Mark Salter

6 Stories

Shame on You, Simon & Schuster
 Shame on You, 
 Simon & Schuster  

Shame on You, Simon & Schuster

Tim Rutten: Marketing of 'O' is outright 'deception'

(Newser) - Now that we know McCain adviser Mark Salter is the author of O: A Presidential Novel, Simon & Schuster has some 'splaining to do, writes Tim Rutten in the Los Angeles Times . Marketing campaigns don't have to win prizes for honesty, "but they are supposed to stop somewhere just...

And the Author of O: A Presidential Novel Is...

...Mark Salter!

(Newser) - The anonymous author of O: A Presidential Novel didn’t stay anonymous for long: It’s none other than McCain speechwriter Mark Salter, sources confirm to Time . Page Six had previously guessed Salter could be the author , and there were some hints, writes Mark Halperin: Salter “has been holed...

How Revolving Narratives Swamped Would-Be Narrator

McCain's move from tactic to tactic resulted in confused overall strategy

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign has gone through a dizzying number of narratives, as Robert Draper outlines in the New York Times. Draper looks inside a dysfunctional operation driven by two quarreling old McCain friends (Rick Davis and speechwriter Mark Salter), and the Rovian outsider who reconciled them (Steve Schmidt). The...

As McCain Shaped Book, Book Shaped McCain
As McCain Shaped Book, Book Shaped McCain

As McCain Shaped Book, Book Shaped McCain

Process of writing memoir recast Republican's political persona

(Newser) - As recently as 1998, John McCain told Esquire that being introduced as a “great war hero” was enough to “make your skin crawl.” Today, however, his POW experience is a pillar of his presidential campaign, a change David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times attributes to the...

McCain's Lead Dog Isn't Afraid to Bark, or Bite

Mark Salter rides the media hard, thinks he knows where Obama is soft

(Newser) - Mark Salter has the honor of being John McCain’s “chief creator, shaper and enforcer,” the Wall Street Journal reports of a man who rides the press corps hard and thinks he knows Barack Obama’s soft spots. A McCain confidant of two decades, the goateed, chain-smoking Salter...

McCain's Men: The Team Behind the Turnaround

'Sedona Five' crack team of loyalists revamped battle

(Newser) - John McCain's back-from-the-dead presidential bid can attribute its triumph to a number of factors: the successes of the Iraq surge, the rise of Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani's concession in New Hampshire. But before any of those game-changing events, the McCain comeback was engineered by a small, crack team of loyalists...

6 Stories
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