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NATO Seals Kosovo Borders
NATO Seals Kosovo Borders

NATO Seals Kosovo Borders

Troops called in after mobs burn border posts

(Newser) - NATO peacekeepers have sealed off Kosovo's northern borders after angry mobs torched border posts, the BBC reports. US troops have blocked the main road to Serbia, and French and Estonian troops have cut off the crossing to Montenegro. The move is bound to infuriate Serbs both in Kosovo and Serbia,...

Violence Erupts in Split Kosovo
Violence Erupts in Split Kosovo

Violence Erupts in Split Kosovo

New country 'inches away from partition'

(Newser) - Hundreds of Serbs torched government and UN buildings in Kosovo today in the worst violence since the country declared independence on Sunday, raising fears of an ethnic split, Reuters reports. Seemingly well-organized gangs rampaged near the border, driving off peacekeepers who tried to intervene. No injuries were reported. “We...

Serbia Calls Home US Envoy
Serbia Calls Home US Envoy

Serbia Calls Home US Envoy

PM vows to pull diplomats from all nations that support Kosovo independence

(Newser) - Serbia called home its US ambassador today to protest America's recognition of Kosovo's independence, the BBC reports. Serbian PM Vojislav Kostunica called the move Serbia's "first urgent measure," and warned that envoys in other countries that recognize Kosovar autonomy will soon be withdrawn.

US, EU States Recognize Independent Kosovo
US, EU States Recognize Independent Kosovo

US, EU States Recognize Independent Kosovo

Spain withholds nod; prez gets ahead of US State Dept.

(Newser) - The US and major European states recognized Kosovo as an independent state today, reports Reuters. Condoleezza Rice issued an official statement several hours after President Bush jumped the gun by saying in a speech in Africa that Kosovo is "now independent." His Secretary of State said later: "...

Kosovo Independence Splits EU
Kosovo Independence Splits EU

Kosovo Independence Splits EU

Some fear feisty new nation could inspire separatists elsewhere

(Newser) - A meeting of EU officials today to discuss Kosovo is likely to reveal deep-seated divisions within the European Union. While Britain, France and Germany are expected to recognize the newly independent Kosovo immediately, other states like Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Spain worry about the message such recognition will send to...

Kosovo Declares Independence
Kosovo Declares Independence

Kosovo Declares Independence

Serbia enraged as US, EU expected to recognize new country tomorrow

(Newser) - Kosovo's parliament declared independence from Serbia today by a unanimous vote, the BBC reports. "We have waited for this day for a very long time,” said PM Hashim Thaci, before reading the declaration, which promised respect for the Serbian minority. Serbia’s PM, meanwhile, slammed the US and...

EU Force Set for Kosovo on Eve of Independence

2,000 police and judges to help smooth transition

(Newser) - As Kosovo stands poised to declare independence from Serbia, the European Union is preparing to send a civilian police and justice mission to help enforce the rule of law in the fledgling country. The US and most of the EU support Kosovar independence; Serbia and Russia oppose it, but will...

Serbia Softens Threats Over Kosovo
Serbia Softens Threats Over Kosovo

Serbia Softens Threats Over Kosovo

Belgrade won't sever ties with countries that recognize new state

(Newser) - After earlier threatening to sever ties with countries recognizing an independent Kosovo, Serbia softened somewhat today in announcing it would merely pulls its ambassadors in those nations, the Guardian reports. Kosovo is likely to make official its break from Serbia—a move that worries the province's ethnic Serbs—on Sunday,...

Serbia, Russia Blast Kosovo Independence

Serbia won't cooperate, Putin hits 'hypocrasy' of Western support

(Newser) - Serbian and Russian leaders today lambasted Kosovo's imminent declaration of independence from Serbia, the Guardian reports. Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica declared the move illegal, and said his government won't cooperate with European efforts to keep Kosovo running. Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted as "immoral and illegal" Western nations'...

Kosovo Will Break From Serbia in 9 Days

UN showdown looms over unilateral declaration

(Newser) - Kosovo is set to declare independence next Sunday, Feb. 17, despite strong opposition by Serbia and Russia, according to US and EU diplomats.  The date had been reported in Kosovo newspapers but only received confirmation at the UN yesterday, writes the Los Angeles Times. Russia has said it will...

