
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Congress Gets a Raise
 Congress Gets a Raise 

Congress Gets a Raise

Watchdog groups slam lawmakers' automatic pay raise amid economic chaos

(Newser) - The flatlining economy hasn't stopped Congress from getting a pay raise, the Hill reports. Lawmakers will get an extra $4,700 a year starting in January, amounting to a total of $2.5 million. The 2.8% automatic raise is only half as large as the cost of living adjustment...

Dubya: Jeb Would Be 'Awesome' Senator

President touts brother's fitness for Fla. seat

(Newser) - President Bush gave his little brother a glowing job recommendation, telling RealClearPolitics the former Florida governor would make “an awesome US senator.” Among those who stand to benefit if Jeb Bush runs to replace retiring Republican Mel Martinez in 2010, per Dubya: The GOP, Florida, and the country....

Sources: Paterson Not So Keen on Caroline

Governor thinks NY needs a more assertive voice in the Senate

(Newser) - David Paterson likes and respects Caroline Kennedy, but the New York governor isn't so sure she's cut out to be Hillary Clinton's replacement. Giving Kennedy 20-1 odds, an anonymous insider tells Fredric U. Dicker of the New York Post that Paterson wants his state to have a louder voice in...

Alaska Senator Warns Palin: Mitts Off My Seat

Palin could make Senate run on road to presidency

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may consider a 2010 Senate run as a stepping stone to a 2012 presidential bid—but the current occupant of said seat isn't about to make way for the GOP rock star. Fellow Republican and Alaska's newly senior senator Lisa Murkowski “can guarantee it would be a...

Stevens Won't Rule Out Pursuing Prez Pardon

Convicted senator may seek clemency from Bush

(Newser) - Even as Ted Stevens appeals of his seven-count felony conviction, the disgraced senator isn't ruling outthe possibility of seeking a pardon from President Bush, the Anchorage Daily News reports. "If I were counsel to him, I would encourage him," says Alaska's former US attorney, a Stevens supporter. "...

GOP Delays Vote to Oust Stevens

GOP senators wait for race to be decided

(Newser) - Senate Republicans will wait until Alaska announces a victor in the still-tight race for Ted Stevens' seat before voting on whether he will be allowed to keep it. The last batch of ballots in the race is expected to be counted today, as the longest-serving conservative senator—who trails by...

McCain Sees Comeback; Tightening Race More Like It

Broader, old-school attacks bringing some GOP voters back to fold, but that's no surge

(Newser) - As supporters get increasingly giddy about Barack Obama’s persistent lead in the polls, advisers to John McCain charge the media is ignoring a comeback by their candidate, writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post. The McCain campaign credits a return to a traditionally Republican tax-based argument for some recent...

Prosecution, Stevens Tangle
 Prosecution, Stevens Tangle 

Prosecution, Stevens Tangle

Alaska senator's temper emerges under cross-examination

(Newser) - The defense rested in the Ted Stevens corruption trial this afternoon, and the famously feisty senator then submitted to cross-examination. After 5 hours of friendly guidance from his own lawyers, the lead prosecutor's rapid-fire questioning didn't sit well, Politico reports. “I’m not going to get in the middle...

Powell Testifies to Stevens' 'Sterling' Rep

Ex-general, diplomat appears at senator's corruption trial

(Newser) - Colin Powell testified in Ted Stevens' defense today, characterizing the Alaska senator's reputation as "sterling" and saying he "was someone whose word you could rely on." On the stand in Washington as a character witness, the ex-secretary of state impishly said he had "dabbled a bit...

Sen. Stevens Loses His Bid for Mistrial

(Newser) - Ted Stevens' corruption trial will continue despite serious errors by prosecutors, a federal judge in Washington ruled this afternoon. Material that should have been turned over to the senator's defense team much earlier surfaced Wednesday, infuriating Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Anchorage Daily News reports. He declined to dismiss the case...

