nodes could be tainted from them

(Newser) - Besides getting stuck with a Hello Kitty tattoo for life, there's another downside to getting skin ink: Microscopic particles can taint your lymph nodes. A new study found that after a person gets a tat, nano traces of the ink containing preservatives and contaminants work their way into the...

CEO: Explosion Inevitable at Flooded Texas Chemical Plant

Blast will be 'intense,' CEO warns

(Newser) - An explosion and fire is going to happen at a swamped Texas chemical plant and there's not much anybody can do about it, Arkema CEO Rich Rowe says. The plant in Crosby, around 25 miles northeast of Houston, has lost power after being flooded with around 6 feet of...

Researchers Sound Alarm on Dropping Male Sperm Counts

There's been a 52% drop in sperm counts over the last 40 years

(Newser) - The Western man's sperm count just isn't what it used to be. In what the Washington Post calls the largest and most comprehensive look into the matter, an international team of researchers reports in the journal Human Reproductive Update that after analyzing 185 previous studies involving 42,000...

Smartphone Residue Says a Lot About You—Really, a Lot

Contains clues about gender, diet, health, hygiene, location, pets, and more

(Newser) - Much like our keyboards, our smartphones are anything but clean. So researchers at UC San Diego decided to analyze the molecules on a handful of them and see what they could deduce about the phone's owners—and it turned out to be a whole lot. They swabbed four sections...

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