Serbian Government May Collapse Over Kosovo

Crisis looms only days after presidential vote

(Newser) - Serbia's coalition government approached collapse today, only days after voters gave a new mandate to pro-Western president Boris Tadic. His reelection has led to a face-off with his PM, who opposes his intention to sign a new EU trade agreement. The PM sees EU overtures as a ploy to trick...

Pro-West Tadic Wins in Serbia
Pro-West Tadic Wins in Serbia

Pro-West Tadic Wins in Serbia

Loser Nikolic warns EU not to blackmail Serbia over integration

(Newser) - Pro-West Serbian President Boris Tadic won a second-round reelection today that many saw as a referendum on Serbia’s entry into the European Union. He nabbed more than 50% of a vote that drew Serbia's highest turnout in 7 years. In defeat, challenger Tomislav Nikolic warned the EU not to...

Serbia's Future Depends on Kosovo
Serbia's Future Depends on Kosovo

Serbia's Future Depends on Kosovo

Looming declaration of independence may sway presidential voting

(Newser) - On the verge of declaring independence, Kosovo is the key in this year’s Serbian election, the Guardian reports. Tomislav Nicolic, a Russian-aligned Serbian nationalist, won the first round of the presidential elections last night, defeating moderate incumbent Boris Tadic 39% to 35%. Seven other candidates, many pro-Western, are out...

Polls Close in Tight Serbian Election

EU ties hang in balance as Kosovo split roils hopefuls

(Newser) - Polls have closed in Serbia in a tight presidential race between a Euro-friendly incumbent and a pro-Russian nationalist, the BBC reports. Neither pro-Western Boris Tadic nor rival Tomislav Nikolic—or any of seven other hopefuls—is expected to win a first-round majority. The election, which has sparked debates about Kosovo...

UN Fails to Break Kosovo Deadlock
UN Fails to
Break Kosovo Deadlock

UN Fails to Break Kosovo Deadlock

Province plans to declare independence in coming weeks

(Newser) - The United Nations Security Council failed yesterday to break the deadlock in negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, with one ambassador warning that "the status quo is unsustainable." The US and European Union are both arguing that the two parties remain irreconcilable and that further negotiations are worthless. Kosovo...

Serbs Threaten Kosovo War
Serbs Threaten Kosovo War

Serbs Threaten Kosovo War

Breakaway province might declare independence Monday

(Newser) - Serbia has prompted fears of renewed violence in the Balkans by threatening to go to war to prevent Kosovo from breaking away. After a four-month effort to resolve issues failed, Kosovo is set to declare its independence as early as Monday. In response, an adviser to the Serbian prime minister...

Kosovo Talks Collapse as Deadline Looms

Province will declare independence from Serbia on Dec. 10

(Newser) - The last, desperate round of talks between Serbia and Kosovo ended in a stalemate in Austria today, reports the BBC. With no compromise likely before the UN-imposed deadline of Dec. 10, Kosovo looks set to declare its independence unilaterally. The US and EU have signaled that they will support the...

New Ex-Reb Prime Minister Vows Kosovo Independence

Promises independence from Serbia by Dec. 10

(Newser) - A one-time rebel leader promising independence from Serbia surged to victory in yesterday's parliamentary elections in Kosovo. Prime Minister-elect Hashim Thaci, formerly a head of the Kosovo Liberation Army, vowed as he cast his ballot that he will declare Kosovo independent "immediately" if United Nations mediation fails to deliver...

Russia's New Weight Tips Global Scales

Putin's policies on Kosovo, Iran, nukes ruffle US, Euro feathers

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin's Russia is charging back into the international spotlight, the Christian Science Monitor reports, challenging European and US policies on a variety of issues. Putin has thrown a wrench into Kosovo’s all-but-assured independence from Serbia, backing Belgrade’s efforts to keep the province. Russian planes recently violated Norwegian...

US, EU Will Back Kosovo Secession
US, EU Will
Back Kosovo Secession

US, EU Will Back Kosovo Secession

Rice insists independence from Serbia is only option

(Newser) - The Bush administration and the EU will support an independent Kosovo with or without a UN-backed plan. Serbs and Kosovo Albanians will conduct a last round of negotiations on the breakaway country's status before a Dec. 10 deadline. If that deadline passes, Kosovo will declare independence and the US and...

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