Oil Exec: Sen. Stevens Wasn't Serious About Paying Bills

Man whose company renovated Republican's home continues testimony

(Newser) - Ted Stevens avoided eye contact with onetime buddy Bill Allen as the former oil exec detailed his company’s renovations on the senator’s home, the Wall Street Journal reports. Allen says he received thank-you notes from Stevens saying, “You owe me a bill. … It just has to...

Judge: Stevens Can Skip Court, But Jury Won't Know Why

Lawyers asked that Senate duty be noted

(Newser) - If Ted Stevens leaves court to attend to the current financial crisis, a federal judge warns he won't relay details to the jury, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Jurors in the corruption trial would simply be notified of the senator's absence and told that there is nothing wrong with it,...

Biden's Story: Tenacity Born of Tragedy

Foreign policy heavyweight brings experience to ticket

(Newser) - Blunt, tough and seasoned, Obama veepstakes winner Joe Biden has a history of surviving both personal tragedy and political disappointment. Delaware's News-Journal details the story of the state's favorite son, who became modern history's youngest senator when elected at 29. His wife and baby daughter died in a car crash...

Biden Offers Foreign Policy Heft, Baggage to Obama Ticket

But his DC insider status could undermine

(Newser) - Several of Barack Obama's potential running mates hit the Sunday talk show circuit yesterday. But Joseph Biden was in Tbilisi at the personal invitation of the Georgian president to discuss the ongoing military crisis. For the New York Times, Biden's weekend trip highlights the clout of the chairman of the...

Reid Takes the Long View
Reid Takes
the Long View

Reid Takes the Long View

Senate majority leader points toward 2010, looking to avoid Daschle's fate

(Newser) - Harry Reid has positioned himself among the Democratic elite in Washington, but that doesn't mean the Senate majority leader is taking his eye off of the 2010 election in his home state of Nevada, reports Politico. Reid is maintaining his power position in the Senate while discreetly launching a campaign...

Nat'l Review: Stevens, Get Out
 Nat'l Review:
 Stevens, Get Out

Nat'l Review: Stevens, Get Out

Indicted Republican senator 'disgraced himself and his office'

(Newser) - Newly indicted Ted Stevens should resign as soon as possible, write the editors of the National Review. The Alaskan senator, who is accused of seven counts of making false statements, legally “deserves the benefit of the doubt—but not from an ethical standpoint,” they note. “The facts...

Ted Stevens Indicted on 7 Felony Counts

Octogenarian Republican alleged not to have disclosed gifts

(Newser) - A federal grand jury in Washington has indicted Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens on 7 felony counts of making false statements in connection with a 4-year-long corruption probe, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The 84-year-old Republican is charged with failing to report on Senate financial disclosure forms gifts of more than...

Don't Forget About the Other Jesse Helms
Don't Forget About the Other Jesse Helms

Don't Forget About the Other Jesse Helms

Right-wing senator hired blacks and battled AIDS with Bono

(Newser) - Many remember Jesse Helms as an unflinching bigot who fought civil rights and foreign aid, but the former North Carolina senator also softened some views and befriended Bono, John Hunt writes in the Wall Street Journal. “Contrary to his reputation, Helms did change his mind,” Hunt notes: He...

The Youngest Brother Is His Own Man
The Youngest Brother Is
His Own Man

The Youngest Brother Is His Own Man

Yes, he's a Kennedy, but Ted is loved for effectiveness, not flash

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's malignant brain tumor adds yet another chapter to the tragic epic of the Kennedy clan, Robert Kaiser writes in the Washington Post. The youngest of Joe Kennedy's sons got a huge boost from his older brothers when he entered politics, Kaiser notes, but he built his legacy of...

Kennedy Has Malignant Brain Tumor

Senator's prognosis uncertain; treatment may include chemo, radiation

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, CNN reports. The 76-year-old senator has a glioma, the most common brain cancer in adults. Kennedy will spend at least 2 more days at the Boston hospital where he's been undergoing extensive tests since suffering two seizures Saturday at...

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