United States

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Firms Raked in Big Bucks for CIA Rendition Flights

$300K 8-day trip for suspect is bared in court documents

(Newser) - What was bad for suspected terrorists turned out to fatten the wallets of US firms. Certain flight firms raked in cash as a result of the CIA's rendition program, in which suspects were carted off to foreign jails where they could be tortured and held without charges. The US...

Record Heat Claims 5 Lives
 Record Heat Claims 5 Lives 

Record Heat Claims 5 Lives

Top temperatures stagger Midwest, East Coast

(Newser) - America's baking heat wave claimed five lives this week before storms plunged temperatures as much as 40 degrees. The heat was so intense across the Midwest and East that it buckled pavement on a major Michigan interstate, killed power in Detroit, and shut schools across New Jersey, reports MSNBC...

Best Place to Be a Mom Is ...
 Best Place to Be a Mom Is... 

Best Place to Be a Mom Is...

...Norway, says index that considers maternity leave, mortality rates

(Newser) - Moms who want the good life should consider heading north. That's because Norway is the best place in the world to be a mother, according to new survey. Why? Norway has great health benefits, an average year-long maternity leave from work, and low child mortality rates, along with a...

US Hispanic Population Exceeds 50M

Latinos account for 16% of the nation

(Newser) - The latest Census Bureau numbers mark a milestone for the Hispanic population in the US—the figure exceeds 50 million for the first time. The total (50,477,594 to be exact) is a 43% increase from a decade ago, reports CNN . Related stats:
  • Hispanics, now the nation's second largest

Daniel Hannan: Member of European Parliament Warns the US Is Becoming Too Much Like Europe
 European Politician to US: 
 Don't Be Like Us

European Politician to US: Don't Be Like Us

Parliament member thinks America becoming too much like Europe

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn't a socialist as some of his critics like to say, but he's definitely a "Eurocrat," writes Daniel Hannan. And he should know—he's been a member of the European Parliament for 11 years. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, he argues that Obama is trying...

Wake Up, America, You're in Dangerous Decline

Fareed Zakaria: Our days of glory seem to be behind us

(Newser) - Fareed Zakaria is seriously worried about his adopted homeland of the United States. In a Time essay titled "Are America's Best Days Behind Us?" he makes the case that if they're not, they will be soon unless we wake up. The US may have been No. 1 for decades,...

Sorry, Naysayers, US Isn't Doomed

 Sorry, Naysayers, 
 US Isn't Doomed 

Sorry, Naysayers, US Isn't Doomed

Rebuttal essay: Don't cherry-pick stats, look at the bigger picture

(Newser) - David von Drehle begs to differ with fellow Time writer Fareed Zakaria's gloomy view of America's future . These doomsayers have been around since the country was in diapers, and the modern ones love to "cherry-pick dismal statistics from here and there to create an overall image of decline,"...

Yemen President: This Is a Secret US-Israeli Plot

Ally against al-Qaeda is apparently an ally no more

(Newser) - The president of Yemen lashed out at the US and Israel today and accused them of secretly controlling the democratic uprisings in the Arab world, the Los Angeles Times reports. Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key ally of the US in the war on al-Qaeda and the recipient of billions in...

North Korea Begs West for Food

But US, others, not so sure that's a great idea

(Newser) - North Korea is so hungry that it has, for the moment at least, abandoned its trademark bluster and started begging foreign governments for food, the Washington Post reports. But the US, which was the largest provider of food aid to North Korea until it shut off shipments two years ago,...

Obama's Goal of 1M Electric Cars by 2015 Is Doomed

Study: Manufacturers aren't ready to commit to those numbers

(Newser) - President Obama's goal of getting 1 million plug-in electric vehicles on America's roads by 2015 is all but certain to fail, concludes a new report done in conjunction with the auto industry. Despite decent debuts from the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf, major manufacturers won't be producing the volume of...

Israel Tested Stuxnet Worm Before Iran Attack

Tests on centrifuges in Israel helped make worm to effective

(Newser) - The high-tech computer virus that derailed Iran's nuclear program last year was tested in Israel as part of a joint US-Israel program, reports the New York Times . Israel's Dimona complex, home to its hush-hush nuclear arms program, tested the Stuxnet worm on nuclear centrifuges nearly identical to the ones Iran...

South Korea Launches In-Your-Face Military Exercise

Unofficial envoy fears 'crisis'

(Newser) - Despite global fears of a violent confrontation, South Korea launched fighter jets and fired live artillery in a military exercise close to the North Korea border. But the two-hour operation ended without incident, and Pyongyang officials promised not to retaliate, reversing earlier threats of a "deadly" response. Residents of...

Four Ways America Could Completely Fall Apart by 2025

Demise 'could come far more quickly than anyone imagines'

(Newser) - The United States' power is declining, and its total demise as the global superpower could be here by 2025, asserts history professor and author Alfred W. McCoy. On Tom Dispatch , he offers four scenarios detailing how that could happen:
  • Economic decline: Years and years of foreign wars swell the deficit,

Assange's Prison Reality: Limited Internet Access, Bad TV

He can't stand daytime TV at prison

(Newser) - WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange has been transferred to a segregation unit at Britain's Victorian Wandsworth prison, where his Internet access will be restricted, reports the Guardian . He's "quite chipper" and seems to be "bearing up," said attorney Mark Stephens. Assange, who's wearing standard-issue gray track-suit prison duds,...

US No Longer One of 20 Least Corrupt Nations

Falls to new low in global corruption rankings

(Newser) - For the first time ever, the US has fallen out of the top 20 in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, thanks to financial scandals and the growing influence of money in our politics, Reuters reports. The US is now seen as the 22nd-least-corrupt country in the world, down from...

Karzai: Iran, US Give Me Bags of Money

Afghan president confirms NYT report; says several countries donate

(Newser) - Afghanistan’s president confirmed a New York Times report that his office gets bags of cash from Iran, saying the US has long known about it—and that the US also provides “bags of money," the AP reports. The Iranian money comes in batches of some $700,000...

Colbert: Finland Is Better Than the US?!

 Colbert: Finland Is 
 Better Than the US?!  

Colbert: Finland Is Better Than the US?!

The Newsweek ranking is BS!

(Newser) - It's pretty darn obvious that the USA is the greatest country in the world, said Stephen Colbert in an especially hilarious segment last night : "We invented cars, we invented TVs, and we invented bragging!" This week's issue of Newsweek ranks the best countries in the world, and "...

Northern Lights Head South—for 1 Night

Aurora borealis may be visible in northern US tonight

(Newser) - Thanks to a plasma eruption that roiled the surface of the sun, residents of the northern US and Canada may be able to enjoy a spectacular show tonight—the Northern Lights. "This eruption is directed right at us, and is expected to get here early in the day on...

Space Station Cooling System Malfunctions

Spacewalks may be necessary to perform repairs

(Newser) - Half of the International Space Station's cooling system has suddenly shut down, forcing the astronauts on board to power down equipment and face the likelihood of urgent spacewalking repairs. After huddling today, NASA managers gave preliminary approval for a pair of spacewalks, the first of which would take place later...

Twitter Visualization Shows Detroit Is Never Happy

(Newser) - Some intrepid researchers at Harvard and Northeastern culled hundreds of millions of tweets over the past three years and analyzed the language to put together a handy YouTube visualization of people's moods across the country. Essentially, everyone's happiest when they wake up or are about to fall asleep and they're...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>