glass ceiling

20 Stories

Hours After Mexico Broke Glass Ceiling, Female Mayor Killed

Cotija mayor Yolanda Sanchez was shot 19 times

(Newser) - Mere hours after Mexico broke the glass ceiling in its highest office with the election of Claudia Sheinbaum to the presidency, gunmen mowed down a female mayor in the state of Michoacan. As the BBC reports, Yolanda Sanchez was the first woman elected to the post in the city of...

Female Umpire Moves Closer to Big Leagues

Jen Pawol will work spring training games this year

(Newser) - Jen Pawol is on the verge of becoming Major League Baseball's first female umpire. The 47-year-old from New Jersey has been selected to work a full-time big league spring training schedule this year, reports CBS Sports . That puts her on track to become the first woman to umpire a...

NBA Gets First Female Assistant Coach

WNBA star Becky Hammon joins San Antonio Spurs

(Newser) - A little glass shattered today in the world of sports: The San Antonio Spurs hired WNBA all-star Becky Hammon as an assistant coach—a first for a woman in the NBA, reports the Washington Post . Hammon, who is retiring this year after 16 seasons in the women's league, had...

Hillary: Time to Shatter 'Highest Glass Ceiling'
 Hillary: Time to 
 Shatter 'Highest 
 Glass Ceiling' 


Hillary: Time to Shatter 'Highest Glass Ceiling'

Says, 'I know I have a decision to make'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton sits down with People magazine for a cover story, and the one media outlet you think might let The Subject of Unending Speculation go, in fact does not. "I know I have a decision to make," she says of making a second run for the Oval...

Warren Buffett: Women Are Going to Drive US Success

Berkshire boss thinks it's time for women to achieve their full potential

(Newser) - Warren Buffett is an eternal optimist, and there's one big reason he's high on America's long-term economic future: women. "America has forged its success while utilizing, in large part, only half of the country's talent," he muses in a piece for Fortune . From the...

Among Best-Liked CEOs, Only One Woman

Victoria Secret's Sharen Turney is it, and stereotypes might be to blame: Vivian Giang

(Newser) - A new survey that ranks how well CEOs are liked by their own employees has only one woman among its 50 names, notes Vivian Giang at Business Insider . Sharen Turney of Victoria's Secret is the only one to make it, and only then at No. 42. In trying to...

Take Our Daughters to Work Day Needs an Upgrade
Take Our Daughters to Work Day Needs an Upgrade

Take Our Daughters to Work Day Needs an Upgrade

Let's show girls not just the office but the CEO suite: Jennifer Allyn

(Newser) - Today is the 20th anniversary of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, and Jennifer Allyn at the Christian Science Monitor says it's time to declare mission accomplished and refocus on a bigger goal. Two decades ago, it was enough to get young girls in the workplace and "demystify"...

Virginia Rometty Named First Female CEO of IBM
 IBM Names First 
 Female CEO 

IBM Names First Female CEO

Global sales boss Virginia Rometty to take reins next year

(Newser) - IBM, long seen as a slow-moving boys’ club, has named its first female CEO. Global sales head Virginia Rometty will take over from Sam Palmisano in January, making IBM the highest-valued US corporation run by a woman, Reuters reports. Industry and Wall Street observers applauded the decision, which retains Palmisano...

10 Glass Ceilings Not Yet Cracked

White House chief of staff, Navy Seal, US prez among them

(Newser) - A dozen Fortune 500 companies may have female CEOs, but many glass ceilings remain to be cracked by US women. The BBC spots 10:
  • White House Chief of Staff. "CJ Cregg of TV's The West Wing might make the list for best chief of staff of all time,

Geraldine Ferraro, the First Woman to Run for Vice President, Is Dead at 75
 Geraldine Ferraro Dead at 75 

Geraldine Ferraro Dead at 75

She was the first woman to run for vice president

(Newser) - Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to run on a major party's presidential ticket, has died at age 75, reports Politico . The former Queens congresswoman made political history when she accepted Walter Mondale's invitation to be his vice-presidential running mate in 1984. "If we can do this, we can do...

Female Execs Few, but They Out-Earn the Boys

 Female Execs 
 Few, but They 
 Out-Earn the Boys 
Goodbye Glass Ceiling?

