Jesus Christ

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Obama Tells Christians to Get Off 'High Horse'

Critics rail president's statements about slavery, Crusades at prayer breakfast

(Newser) - It's not terribly surprising that President Obama brought up Jesus Christ during yesterday's National Prayer Breakfast in DC—but for some, it's an outrage how he brought up the son of God. During his speech, Obama recognized the challenges faced by the global community in dealing with...

Prof Discovers Ancient 'Mary' Gospel

'Gospel of the Lots of Mary' was used for divination

(Newser) - Some ancient Egyptians apparently used a tiny "gospel," believing it could tell their future—even though its oracles were rather vague. Princeton University professor Marie Luijendijk discovered a 1,500-year-old book called the "Gospel of the Lots of Mary" and figured it would tell Jesus' life story...

Possible Jesus Trial Site Opens to Public
Museum: We've Found Possible Site of Jesus' Trial
in case you missed it

Museum: We've Found Possible Site of Jesus' Trial

The Tower of David in Jerusalem offers tours, too

(Newser) - Curious to see the possible site of Jesus' trial? The Tower of David Museum in Jerusalem has begun offering tours to the suspected remains of Herod's palace, where some say Jesus was tried and sentenced to death, the Washington Post reports. "There is, of course, no inscription stating...

Did Archaeologists Find Site Where Jesus Preached?

 Did Archaeologists 
 Find Site Where 
 Jesus Preached? 
in case you missed it

Did Archaeologists Find Site Where Jesus Preached?

Haaretz revisits 2009 archaeological discovery

(Newser) - Israel requires that archaeologists perform a sweep of any historically significant land where construction is planned, and they were surprised to find a 20-acre parcel of land along the western side of the Sea of Galilee may have ties to Jesus. Haaretz revisits a story that has the Rev. Juan...

Book Claims Jesus Had 2 Kids
 Book Claims Jesus Had 2 Kids 

Book Claims Jesus Had 2 Kids

With wife Mary Magdalene, no less

(Newser) - It's quite the press-generating claim, and one that an Oxford University professor says "sounds like the deepest bilge": that Jesus had two kids with wife Mary Magdalene. Such is the assertion of The Lost Gospel, a new book that was six years in the making, per ABC News...

Historian: Shroud of Turin a Medieval Prop

Charles Freeman dug through descriptions, depictions of it

(Newser) - You can add one more name to the list of those claiming the Shroud of Turin dates only to medieval times . According to British historian Charles Freeman, Jesus' supposed burial cloth—believed by many to show his image after crucifixion—is a 14th-century prop that was likely used during an...

In Early Image of Jesus, He's Got No Beard

Archaeologists in Spain find 4th-century engraving

(Newser) - Jesus shaved. Archaeologists in Spain have unearthed what they say is one of the earliest images of him, but you wouldn't know it from a quick glance. The engraving on a glass plate from the 4th century depicts a short-haired Jesus without a beard; he's joined by two...

Jesus Statue Has Actual Human Teeth

Mexican restorer says it 'seems mad,' but it's real

(Newser) - A 300-year-old statue of Jesus seems ordinary except for one little thing: It has real human teeth, LiveScience reports. "We said 'Ah, it's not possible!'" says Fanny Unikel Santoncini, who was restoring the statue from a small-town parish in Mexico. But her anthropologist spotted the...

Man Spots Jesus, Lamb—on Apple

'Maybe it's a sign,' says David Duran

(Newser) - First Jesus was spotted on Google Earth . Now he's apparently taken to fruit. Albuquerque's David Duran was making apple butter in his mother's kitchen when he came to "the last couple of apples in the batch." He was just about to peel one when he...

What Language Did Jesus Speak?

Pope Francis, Benjamin Netanyahu disagree

(Newser) - This week saw a small disagreement between Pope Francis and Israel's prime minister. When the two met publicly in Jerusalem, Benjamin Netanyahu told the pope that "Jesus was here, in this land. He spoke Hebrew." Francis corrected him, Reuters reports: "Aramaic." Netanyahu's response: "...

Jesus' 'Wife' Papyrus Faces Growing Doubt

Alleged former owner had no interest in antiquities: insiders

(Newser) - A papyrus suggesting Jesus had a wife has sparked continuing controversy since it was announced in 2012 in the Harvard Theological Review. Now, Live Science explains that the evidence against the authenticity of the "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is mounting. Among the site's findings and observations:
  • The supposed

Ancient Image of Jesus Found in Egypt Tomb

Painting of curly-haired figure thought to date to 6th or 7th century

(Newser) - Archaeologists exploring the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchu believe they have uncovered one of the earliest images of Jesus ever found. The figure painted on the wall of a hidden room deep in an ancient tomb shows "a young man with curly hair, dressed in a short tunic and...

Papyrus Mentioning Jesus' Wife Not a Fake, But...

...that doesn't mean Jesus had a wife

(Newser) - To call it controversial is putting it mildly: Harvard professor Karen L. King in September 2012 debuted an ancient papyrus now known as the "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" at a conference in Rome. The papyrus makes an explicit reference to the woman's existence with the line, "Jesus...

Merry Christmas: Can We Cut the Power Struggle Already?

Free-speech wars are about power and not very Christian: Michael Gerson

(Newser) - Christmas has become the most wonderful time of year ... for heated political debate, especially of the "War on Christmas" or First Amendment variety. It's "when all the ideologues get a little extra outrage or victimization in their stockings," writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post . This...

Dear White People, You Can Have Santa

Amer Zahr: But we olive-skinned people will keep Jesus, thanks

(Newser) - The latest, though probably not the last, word in Megyn Kelly's Jesus-and-Santa-were-white brouhaha: Arab-American comedian Amer Zahr lays out his case in Time that Santa was, in fact, white and therefore white people can have him. For example:
  • "Santa has the complexion of an egg. He is obese,

No, Fox, Santa Doesn't Have to Be White

Megyn Kelly takes flak for comments about Santa and Jesus

(Newser) - Megyn Kelly is being roundly mocked and lambasted online today for a segment last night in which she asserted a little too matter-of-factly that Santa Claus is white. In response to a Slate article in which Aisha Harris proposed a more racially inclusive Santa—a Penguin perhaps?—Kelly said, "...

New Musical: Jesus' Story, Britney's Songs

Yes, really

(Newser) - How better to portray the story of Jesus Christ than by using ... the music of Britney Spears? That was, apparently, the brilliant idea that led to SPEARS: The Gospel According to Britney, a musical that will be performed at New York City's Foxwoods Theatre on Thursday, Fox News reports....

Archaeologists: We Found Piece of Jesus' Cross

Small relic undergoing tests in Turkey

(Newser) - Archaeologists working at an ancient church in Turkey think they've unearthed a piece of the world's most famous cross, the one used to crucify Jesus. They found a stone chest during excavation at a 1,350-year-old church, and the chest had a number of relics inside believed to...

Would-Be Florida Mayor Endorsed by ... Jesus

Christ sent Anna Pierre signs, but she won't say what they were

(Newser) - A North Miami mayoral candidate has pretty much the endorsement to end all endorsements: Jesus Christ himself. Anna Pierre touts what she calls the "spiritual endorsement" on her campaign posters, and says she knows she's the one because the son of God sent her three signs that he...

Churches Reject Sculpture of Homeless Jesus

Toronto artist wanted 'marginalized' people to relate

(Newser) - A new sculpture of Jesus looks a lot like a homeless person lying on a bench—which, ironically, is why it had trouble finding a home, the Toronto Star reports. Artist Timothy Schmalz carved Jesus huddling under a blanket so that "marginalized" people could relate. Jesus was, after all,...

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