Middle East

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Israel Can &#39;Win&#39; This War&mdash;at the Bargaining Table

 How Israel Can 
 'Win' This War 

How Israel Can 'Win' This War

Peter Beinart: A 'unity' deal is the best solution

(Newser) - "Hamas forced Israel’s hand" by firing more rockets into Israel with each passing year, writes Peter Beinart at the Daily Beast . The question is why, and how can that answer help both sides achieve peace? Beinart looks back to when Hamas took power in Gaza in 2006: Washington...

Israel: We're 'Ready for a Ground Operation'

Hamas rep says peace talks have failed

(Newser) - With Israeli air strikes raining down on Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today he would only stop the attacks if Hamas halted its rocket fire, Ynet News reports. Netanyahu added that Israel is looking for "a way to meet the operation's objectives without a ground offensive,"...

McCain&#39;s Pick for Middle East Negotiator: Bill Clinton
McCain's Pick for Middle East Negotiator: Bill Clinton
talk show roundup

McCain's Pick for Middle East Negotiator: Bill Clinton

Highlights from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - John McCain has an idea for finally negotiating peace in the Middle East: Send in Bill Clinton. "The United States should obviously be as heavily influential as they can," McCain said on CBS's Face the Nation today when asked about the Israel-Gaza conflict. Thus Clinton, "a...

Israel Shells Gaza, Shoots Down Rocket

Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip hit by 300 air strikes

(Newser) - Israel bombarded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip with about 300 airstrikes today and shot down a Palestinian rocket fired at Tel Aviv, the military said, widening a blistering assault to include the Hamas prime minister's headquarters, a police compound, and a vast network of smuggling tunnels. The Israeli attacks, which...

Gulf States: We Support Syria's New Opposition

The Gulf Cooperation Council backs newly forged group

(Newser) - The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council recognized the new broad-based Syrian opposition group today as the legitimate representatives of the Syrian people, the first formal endorsement of the opposition group that seeks to topple President Bashar Assad. Syrian anti-government groups struck a deal yesterday after more than a week of meetings...

Drone Retaliation: Israeli Jets Buzz Lebanon

Lawmaker accuses Hezbollah of launching Iranian drone

(Newser) - Israeli fighter planes flew low over Lebanese towns today in apparent retaliation for a mysterious drone that crossed Israel this weekend, the AP reports. The military didn't directly blame Hezbollah—a powerful Shiite group in Lebanon—for the drone, but Haaretz pointed a finger at them and an Israeli...

Google to Users: Watch Out for State-Sponsored Attacks

New warnings from Google pop up for thousands of users

(Newser) - The next time you log in to Gmail or run a Google search, don't be surprised if you see a warning that "state-sponsored attackers may be attempting to compromise your account or computer.” The search engine giant is issuing the messages to tens of thousands of users...

More Romney Video: Peace in Middle East Impossible

We'd 'kick the ball down the field': candidate

(Newser) - Mother Jones has more from the Mitt Romney fundraiser that yielded yesterday's off-the-cuff footage . This time, Romney is discussing foreign policy, particularly his feeling that "there's just no way" to establish peace between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians, he says in the tape, have "no...

Is This the Moment for a Greater Kurdistan?
Is This the Moment
for a Greater Kurdistan?

Is This the Moment for a Greater Kurdistan?

Unrest in Syria strengthening Kurds position around region

(Newser) - With Syria mired in civil war, Iraq still unstable, and Iran and Turkey watching warily, could this be the last, best chance for a "Greater Kurdistan?" asks Pepe Escobar at al-Jazeera . The two major Kurdish parties in Syria have already come together to run the country's northeast, in...

Netanyahu: Iran's Nukes 'Dwarf' Other Threats

Experts divided whether Netanyahu posturing

(Newser) - Syria descending into civil war, the Arab Spring, instability in Egypt—the Middle East is full of uncertainties that threaten Israel, but all of them are "dwarfed" by Iran's nuclear threat, said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last night, reports Reuters . Netanyahu's comments were broadcast live by...

Islamists Kill 15 Egyptians on Israeli Border

Israel strikes back with aerial assault

(Newser) - Islamists gunned down at least 15 Egyptian police officers and stole an army tank today in an attack on a Sinai police station close to the Israeli border, Reuters reports. Israeli aircraft responded by destroying a vehicle used by the attackers; another of their vehicles exploded at the North Sinai...

What's the US to Do After Exiting Iraq? Stay in Kuwait

13.5K soldiers will help secure the region: report

(Newser) - The US has no combat force in Iraq and a wary eye on Iran: What's a nervous country to do? Maintain a force in neighboring Kuwait, apparently. The AP obtained an advance copy of a congressional report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, set to be released today, that...

Libya Retakes Tripoli Airport

Disgruntled militiamen stormed site with heavy machine guns

(Newser) - Libya's government has retaken control of the country's main airport from disgruntled militiamen who stormed the Tripoli site with heavy machine guns and armored vehicles today, Libya's interim leader said. In an interview with the Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera, the head of the country's National Transitional...

Thousands Protest Mubarak Trial Ruling

Acquittal of Mubarak sons fuels rage in Tahrir Square

(Newser) - A mixed ruling in the Hosni Mubarak ruling set off street protests today, and by nightfall, a large crowd of up to 10,000 was back in Cairo's Tahrir Square to vent anger over the acquittals. Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison, but he and his two sons...

Syria-Linked Clashes Kill 7 in Lebanon

Tripoli fighting wounds another 22 people

(Newser) - Gun battles between pro- and anti-Syrian groups in northern Lebanon killed at least seven people and wounded 22 today, security officials said, as activists reported fresh shelling in a region in central Syria where a massacre last week left more than 100 people dead. The clashes were the latest to...

Huge Cyber Attack Targets Iran, Middle East

Dubbed Flame, the virus may have struck Iran's oil facilities

(Newser) - A surprisingly complex computer virus has struck Iran's oil facilities and spread across the Middle East, CNET reports. Dubbed Flame by analysts, the malware appears state-sponsored and designed to plunder data from personal computers and major networks alike, according to Russian Internet security giant Kaspersky Labs. "The complexity...

In the Holy Land, Attempts to Revive Jesus' Language

Schools in two villages teaching Aramaic

(Newser) - In two Holy Land villages—and, randomly, Sweden—efforts are being made to revive Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke that has been almost dead for centuries. The Palestinian village of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem, and the Arab-Israeli village of Jish, in the Galilean hills where Jesus taught, were both inspired...

Mitt and 'Bibi': Closer Than You Might Think

Romney and Netanyahu have been friends since the '70s

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a close ally in the Middle East—so close that the GOP contender defers to him on issues, chats with him in near-shorthand, and once offered him his Rolodex, the New York Times reports. Romney's friendship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dates back to the...

Why Afghanistan Is a &#39;Fool&#39;s Errand&#39;
 Why Afghanistan 
 Is a 'Fool's Errand' 
Thomas Friedman

Why Afghanistan Is a 'Fool's Errand'

We cannot export democracy, just support democratic institutions

(Newser) - It's no surprise that US policies are failing in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, and around the region—they're completely missing what makes countries succeed, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times . The key, according to a new book, Why Nations Fail , is developing "inclusive" economic and political...

Ahmadinejad: We Don't Give a Damn About West's Bombs

Iran's president also takes aim at Israel and its supporters

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed out at the West today in a televised speech, saying "the Iranian nation will not give a damn for [your] bombs, warships, and planes." Taking an apparent shot at President Obama, he added, "They say all [options] are on the table. Well,...

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