Female Execs Few, but They Out-Earn the Boys

Overall, women still earn less than men

(Newser) - America's top businesswomen are making top dollar, finds Bloomberg . Sixteen women heading companies in the S&P 500 Index averaged payouts of $14.2 million last year. That's 43% more than the male average. Carol Bartz of Yahoo and Irene Rosenfeld of Kraft led the way, pulling in $47.2...

Kathryn Bigelow: 'Transvestite of Directors'

Hurt Locker director plays it like a man to fit in in macho Hollywood

(Newser) - Kathryn Bigelow may be a female director, Martha P. Nochimson writes, but her success comes from “masquerading as the baddest boy on the block.” Yup, the Hurt Locker auteur is not the “Queen of Directors,” as Quentin Tarantino described her, but the “Transvestite of Directors....

'Hillary Effect' Credited for Rise of Female Diplomats

There are more woman diplos in Washington than ever

(Newser) - The number of women diplomats in Washington has jumped five-fold since the 1990s, thanks, in part, to Hillary Clinton. Washington-watchers and female diplomats say the rise of female politicians like Clinton has opened doors for a new cadre of women. "Hillary is so visible," Mozambique ambassador Amelia Matos...

Sandra Bullock's Blind Side Hits Record $200M
Sandra Bullock's Blind Side Hits Record $200M

Sandra Bullock's Blind Side Hits Record $200M

Becomes the first flick anchored by a female star to cross barrier

(Newser) - Sandra Bullock has become the first female star to carry a film past $200 million in domestic box office. Her football flick, The Blind Side, has made $208.5 million in seven weeks of release. Earlier star vehicles like Julia Roberts’ Erin Brockovich have fallen short; that movie made just...

For Female Umps, No Field of Dreams
 For Female Umps, 
 No Field of Dreams 

For Female Umps, No Field of Dreams

Female umpire speaks out against baseball's 'stained-grass ceiling'

(Newser) - Forget blown calls. The real problem with umpires in the MLB, says Perry Barber: A complete lack of females. Barber, who has been in the business since 1981, works high school, college, spring training, and Independent League games—and tells DoubleX , “ We’re just going to have to storm...

Pitcher Is First Woman to Play in Japan Pro League

17-year-old faces 2 batters, strikes out 1

(Newser) - Eri Yoshida became the first woman to play professional baseball against men in Japan today, where the pitcher had a strikeout in her debut, the AP reports. The 17-year-old, whose signing was widely viewed as a publicity stunt, faced just two batters, walking the first and allowing a stolen base....

Can Michelle Defy Stereotypes?
 Can Michelle Defy Stereotypes? 

Can Michelle Defy Stereotypes?

Why hasn't the 'Claire Huxtable' generation been accepted into the mainstream?

(Newser) - It's no wonder Michelle Obama is being criticized from all sides: She's an outspoken, successful black woman, writes Sophia A. Nelson in the Washington Post. "This society can't even see a woman like Michelle Obama. All it sees is a black woman and attaches stereotypes," a prominent female...

Why White Men Are Warming Up to Hillary
 Why White Men Are
 Warming Up to Hillary 

Why White Men Are Warming Up to Hillary

Is Clinton drawing more male voters because she's jumped the gender divide?

(Newser) - When a woman makes it to the White House, it will be thanks largely to Hillary Clinton's demonstration of late that she could move beyond annoying stereotypes of the strong female, writes Susan Faludi in the New York Times. Instead of being a goody-goody rules-pusher—"the purse-lipped killjoy who...

Doesn't Matter If Dems Fight: McCain Has Already Peaked

Lefty and righty both see a ceiling for Republican hopeful

(Newser) - The bruising Obama-Clinton battle is giving Republicans hope and Dems heartburn, but those feelings are misplaced, bloggers right and left agree: John McCain isn’t gaining on either potential fall opponents—and might indeed have hit his ceiling. At a moment that “ought to be peak time” for McCain,...

Norway Shatters Its Glass Ceiling
Shatters Its
Glass Ceiling

Norway Shatters Its Glass Ceiling

Nation requires 40% of big companies' boards to be female

(Newser) - A state-mandated shattering of Norway's glass ceiling is drastically changing gender balance in boardrooms there—and not without some resistance, the Guardian reports. A law that 40% of non-executive board directorships at larger firms must go to women went into effect Feb. 22—and though a dozen Norwegian companies failed...

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